torek, 31. marec 2015

Oblečeni okvirji..../ Dressed frames...

Ponovno sem oblačila stvari v nove oblekce, tokrat okvirje. Eden z riževim papirjem, eden s servietno tehniko. Pa še zadnjič sem jamrala čez serviete, ampak jih moram porabiti...
Okvirji so za našo bodočo začasno pisarno. Čeprav bo začasna, mora vseeno imeti ženske dodatke...
No slika z dedkom in babico je samo improvizacija in ne gre v pisarno, za njiju imam drugačne okvirje...

Before / after

Okvirje sem kupila v Velenju v Momaxu, manjši 3,50€, večji 5€. Najraje imam njihove okvirje, predvsem tiste večje, debelo ogrodje in najpomembnejše, da niso železni, srebrni, stekleni in načičkani s srčki, mavricami, delfinčki in vrtnicami...razen če jih narediš sam..potem trud.

Decoupage- napkin (my way) and rice paper

Z okvirji ni bilo veliko dela, razen manjši mi je povzročal malo težav z obrezovanjem, pri velikemu ni bilo težav.
Upam, da bo ženskam všeč...

Who wants to achieve distant goal, needs to take a lot of small steps...


Once again, I put the dress on the new things and this time were frames. One was made with rice paper and other with napkin technique. And the last time I was whining over napkins, but I have many of them left ... 
Frames are for our temporary office. Even if it is temporary office it needs women accessories ... 
Picture with grandpa and grandma is just improvisation and it is not for the office, for them I have a different frames ...

I bought frames in Velenje in Momax;the smallest was € 3.50 and the bigger one was € 5. I love their frames, especially the larger ones, thick frame and most importantly, they are not iron, silver, glass and with hearts, rainbows, dolphins and flowers ... unless they are diy...then I tolerate ... for the effort.

 The frames were not a lot of work, except for the smaller one, it caused me a few problems with trimming and with the larger frame there were no problems. 
I hope that women like it ...

četrtek, 26. marec 2015

Krnsko jezero in problemi s kravo.../ Lake Krn and problems with a cow...

Lani sem zanemarjala hribe...da dobiš koga v hribe je že čudež! Ne, ne da se mi sami peljat 3 ure in potem še gor 3 ure, gorih 1 uro, nazaj dol 2 uri in še vožnja 3 ure...
Mogoče se pa vpišem v planinsko društvo in hodim na organizirane izlete in ne bom imela takšnih problemov.
Mislim, da že 3 leta jamram, da bi šla za par dni na gorenjsko...potem pa vedno pride vmes kakšna druga država in raziskovanje pa seveda vreme!! Tisti dan, je bil končno napovedan lep dan in seveda gremo na Krnsko jezero...

Lake Krn (1391 m)

Iz Celja odideva okoli 7 zjutraj..ja vem, kar pozno. Vreme v Celju ni obetalo nič kaj lepega, na Vršiču se je pa pokazal sonček...

Sun on Vršič

Po krajšem postanku odideva naprej proti Bovcu in pri vasi Soča se preusmerimo za Lepeno. Kako lepi konci!! Med potjo opazim polno lepo urejenih prostorov za kampiranje. In polno naravnih znamenitosti, za katere žal tokrat ni časa...Prispem do doma v Lepeni, ki je današnja izhodna točka, parkirišče komaj najdem, saj je polno avtomobilov...

Dom v Lepeni /House in Lepena

S fotrom hodiva pol ure...kaj pride nasproti...polno krav!! Po ozki poti...Groza!!!! V prvem postu sem omenila, da imam rada živali...ja najraje imam tiste, ki so manjše od mene, tiste, ki so pa večje in težje...ammm tistim se ne približ da se mi ravno bežati pred njimi!! Kaj pa veš kdaj se kateri utrga...

In seveda fotr kot fotr more vsako žival pobožat: "Kje si buša?" Hmm buša ja...v tistem ko jo poboža, ga krava pogleda in rukne z rogovi...itak se fotr razkuri na kravo...saj ti je prav! Gremo malo naprej in me fotr sprašuje, če je sploh prišel z uro ali mu jo je krava z rogovi dol vrgla. Super, kličem mami če je doma ura in je ni bilo....dobro, da kar naprej fotografiram in poglej ga zlomka! Fotografija z osumljeno in nesramno mukico ter fotr z uro!! Očitno mu jo je z rogovi odprla ali utrgala pašček.
Gremo nazaj iskat uro...ure nikjer!!! Hodiva gor in dol, ure ne najdeva!

