petek, 13. maj 2016

Mini sladki kruhki (brez moke)... / Mini sweet breads (without flour)...


Po dolgem času sem spet pekla, nekaj sladkega... Zadnje čase nekako nimam volje do peke. Glede na to, da sem težek sladkoholik ne dvomim, da bo takšno stanje trajalo večno, čeprav nimam nič proti, da me drugi razvajajo s svojimi domačimi pecivi :D ...

Prvotni recept je vseboval moko, ampak jo je mami enkrat pozabila dodati! In smo vseeno bili navdušeni nad rezultatom, saj so kruhki izredno mehki in takšni ostanejo tudi par dni!
Ti kruhki so sedaj hitra stalnica na meniju in kar je najlepše, potrebujemo izredno malo sestavin!

Mini sladki kruhki... / Mini sweet breads...

  • 3 beljaki
  • 200 g sladkorja v prahu (+ sladkor za povaljanje)
  • 250 g mletih lešnikov (ali mandljev, orehov)
  • 200 g jedilne čokolade
  • 1 žlička cimeta
  • 2 žlici češnjevega likerja ( ali čokoladnega, borovničega, ...)


 Jedilno čokolado stopimo nad vodno paro.

Beljake penasto umešamo in dodajamo ostale sestavine.

Masa ima okus po ferrero rocher, zato je po možnosti ne vse takoj pojesti :P ..
Maso postavimo v hladilnik za 1 uro.
Tastes like Ferrero Rocher

Oblikujemo kroglice, povaljamo v sladkorju in postavimo v pečico na 150°C.

Obvezno pečemo točno 15 minut in niti minute več, ker lahko postanejo zelo trdi! Govorim iz izkušenj :P :) ...

Naši sladki kruhki so končani, prijetno sladkanje! :)  


After a long time Imade again something sweet ... Lately somehow I did not had the will to bake. The fact is that I am big sweetcoholic no doubt that the situation will last forever, although I do not mind to get spoiled by homemade cakes from others :D ...The original recipe contained flour, but my mum forgot to add it once! And we were still impressed by the result, because they are extremely soft breads and they remain in such condition for a couple of days!These breads are now on the menu on daily basis and what is the best, we need only a few ingredients!


  • 3 egg whites
  • 200g caster sugar (+ sugar for rolling)
  • 250 g ground hazelnuts (or almonds, walnuts)
  • 200 g chocolate 
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons cherry liqueur (or chocolate, blueberries, ...)

Melt the chocolate over the steam.Mix the egg white to a foam texture and add remaining ingredients.
Put the mix in the fridge for 1 hour.Form the balls, roll in sugar and place in the oven at 150 ° C.You must bake for exactly 15 minutes and not a minute more, because breads can become very hard! I speak from experience: P :) ...
Our sweet breads are now ready, enjoy! :) 

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