sobota, 28. oktober 2017

Čokoladno - pomarančne rezine brez peke... / Chocolate - orange dessert (no baking)...

English version at the bottom!!

Evo mene nazaj med živimi :D ...
Julija in avgusta sem bila res na polno obremenjena, kam je šlo poletje itak ne vem, kam je šel september tudi ne, no počasi pa bo že konec oktobra...groza!
Seveda nisem tukaj, da jamram, ampak da delim en simpl recept :)

Recept sem zasledila na blogu Bakina kuhinja in ker smo še imeli ene kore za porabiti iz Srbije, je bil recept kot naročen, da ga preizkusim, če je res tako dober kot izgleda :) .

Za rezine potrebujemo:
  •  1x kore (8 kom) lahko se naročijo TUKAJ
Čokoladna krema:
  • 1 l mleka
  • 100 g Rame
  • 3 čokoladne pudinge
  • 7 žlic sladkorja
  • 1 žlica gustina
Pomarančna krema:
  • 1 l pomarančnega soka (sveži ali kupljen)
  • 50 g Rame
  •  3 vanilijeve pudinge
  • 7 žlic sladkorja
  • 1 žlica gustina 
  • 100 g čokolade za kuhanje
  • 100 g Rame 

Pripravimo sestavine za čokoladno kremo.

 Zmešamo 3 dcl mleka, puding, sladkor in gustin.

Preostalemu mleku dodamo maslo. Pudinga še ne skuhamo!!

Pripravimo sestavine za pomarančno kremo.

Pomaranče stisnemo. Če imamo kupljen sok, ta korak preskočimo.

Pripravimo 3 dcl soka, puding, sladkor, gustin in zmešamo.

K preostalemu soku dodamo maslo.

Sedaj so naši nadevi pripravljeni na zadnjo fazo :)

Pudinge vmešamo v vroče mleko / sok in konstantno mešamo.

Pripravimo kore in nadeve.

Začnemo s pomarančnim nadevom oz. po želji :) .

Zadnje kore ne mažemo. Pecivo obtežimo in postavimo v hladilnik za par ur.

Pripravimo sestavine za preliv.

Stopimo nad vodno paro.

Polijemo po kori.

Postavimo v hladilnik.
Rezine so osvežilne in nam so zelo prijale na jutranjem hribolazenju na Hum v Laškem, če odštejem tiste, katere je Monika prevrgla po tleh :)

Prijetno sladkanje!

English version!!

Hello I am back from the dead :D ...In July and August, I was really fully ocupied, I have no idea when the summer was over, I do not even know where September went and now is already the end of October ... horror!Of course, we are not here to moan but to share one simple recipe :)I found the recipe on blog Bakina tajna and since we still had one "kore" to spend which we got from Serbia, was the recipe perfect to try if this dessert is as good as it looks :).
We will need:

1x kore (8 pcs) Chocolate cream:

- 1 l of milk
- 100 g butter
- 3 chocolate puddings
- 7 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of starchOrange cream:

- 1 l of orange juice (fresh or purchased)
- 50 g butter
- 3 vanilla pudding
- 7 tablespoons of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of starchDressing:

100 g of chocolate for cooking
100 g butterPrepare ingredients for chocolate cream.Mix 3 dcl of milk, pudding, sugar and starch.Add the butter to the remaining milk. Do not cook the pudding yet!!Prepare ingredients for orange cream.We squeeze oranges. If you bought juice, skip this step.Prepare 3 dcl juice, pudding, sugar, starch and mix.Add the butter to the remaining juice.Now our cream is ready for the last phase :)Puddings are mixed in hot milk / juice and constantly stirred.Prepare the kore and the hoods.We start with orange filling or chocolate, it's your decision.
We do not spread the filling onto the last kore.  

Weight the dessert and place them in the fridge for several hours.Prepare the ingredients for the dressing.Melt the ingredients over the waterbath.Pour the chocolate over the kore. Put it in the fridge to cool it down.