Zadnja fotografija z uro / The last photo with dads watch

Ja nič gremo naprej. Pot poteka cik cak in je prav luštno za hodit, prav tako je pot redko kje zelo strma.

Path to Lake Krn

Prideva do žičnice in potem je pot po večini ravna...zanimiv je pogled na izmerjene količine snega, zraven stojiš kot palček...največja izmerjena količina je bila aprila 2009 in sicer 340 cm...

Measuring the amount of snow ( the highest 340 cm in April 2009)

Prispeva do planinskega doma pri Krnskih jezerih (ne vem zakaj množina)...Luštna hišica, sem se takoj spomnila na pravljico o Janku in Metki....

Mountain lodge at Lake Krn, looks like house from tale Hansel and Gretel (for me)

Čas za toplo malico...fotr klasika- pečenica z zeljem, jaz pa odličen jabolčni štrudl in kuskus s koruzo in tuno (nisem ravno klasičen planinec s sendvičem)....
Ne vem zakaj se še fotr vedno ni navadil, da slikam hrano in se še vedno dere če še pri jestvini nima mira...hmmm čudno...

Lodge food (except couscous)

Med malico uživam v super razgledu...

Nice view from the lodge

Po zasluženi malici naju čaka samo še malo hoje...

Just a little bit more...

Po parih minutah prispeva do jezera....evo martinčkarji...veliko planincev!! Odideva na drugo stran jezera, kjer praktično ni bilo skoraj nobenega....

Behind the corner...

Po počitku se počasi vrneva po isti poti nazaj. Ponovno iskanje ure in ponovno brez uspeha...

Autumn sun...

Pred vstopom v Lepeno pri mostu se je zjutraj zadrževalo veliko ljudi, zato sva se tudi midva ustavila...ahhh najlepša slovenska reka...delček korit naše Soče...

Our beautiful river Soča

In se vrneva proti Celju. Ker mi je bilo ponovno slabo čez prelaz Vršič, sem predlagala vožnjo skozi Italijo. Prvo čez mejni prehod Predel in nato nazaj čez Rateče...fotr ni bil preveč navdušen, je pa zato moj želodec bil toliko bolj...
Lepi konci, najbolj si bo pa izlet zapomnil fotr...Je pa za božička dobil novo uro in naslednjič bo pa sigurno doma počakala!


Last year, I neglected our mountains ... I can't get no one to go with me to the mountains and it's already a miracle if someone wants to go! No, I don't enjoy to drive alone for 3 hours and then walk for 3 hours, reasting for 1 hour, 2 hours to get back down and to drove back for 3 hours ...

Maybe I could enter in the alpine club and I am going to attend organized trip and I won't have such problems.

I think I'm already whining for 3 years to go for a couple of days to Gorenjska ... then always comes in between some other country and other cities ... and of course the weather !! That day was finally a nice day, and of course we went to Lake Krn .

From Celje we left around 7 am..yes I know that was late. Weather in Celje was everything but nice but soon as we arrived to Vršič the sun came out ...

After a short stop we headed to Bovec and in Soca village you have to turn for Lepena. How beautiful place !! Along the way I see a lot of places for camping. And full of natural attractions, which unfortunately we didn't have time ... we arrived to home in Lepena, I barely find parking space because it is full of cars ...

We were walking with dad for half an hour and what comes across ... full of cows !! On the narrow path ... The horror !!!! In the first post, I mentioned that I love animals ... yeah I prefer those who are smaller than me, not those who are bigger and heavier ... those I don't approach ... I just don't want to run away from them !! What do you know if they lose their minds.

And of course, dad as dad he always wants to touch animals: "Where are you cow?" When dad touches the cow, the cow looked at him and bumpshim with the horns on the hand ... and dad got mad on a cow. We went a little further and dad was wondering if he even came here with a clock or a cow throw it down with horns. Super, I called my mom if the watch was at home and it wasn't .... Luckily I always take photos and what do I see! Photo of the suspect and rude cow and dad with his watch on the whrist!! 
We went back to find his watch and we couldn't find it anywhere!!! We searched everywhere but didn't have any luck. 
There's nothing we can do so let's go forward. The trail runs zigzag and is great to walk.

We Ccame to the cable car and from there on the path is mostly flat ... interesting view on the measured amount of snow, you stand there as a dwarf ... the largest quantity of the snow was on April 2009, at 340 cm ...

Finally we saw mountain home at Lake Krn... cute house, I immediately remembered the tale of Hansel and Gretel ....

