torek, 10. marec 2015

Naši / vaši otroci... bodoči zaporniki!!!!! Our / your children... future prisoners!!!!

Danes zjutraj smo imeli delavnico...ponovno o socialnem podjetništvu...tokrat z odlično predstavitvijo s strani firme Invel iz Velenja...predavateljica je bila direktrica dr. Selma Filipančič Jenko...vse kar je bilo slabega predstavljeno dva tedna nazaj na Ptuju, je tokrat s samimi pozitivnimi lastnostmi predstavila ga. Selma...Njena predavanja in predavanja ostalih uslužbencev omenjene firme je fenomenalno! Dajo ti zagon in veselje do tvoje zastavljene poti...Odlične ženske!!

V socialno ogrožene osebe spadajo tudi zaporniki...Michelle je v okviru svojega dela hodila poučevati v zapore in sicer problematične mladostnike do 25 let, zato je povedala
svojo osebno izkušnjo s tovrstnimi prestopniki...Nakar tudi ga. Selma pove svoje izkušnje in predvsem me je pritegnil en del...zakaj ti prestopniki pridejo tako daleč?? Zaradi okolja kjer odraščajo! Kdo je kriv? Starši! Kakšni so ti starši, ki imajo otroke?? Kje se tega naučijo otroci??

Sama sem stara 30...kmalu 31. In nimam večino sem čudna zaradi tega! Ampak se ne tudi vi srečujete z vprašanjem:" Kaj še čakaš??" Heh ko jim odgovorim na to vprašanje pa čudežno ostanejo brez besed, ali mi rečejo da sem fukjena... Moj odgovor je vedno en in isti- nimam želje po otroku in niti se ne počutim dovolj sposobno za vzgojo otroka! Če bi pa že imela otroka, bi pa rada posvojila eno črnko in eno kitajko / japonko, da jih rešim bede...Lily in Lola bi jim dala ime...zakaj bi na svet spravljala kakšnega otroka, če jih je pa toliko zavrženih??


Dragi ljudje!! Saj veste, ko odidete na banko po kredite, zahtevajo od vas celo goro papirjev in če ste dejansko SPOSOBNI za kredit, pa čeprav samo za pet let...po petih letih ste se rešili kredita...ali je tako tudi pri otroku?? Ne!! Vaš je doživljensko!! Zakaj hudiča ljudi NE preverjajo ali so sposobni imeti otroke in biti vzoren starš???!!! Vsak jih lahko ima!! Očitno to dejstvo nobenega ne zanima! Pomembno je, da si poročen in imaš otroke! In potem si idealna slovenska družina! Drugače si pa tako čuden! Se kdo vpraša kaj se dogaja za zaprtimi vrati?? Alkoholizem, pretepanje, zlorabe!!
Kolikokrat zadnje čase polnijo takšne in drugačne zgodbe v medijih!!
Za vsako službo moraš skozi vsemogoče zdravstvene preglede in psihološke teste....zakaj tega ni pri vseživljenski službi-otrocih!!

Tako dobimo začarani krog!! Otroci se vsega doma naučijo, ker je zanje to edino pravilno ravnanje! Potem pridejo težave...nikoli časa za otroke, prepuščeni sami sebi, droge, umori, kraje in imamo prestopnika v mladih letih....Retardi rojevajo retarde! Se opravičujem, ne najdem lepše besede...
Zakaj prihaja do tega?? Kje je ljubezen?? Medsebojno spoštovanje?? Pa kaj vi res mislite, da je življenje španska limonada?? Da je otroke imeti kar tako?

Predvsem rada postavljam eno vprašanje: "Zakaj bi rad imel otroke?" Odgovora dobivam samo dva...1. ker je že čas in 2. ker si ga želim...Ja tudi jaz si želim terenca za 50 jurčkov! In želim si ga zato, ker je čas! Saj sem že 30!!
Pa kakšni odgovori so to??? Ker je čas?? Čas je takrat, ko boš sposoben nuditi otroku varno zavetje! Pa če je to pri 50-ih je pač takrat!! Halle Berry je rodila pri jo kdo gleda čudno??
Ker si ga želim?? Pa zakaj si ga želiš?? Imaš svoje življenje pod kontrolo?? Osebnostna rast? Socialna inteligenca? Čustvena inteligenca? Dvomim...
In še ena oblika se rada pojavlja....Otrok bo rešil vse težave, ki jih imava. Odlično razmišljanje!!

