nedelja, 17. april 2016

Velikonočna razstava - dvorec Gutenbuchel 2016... / Easter exhibition - masion Gutenbuchel 2016...

English version at the bottom!!

Ta mesec pa resnično zamujam z objavami ... Se bom poboljšala ... obljubim :P ...
Nekatere slike so lanske (oblačno vreme), letos sem bila bolj osredotočena na razstavo :D ...
Če sem zamudila božično razstavo v dvorcu, sem se dobesedno zaklela, da velikonočne pa ne zamudim!! Ujela sem jo še zadnji dan, pa še to ne bi vedela, da bo razstava, če ne bi videla reklame na celjskem sejmu (Flora in poroka).

Mansion Gutenbuchel Link  LINK

Na tega zapuščenega baročnega lepotca sem prvič naletela lani na internetu čisto po naključju. In na moje presenečenje, še čisto blizu mojega wellnessa Zala (Topolšica)... Lahko bi rekli, da sem se skoraj mimo vozila, ne da bi vedela, kakšen dragulj se skriva za drevesi.
Tokrat sem ga hitreje našla kot pa lani, kjer sem se peljala dobesedno okoli riti v žep (hvala navigacija)!

Ravne pri Šoštanju

Dvorec iz ceste .../ Mansion from the road ...

Dvorec je uporabljala psihiatrična bolnišnica Vojnik, sedaj žal sameva.
Kako čudoviti prostori in okolica!! Polno cvetočih dreves, grmičkov, čudovite zunanje stoječe luči, kamniti kipi in rastlinjak!! Joooj kako je čudovit!! Kaj bi nekateri dali za takšen prostor!

Tisti, ki smo že bili v notranjosti dvorca, lahko samo rečemo čudovito! Pričakovala sem, da so pustili prazne sobe, ampak ne! Čudovite omare, detajli na tleh, stoli, mize in vse čudovito velikonočno aranžirano! Vstopnina je bila 3 € in na koncu je vsak obiskovalec dobil rožico :) . Prav tako mi je všeč, da so se vključili različni domačini s svojimi izdelki in pridelki. Lokalno in domače! Pohvalno!
Odlično aranžersko delo s strani podjetja PUP in hvala arhitektki Mateji Kumer za prijaznost, informacije in seveda veje vrbe, ki sem si jih lahko nabrala :D ... Želim vam še naprej veliko uspeha, še več takšnih razstav in vaš trud za obuditev takšnega dragulja zagotovo ne bo ostal neopažen! Hvala še enkrat!

Great slovenian present! Link  LOKO LOKO

Link Kmetija Imperl 

Rožica za vsakega obiskovalca ... / Flower for every visitor ...


This month really I am really late with the posts ... I'll do better in the future ... I promise: P ...
Some pictures are from last year (cloudy weather) because this year I was more focused into the exhibition :D 

If I missed a Christmas exhibition at the mansion, I literally swore that the Easter exhibition I will not miss !! I caught the last day of exhibition :D ...

At this abandoned baroque beauty I came across last year on the Internet quite by accident. And to my surprise, it is very close to my wellness Zala (Topolšica) ... You could say that I almost drove past without knowing what a treasure is hidden behind the trees.
This time I found it faster than last year, where I literally drove around the butt in the pocket (thanks to navigation)!

The mansion was used by Psychiatric Hospital Vojnik, now is sadly abandoned. How beautiful is  interior and surroundings !!Flowering trees, bushes, beautiful outer standing lamps, statues and greenhouse!! How wonderful !! What would some give for this kind of place!

Those who were already inside the mansion, we can only say wonderful! I was expecting to be left empty rooms, but no! Beautiful cabinets, details on the floor, chairs, tables and all the wonderful Easter Arrangement! Admission was € 3 and at the end each visitor received a flower :). I also like it that various locals were inculded with their products. Local and homemade! Like it alot!

Arrangements were excellent work by the company PUP and a special thanks to architect Mateja Kumer for her friendliness, information and of course for willow branches : D ... I wish you all the  success, many more such exhibitions and your efforts to revive such a jewel certainly will not go unnoticed! Thanks again!