Time for a warm meal ... dad classic- sausage with cabbage, and for me a great apple strudel and couscous with corn and tuna (I'm not really a classic mountaineer with sandwich) ....

I don't know why dad is still not used to the fact that I always take pictures of food and is always yelling if he can't eat in peace ... hmmm that's strange...

 Just a few steps away from mountain lodge is beautiful Lake Krn...

After resting we slowly went back the same way. We searched again for dads watch but without luck.

Before entering the Lepena this morning were a lot of people at the bridge and we also stopped ... ahhh ... the most beautiful Slovenian river Soča and its gorges ...

 And we went back to Celje. Since my stomach wasn't happy over the curves over the Vršič, I seggested a journey through Italy. The first border crossing was at Predel and then back across Ratece ... dad wasn't too impressed, but my stomach was so much more ...

Great trip, especially for dad ... But for Santa he got a new watch and the next time he will leave at home!

sobota, 21. marec 2015

Varaždin in dvorec Maruševec.../ Varaždin and mansion Maruševec

V tretje gre rado pravijo...tako sem Varaždin dočakala v tretje...prvič se nikakor nismo nikamor spravili, drugič sem se pa striktno odločila in si rezervirala prosti dan na 18.1.2014, da končno obiščem Varaždin...ja seveda! En teden prej zvoni telefon: "Dober dan, kličem iz fakultete, rada bi vam sporočila, da imate zagovor diplome 18.1., prav tako dobite vabilo tudi v pisni obliki. Hvala, nasvidenje." In Varaždin odpade drugič! Sem pa tisti dan pristala v Trstu..Če ne gre ena država, bo pa druga...
Par mesecev kasneje, na lepo sončno nedeljo sem pa ga dočakala! Kako vem da je bila nedelja? Parkirišče je bilo brezplačno hehe...

Stari grad / Old castle Varaždin

Odšli smo čez mejni prehod Zavrč in potem se dolgooo dolgooo vozimo 50 km/h...naselje ob naselju, luštne vrstne hišice.
Dobar dan Varaždin! Konačno se sretnemo! Odlična označba znamenitosti! Nimaš kaj za zgrešiti...usmerjevalne table vsepovsod! Super!
Parkiram čisto pri centru in gremo raziskovati mesto. Mesto res opravičuje sloves lepega in urejenega mesta! Čistoča na vrhuncu! Pridemo do gradu in ob nedeljah je muzej odprt samo do 13 ure...žal.
Sprehodimo se po centru mesta in sem res navdušena! Cvetje, drevesa, vodometi, parki, veliko zelenja!!! In kepica sladoleda 0,70€! In trgovinice v ozkih ulicah z unikatnimi izdelki....Lepo je...

Beautiful, clean and green center of Varaždin

Ena od znamenitosti Varaždina naj bi bil tudi pokopališče. No, če že sem veliko po celjskih grobovih, gremo pa še sem...
Pri vhodu me pričaka presenečenje...virtualna tabla poti in katere so največje znamenitosti na Varaždinskem pokopališču...Takrat sem ugotovila, da dejansko obstajajo vodeni ogledi po najbolj znanih pokopališčih na Hrvaš agencije to ponujajo.
Pokopališče je zasnovano kot park...s klopcami...tukaj bi se res lahko sprehajala cel dan...

Park-pokopališče / Park-Cementery

Že nas pot kliče naprej, do dvorca Maruševec. Peljemo se naprej po cesti za Ivanec. Ob poti lahko pričakujete ogromno stojnic ob hišah, kjer ponujajo domače vrtnine in pridelke...iznajdljivo!
Smerokaz za dvorec, gremo desno...označbe pri samem dvorcu ni bilo, zato ga lahko zgrešite, saj se ga komaj vidi izza dreves...orientirate se lahko po tem, da je na desni strani gostišče...ali hotel?? Ne vem toč levi strani ceste pa skrit mogočen dragulj...
Tukaj imajo sedaj obrt za gozdove, ali je možen ogled pa ne vem...nikjer ni bilo nikogar, da bi vprašala...niti na internetu ne najdem nobene novice...
Dvorec sam ni ravno v najlepšem pa čudovit!!

Mansion Maruševec (First mentioned in 1547)

Final look (1873)

Pocasi se preusmerim za Slovenijo...Tudi letos bo v Varaždinu Špancirfest in sicer od letos grem! Oziroma bolje, da nič ne rečem, da se zgodba ne ponovi s- v tretje gre rado...