Ga. Selma je omenila čustveno inteligenco...sama imam namreč doma same knjige na podlagi tega in še tiste o dejanskem stanju v svetu. Pri meni ne boste našli ljubezenskih romanov in takšne bedarije!
Zakaj imam te knjige?? Ker se želim spremeniti oz. izboljšati...
Spomnim se, ko sem prvič brala knjigo Čustvena inteligenca. Takrat sem se dobesedno zjokala, ker sem sama sebe videla v tej knjigi in kakšen bedak sem...marsikaj mi je postalo jasno, zakaj sem takšna kot si nisem všeč...še veliko stvari moram spremeniti, še vedno znorim in popizdim..predvsem zaradi neperspektivnih ljudi. Pa še sama sem si kriva, ker si to dopustim!
Ampak sem že daleč priš želim, da moji otroci odraščajo ob takšni mami in se "nalezejo" takšnega ni me sram priznati, da še nisem sposobna za takšno nalogo...Ali se še vedno počutite sposobni tudi vi???


This morning we had a workshop ... once again about social buisness ... this time with an excellent presentation by the company Invel from Velenje ... lecturer was Dr. Selma Filipančič Jenko ... everything that was bad presented two weeks ago in Ptuj, this time was with all the positive qualities presented by Mrs. Selma ... Her lectures and lectures of other employees of this company is phenomenal! They give you positive vibes and joy to your chosen path ... Excellent women !!

Socially vulnerable people are also the prisoners ... Michelle used to teach in prisons problematic adolescents up to 25 years so she has personal experience with such offenders.
Then also Mrs. Selma told us her experience and I was especially attracted on one part ... why these offenders come so far ?? In what of kind enveiroment do they grow up? Who is here to blame? Parents! What kind of parents have children ?? Where can children learn all this??

I'm 30 years old, soon I'll be 31 ... And I don't have children ... for most people I'm weird because of this! But I don't mind ... Is this question familiar to you: "What are you waiting for ??" Heh when I answer this question, people are left without words, or they tell me that I'm crazy... My answer is always one- I haven't got any desire to have children and don't feel capable of raising a child! If I already had a child, but would like to adopt one black girl and one Chinese / Japanese girl to save them from misery ... Lily and Lola would be their names ... why in the world would I give a birth to a child, if there are so many abandoned children ??

 Dear people !! You know, when you go to the bank for a loan they require a mountain of papers and if you are actually ABLE to get a credit, even for only five years ... in five years you pay off the credit ... is this the same with a child? ? No it's not !! Yours is for a lifetime !! Why the hell people don't check whether they are able to have children and be a perfect parent ??? !!! Everyone can have a child !! Obviously, this is the fact in which is nobody interested in! It's important that you're married and you have children! And then you are perfect Slovenian family! Otherwise you so weird! Why no one is asking what happens behind closed doors?? Alcoholism, beating, abuse!! 
How many times are media reporting lately about this !! 
For almost every job you have to go through medical examinations and psychological tests .... why this is not at the life-long service - children !!

This is never ending circle !! Children learn everything at home, because this is the only proper behavior! Then you go  ... you don't have time for children, they are left to themselves, drugs, murder, theft and we've got offender at a young age .... Retards are making retard! I'm sorry, I can't find better words ...Why is this so?? Where is the love ?? Respect for each other?? Do you really think that life is a Spanish soap opera ?? That is easy to have children?I like to ask people one question: "Why do I want to have children?" Iget only two answers ... first because it is already time and second because I want to have children ... Yeah I also want a big car for 50,0000€! And I want it because it's time! I'm already 30 !! 
However, what kind of answers are this???It's time?? It's time when you will be able to offer your child a safe place! Even if that means when you are 50!! Halle Berry gave birth when she was 49 years old ... but who is watching her strange ??Because you wish ?? But why do you wish a baby ?? You've got your life under control ?? Personal Growth? Social Intelligence? Emotional Intelligence? I doubt it ...And another kind of answers is common .... The child will solve all the problems that we have. Excellent thinking !!

Mrs. Selma mentioned emotional intelligence ... I have at home every single book on this basis and  those about the actual situation in the world. You will never find love novels and such nonsense at my place! 
Why do I have this book ?? Because I want to change or. improve ... 

I remember when I first read the book Emotional Intelligence. Then I literally cried because I saw myself in this book, and what a fool I am ... everything became clear to me why I'm behaving this way ... and I don't like it ... a lot of things I need to change, I still go crazy and I yell..especially beacuse of unperspective people. And it's my fault that I allow this to happen!

But I've come a long way ... I don't want my children to grow up with such a mother and get such kind of influence... and I am not ashamed to admit that I'm not yet capable of such a task ... Do you still feel able???

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