torek, 6. februar 2018

Fritule - recept iz otoka Murter... / Fritule - recipe from the Murter Island...

No, pa sem se le spravila k računalniku, da po 7 mesecih napišem recept, katerega sem prejela na lanskem dopustu na otoku Murter, natančneje v vasici Jezera. Zadnji večer sem žal prepozno prišla do znamenitih fritul, ker jih je gospa čisto vsak dan razprodala, sem pa zato dobila nekaj boljšega... njen recept! Sem bila prav presenečena, da mi ga je zaupala, ponavadi so ti recepti skrivnost, zato sem hitro vzela telefon v roke in napisala "skrivne" sestavine.

  • 2 jajci
  • 450 g gladke moke
  • 4 dcl tekočega jogurta
  • 2 vanilijeva sladkorja
  • 1 pecilni prašek
  • 2 žlici sladkorja
  • malo sol
  • 1 pomarančna lupinica
  • 1 žlica rakije / šnopsa
  • 1 žlica ruma

 Vse sestavine zmešamo skupaj, razen moke in pecilnega praška.

Na koncu dodamo moko in pecilni prašek.
Masa mora biti gosta.

 Cvremo na 160°C. S kuhalnico je toplota primerna, ko se pričnejo nabirati mehurčki okoli kuhalnice.

Fritule oblikujemo s pomočjo žlice, katero pomočimo v olje, da se fritule lažje "odcepijo" iz žlice.
Cvremo 3 do 4 minut na eni strani na zmernem ognju. Miške oz. fritule obrnemo večkrat.

Miške odcedimo na papirnatih brisačkah, posipamo s sladkorjem v prahu, ali jih kar namočimo v domačo marmelado. Mmmm z višnjevo domačo marmelado so miške bile bomba in za prvič so mi prav lepo uspele! :D

Prijetno sladkanje!

English version!

Finally I put myself together to write a recipe that I got 7 months ago. I received the recipe last year on the island of Murter, more precisely in the village Jezera. The last night, I stayed at the Island I wanted to get that yummy "Fritule" dessert but I was too late, because the lady sold them out every single day, but I got something better ... her recipe! I was very surprised that she trusted me the recipe, usually these recipes are a secret, so I quickly took the phone in my hand and wrote the "secret" ingredients.We will need:

- 2 eggs
- 450 g of smooth flour
- 4 dcl of liquid yogurt
- 2 vanilla sugar
- 1 baking powder
- 2 tablespoons sugar
pinch of salt
- 1 orange peel
- 1 tablespoon of brandy

    - 1 tablespoon rumMix together all ingredients, except flour and baking powder.At the end, add flour and baking powder.The mass must be dense.Fry at 160 ° C. If you use cooking hob, the heat is suitable when bubbles start to accumulate around the cooking hob.Fry 3 to 4 minutes on one side on moderate heat. Mice or Fritule are turn several times. they need to have golden crust.Drain the mice on paper towels, sprinkle with powdered sugar, or soak them in the marmalade. Mmmm the mice were a bomb with cherry homemade marmalade and they came out preety well since it was my first time that I made Fritule! : DEnjoy!

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