Third time is lucky they say ... so I  awaited Varazdin in the third round for the first time ... first time no one wanted to go, but the second time I decided strictly and I booked a day off on 01.18.2014 to finally visit Varazdin ... yes, of course! One week before the phone rang: "Hello, I'm calling from the faculty, I would like to inform you that you have a presentation of your diploma on 18.1. Thank you, goodbye." Once again I couldn't visit Varaždin! But I landed that day in Trieste..If i can't visit one country, I'll visit the other one... 
 Couple of months later, on a sunny Sunday I was finally visited Varaždin! How do I know that it was a Sunday? Parking was free hehe ...

We went through the border crossing Zavrč and then we drove for a long long time. The whole way to Varaždin you must drive 50km/h for about 30 minutes ...  
A good day Varazdin! Finally we meet! Here are excellent marks for attractions! You can't get lost because everywhere are good  signs! Super!

I park right at the center and went to explore the city. The city really justifies the reputation of the beautiful and orderly city! It's really clean everywhere! We came to the castle and on Sundays the museum is open only until 1 pm ... sorry. 

We went through the center of town and I was really excited! Flowers, trees, fountains, parks, lots of greenery!!! And ice cream is only € 0.70! And shops in the narrow streets filled with unique items .... Really beautiful ...

One of the attractions of Varazdin is the graveyard.
At the entrance, I was surprised ... a virtual whiteboard routes and major sights in Varaždin cemetery. That's when I found out that actually there are guided tours of the most famous cemeteries in Croatia ... and agencies offer this. 
The cemetery was designed as a park... with benches ... I think I could walk all day here...

Already road was calling us forward to the mansion Maruševec. We drove on the road to Ivanec. Along the way you can expect a lot of stalls at the houses where they offer local vegetables and products ... great idea!

Guidepost for the mansion, go right ... there are no indications for the mansion when you get there, so you may miss it because you barely see behind the trees ... you can orient yourself in that way that on  the right side is the guest house or hotel. I don't know exactly ... on the left side of the road is powerful hidden jewel ... 

Here are currently Crafts Forest, or it is possible to see the mansion also inside I don't know ... There was no one to ask ... even on the Internet, I can't find any information ... 
The mansion itself is not exactly in the most beautiful shape ... but it is wonderful !!

Slowly we head back to Slovenia ... This year is Špancirfest in Varazdin, from 21.8.-30.8.15 ... and this year I'm going! Or rather, I won't say nothing because I don't want to repeat the story- third time is lucky time ...

nedelja, 15. marec 2015

Sejem flora in poroka Celje... / Fair flower and wedding Celje...

Tako, danes sem bila v Celju na sejmu...mislim, da že tretjič četrtič!!! Vstopnina 6,5€, za študente in upokojence 5€...parkirišče mislim, da je bilo brezplačno, saj opaziti ni bilo nikjer listkov. Odprto od 9.00 do 18.00, sejem je pa potekal samo od 13.3.-15.3.15...
V ceno vstopnice je vključen tudi sejem altermed in čebelarstvo.

Začnimo pri altermedu...super živila...razstavljalci so bili sami z domačimi proizvodi, prehrano, naravno kozmetiko in alternativni zdravilci. Imeli so tudi pripravo raznih receptov v živo in pokušino le-teh...

Na altermedu se je predstavil Organic garden, ki je s svojim zelenim kombijem najbolj izstopal v prostoru in vzbudil tudi mojo pozornost...hrano pripravljajo svežo, kar iz kombija. Ker mi vizualna predstavitev veliko pomeni, sem morala poskusiti njihovo čokoladno- lešnikovo pito s pirino moko, ki me je kar vabila, da jo poizkusim...cena za 100g - 3,80€...ampak okus!!! Božanski!!! Navdušena zelo!!! Hitro se še pozanimam ali hodijo tudi v Celje in žal po večini delujejo v Ljubljani in okolici..
Očitno bo treba večkrat v Ljubljano! Priporočam zelo!!

Organic garden

Odlična pita / excellent pie

Hodimo okoli, nakar naletim na Manas, kjer so imeli stroj za zdravljenje...hmmm zgleda zanimivo...gospod, mi še malo razloži kako deluje in pol urce kasneje sem že odložila čevlje in sedela na stolu...najbolj sem bila presenčena, ko zdravilec izgovori moje!!! V bistvu je drugi zdravilki bilo tudi tako ime kot je bilo smeha...Stroj je zgrajen iz lesa, kristalov in kovine ter zbira energijo iz univerzuma...s pomočjo dveh zdravilcev se energija preusmerja po celem telesu...Po 10-it minutah se zaključi moja seansa...barva moje čakre-vijolična...kronska čakra...odprta glava, višji mentalni in duhovni nivo...super...

