sobota, 15. avgust 2015

Od mrtvaškega plesa preko hrvaškega rima do islamske civilizacije.../ From death dance through Croatian Rome to Islamic civilization...

Točno tako so potekali dnevi kot piše v to v 4 dneh!

Začnimo s prvim dnem. Popoldne se odpravimo proti Puli. Ker so očitno tudi med tednom zastoji smo se na Lomu odločili, da odidemo preko mejnega prehoda Buzet.
In kaj to pomeni? Da odidemo mimo Hrastovlj! Končno dočakam ta znameniti mrtvaški ples!
Cerkev ni težko najti. Ob vstopu seveda napis no pictures! Kasneje nam prijazni poba pove, da se lahko slika ampak brez bliskavice! Super! Vodeni ogled na osebo stane 3€! 

Zelo stara orientacija / Very old orientation

Tabor in cerkev sv. Trojice / St. Trinity church

Njihovo vino / Their wine

Mrtvaški ples / Death dance

Ker je prvi dan šel dobesedno mimo nas, smo drugi dan namenili lenarjenju.

In the shadow of the pine trees

Beaches of Camp Stoja

Peaceful at 7:45 am

Perfect spot

Na vrsto je tudi prišla moja nova sončna krema, kateri sem dodala približno 2 dcl kokosovega olja in tokrat se je odlično nanašala. Kako sem naredila sončno kremo si lahko preberete TUKAJ.
Sedaj lahko podam oceno!
Sama vedno lepo porjavim! Tokrat sem že prvi dan in samo uro na soncu zgledala dobesedno kot cigan!!! Krema me je zažgala!! Nanašala sem jo večkrat ampak zaščitni faktor očitno ne deluje!
V vodi me je še dodatno zažgalo! Še na poti do nastanitve in v senci sem dobila odtise od natikačev!! V senci!! Vse dneve skupaj sem se sončila okoli 5 ur, od tega samo 1 ura na soncu in sem takšna, kot da bi bila cel mesec na morju! 7 dni ležanja na soncu ne ni tako zakurilo kot tokrat že prvi dan! Prvič v življenju me je tako nemarno ožgalo! Drugo leto bom ponovno poskusni zajček in bom spremenila količine sestavin. Če tudi takrat ne bo ok pa ne hodim več na morje!!

My homemade sunscreen
Comercial in Croatia for our Slovenian cave Postojna

New trend

For our little family members

Po jutranjem kopanju in kosilu smo se tretji dan odpravili v center Pule.
V Pulo smo odšli z avtobusom, ker z avtom je praktično nemogoče najti prosto parkirno mesto. Vozovnica v eno stran okoli 1,30€.
Za natančen ogled mesta seveda ni bilo časa. Kot v vseh mestih, sem se tudi tukaj  navduševala nad detalji na fasadah, balkonih in seveda kamenju na splošno...Ja, obožujem kamenje!

Golden gates in Pula

The best T-shirt!!


Beautiful detail

Lovely candle holders

Vintage style

Temple of Augustus

The most beautiful balcony I have seen in Pula

Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Amphitheater Pula

Zadnji dan še jutranje kopanje in odhod na razstavo na Gospodarsko razstavišče v Ljubljano in sicer 1001 izum: odkritja zlate dobe islamske civilizacije.
Preko kuponka sem dobila karto za polovično ceno- 8,50€.
Razstava je bila razdeljena v 7 sklopov in sicer dom, šola, trgovanje, bolnišnica, mesto, svet in vesolje. Filma na začetku nisem videla, ker se je ravno takrat začel voden ogled. Razstava je narejena tudi tako, da lahko poskušate svojo srečo z igrami in z pravilnimi odgovori. V vsakem sklopu se tudi v kratkih filmih predstavijo največji znanstveniki, ki so botrovali k izumom, za katerega so znani.
Spodaj si lahko ogledate in preberete par zanimivosti, na katere lahko naletite na razstavi.
Še več si pa lahko preberete na tej POVEZAVI.

Elephants clock

Še zadnji postanek na Trojanah in se je iztekel še en teden...
Po dolgem času sem letos odšla na morje v glavni sezoni... se bom kar držala mojega načela- julija in avgusta nikamor!! Od septembra do junija pa brez problema...


This was exactly our journey as it says in the title ... and in 4 days! 
Let's start with the first day. In the afternoon, we headed towards Pula. 
At Lom we decided to go through the border crossing at Buzet. 
And what does this mean? To will go through Hrastovlje! Finally I will see this famous death dance! The Church is not hard to find. At the entrance was my favorite sign- no pictures! Later, a friendly guy told us you that you can take pictures but no flash! Super! Guided tour per person costs € 3!

Since the first day went so quickly by, we spent the second day just doing nothing.

I could finally try my homemade sunscreenm, which I added about 2 ounces of coconut oil and this time it was a great concern. How do I make sunscreen you can read HERE.

Now I can give rating! 

I always get a great tan! This time I was only an hour in the sun and I literally looked like a gypsy !!! The cream burned me !! I applied the cream several times but apparently does not work! 
In the water I got extra burn! Even on the way to housing and in the shade I got prints of sandals !! In the shade !! All the days together, I sunbathed around 5 hours, of which only 1 hour in the sun and I look as I would have been a whole month at the sea! 7 days lying in the sun did not burned me as on the first day here! For the first time in my life I had painful burns! The next year I'll change the quantity of ingredients or else I am not going to the sea anymore!

After a morning swim and lunch we went to the center of Pula on the third day. 
To Pula we went by bus because by car it is practically impossible to find a free parking space. One way ticket was around € 1.30. 
For a detailed tour of the city, of course was not enough time. As in all areas, I was also here enthusiastic about details on the facades, balconies and stone in general ... Yes, I love rocks!

Last day we went for a morning swim and went to the exhibition at the Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention. The exhibition was 1001 invention: the discovery of the golden age of Islamic civilization. 
Through kuponko I got ticket for half of the price- € 8.50. 
The exhibition was divided into 7 groups, namely the home, school, trade, hospital, town, world and universe. I did not saw the film at the beginning because guided tour just started. The exhibition is also made so that you can try your luck with the games and the correct answers. In each group are short films and they present the greatest scientists and their work for which they are known. 
What's more you can read at this LINK.

The last stop was at Trojane and the week came to an end...
This year I went to sea in the main season ... I'll just hold to my principle- July and August I am not going anywhere !! My travel time is from September to June...Toooo crowded everywhere and this is not for me!