Manas in hišna piramida / Manas and house piramid

Pojdimo do čebelarstva. O tem mi je težko govoriti, ker se ne spoznam na čebele, panje in pridobivanje medu. Sem pa opazila, da so imeli predavanja za čebelarje in verjetno tudi za ostale...Nekako nisem ljubitelj medu, čeprav je med edino živilo na svetu, ki nima roka zastaranja...sem pa vseeno poskusila med z malino...nope, še vedno nisem ljubitelj. Sem pa bila presenečena koliko kozmetičnih pripomočkov prodajajo za izdelavo medenih preparatov. Tudi sama sem kupila čebelji vosek, nameravam narediti domači medeni šampon..

Čebelarska hala / Beekeeping Hall

Poročni del...ker sem bila že četrtič na tem sejmu, zato vem kaj je bilo v preteklosti za videti...tokrat sem bila razočarana, predvsem od tistih, od katerih sem pričakovala največ, da se pokažejo v vsej svoji popolni luči...najlepšo prezentacijo je imela Rustika, Poročni kotiček in  podjetje Ž, kjer nisi smel fotografirati, tako da žal imam samo eno fotografijo dekoracije, pa še to sem bolj slabo slikala...
Vse povezuje ista stvar- odličen okus in oko za  detajle...Perfekcija!
Če je bilo prejšnja leta noro veliko omizij z poročno postavitvijo, jih je letos bilo neverjetno malo, mogoče kakšnih 7, 8 miz, tudi izvirnosti jim je primanjkovalo, razen tisti, kjer je bilo prepovedano slikati (Ž
Poročni šopki, so pa bili lepi, največ jih je bilo predstavljenih iz pogrebnega podjetja...zanimivo.
Na Pinterestu imam prav posebno mapico za poročne ideje in niti ena ni dosegala standarda, razen Ž slabo predstavljeno ali imam jaz previsoke ideale ali je pač recesija...
In še zanimivost o meni: nikoli se ne bom poročila! Nimam ž pomeni mi veliko prstan in list A4 formata...Poroko gledam zgolj iz modne in dekorativne perspektive! To pa obožujem!

Najlepše prezentacije podjetij...Ž, Rustika, Poročni kotiček / The best presentation

Omizja / Table presentation

wedding dresses

Wedding bouquets

Weeding bouquets

Sejem flora...tudi tukaj sem bila razočarana...niso imeli ene vrtne garniture, okrasnih loncev na 10x10 m veliki površini, cvetočih lončnic izredno malo prav tako dreves, je pa zato bilo ogromno svežih začimb in semen...očitno smo semenski ljudje...Šopki so pa bili izredno lepi.
Včasih je v nasprotni hali (danes altermedico) bila hala namenjena samo vrtnim garnituram, bonsajem in primerov ureditve naših zelenic...tudi predstavitve namizne dekoracije ni bilo...kaminov nikjer, vodnjakov nikjer, vodometov nikjer, ribnikov nikjer, palčkov nikjer, vrtnih paviljonov nikjer, glinenih, lesenih in bambus loncev nikjer, savn nikjer, jacuzzijev nikjer, nič in nikjer!!! To je vse v sklopu flore! Kakšne so kaj vaše želje po financah za prostore, da je tako malo interesentov...

In še zanimivo dejstvo...vodometi na sejmu flora...brez dekoracije! Okoli vodometa (hala E) 20 aranžmajev, vodomet pa stoji kot kup nesreče...Resno, kdo je organizator, ker očitno nima pojma o aranžerstvu in estetiki! Pa ne bi raje vrtnarstvo Celje najeli, glede na to, da imamo odlično urejena krožna vozišča...če že ni financ, pa tudi sejma ne prirejati! Ali ornk ali nič!
Drugo leto predlagam javni poziv za aranžerske storitve za mlade oz. začetne (ne)podjetnike! Tako se lahko omogoči predstavitev tudi tistim začenim umetnikom, ki ne morejo izraziti svoje kretivnosti zaradi pomanjkanja financ! Kaj pa veste kakšna bodoča zvezda se skriva v komu...
Za večjo obiskanost bi nato priporočala organizirane avtobusne prevoze po celi Sloveniji in po simbolični ceni!! Ko boste stvari začeli spreminjati in sprejemati tudi po drugi plati in se samo finančni, se bodo začeli dogajati čudeži! Evropa narekuje spodbujanje in sodelovanje inovativnosti in kreativnosti!! Kaj še čakaš dragi Celjski sejem??? Kaj še čakaš draga Slovenija??

Še povezava za primerjavo in inspiracijo iz včerajšnjega cvetličnega sejma Pordenone v Italiji...


So, today I was in Celje at the fair ... I think the third ... fourth time ups !!! Entrance € 6.5 for students and seniors € 5,  parking lot I think it was free, as i didn't saw tickets nowhere. Open from 9.00 am to 18.00, but fair is held only on 13.3.-15.3.15 ... 
The ticket price also includes the fair Altermed and beekeeping.

Let's start with altermed ... super food ... the exhibitors were here with homemade products, diet, natural cosmetics and alternative healers. They also prepare various recipes live and you could try them ...

On altermed was Organic garden with its green van stood out most in the area and also raised my attention ... food preparation was fresh, right out of the van. Since visual presentation means a lot to me, I had to try chocolate- hazelnut pie with spelled flour, which was calling my name ... the price for 100g - € 3.80 ... but the taste !!! Divine !!! Very impressed !!! Iasked them if they also serve food in Celje and unfortunately they are mostly active in Ljubljana and its surroundings .. 
Obviously, it will be necessary to visit them in Ljubljana! I recommend highly !!

We were walking around and I then run into Manas, where they had a machine to treat your health...hmmm ... looks interesting ... Mister explains how it works and half an hour later, I took of my shoes and sat on the chair ... I was suprised when the healer called my name ... wtf !!! Then we figure out that we have the same name with another healer ... and my name is rare ... The machine is built of wood, crystal and metal and collects energy from the universe ... with the help of two healers energy shifts throughout the body .. .After 10 minutes it ends my session ... the color of my chakra head, higher mental and spiritual level ... super ...

 Let's go to beekeeping. It is difficult to talk about this because I'm not familiar with bees, beehives and production of honey. But I noticed that they had lectures for beekeepers and possibly for the rest ... Somehow I'm not a fan of honey, although is the only food in the world that does not have the limitation period ... but I still tried honey with raspberry ... nope, I'm still not a fan. But I was surprised how much cosmetic devices for the production of honey preparation you could buy. I bought beeswax, I intend to make homemade honey shampoo ..

Bridal part ... because I was the fourth time at this event, I already know what it was in the past to see ... this time I was disappointed, especially from those from whom I expected more to show in all its glory. ..The best presentation had Rustika, Bridal nook and company Ž where you are weren't allowed to take pictures, so unfortunately I only have one photo of decoration..All this companies have something in common: excellent taste and an eye for detail ... perfection!In previous years there were a lot of crazy tables with wedding formation and in this year were maybe about 7, 8 tables, also Imissed some originality from them, except for that company where it was forbidden to take pictures (Ž ...Bridal bouquets were beautiful, most of them were presented from the funeral company ... interesting.
On Pinterest I have a very special map for wedding ideas and neither one did not achieve the standard, except Ž ... they were really badly presented or I have too high ideals, or it was the recession ...And another interesting fact about me: I will never get married! I have no desire ... a ring and a sheet of A4 paper doesn't mean a lot to me ... I just watch the wedding of fashion and decorative perspective! Now this I love!
Fair flora ... here I was also disappointed ... didn't have any garden furniture, decorative pots were only on a 10x10 m large area, they had just a few potted flower plants, but there were lot of fresh spices and seeds ... obviously we are seed people ... but the Bouquets were extremely nice.

The last time I was here, on the opposite hall (now altermedico) was only for garden furniture, bonsai and examples of arrangements of our lawns... fireplaces, fountains, ponds, Dwarfs, garden pavilions, clay, wood and bamboo pots, saunas, Jacuzzis, nothing !!! This is also a part of the flora! What are your finance whishes for spaces that no one wants to represent their products...
Next year, I propose a public call for arangement services for young people and entrepreneurs! This may allow the presentation of those artists who can't express their creativity because of the lack of finances! Maybe is future star somewhere...For more visits I would recommend an organized bus all over Slovenia to visit fair and for a symbolic price !! When things will begin to change and you won't see only financial side, then will miracles start to happen! Europe requires the promotion of cooperation and innovation and creativity !! What are you waiting for dear Celje Fair ??? What are you waiting for dear Slovenia ??
Another link for comparison and inspiration from yesterday's flower fair Pordenone in Italy ...