petek, 13. marec 2015

Nova obleka za pručko.../ New dress for a footstool...

Ta teden imam očitno teden cvetja...nova pručka z narcisami, nov šopek za posebne ljudi, jutri cvetlični sejem v Italiji in v nedeljo sejem flora in poroka v Celju..huh ni mi dolgčas...

Before / After

Projekt pručka je trajal kar nekaj časa...kupim barvo, kasneje mi Marjan pove, da ni prava barva..ja super!! Potem fotr ni hotel po brusilni papir, sem po parih dneh odšla sama...če moški norijo v trgovinah z oblačili, potem jaz v Baumaxu in podobnih trgovinah na oddelku tehnike in orodja...nope to ni zame...
Prvi moj poskus z brusilni mašino....mašina se odpelje v steno!! Nisem vedela, da je prižgana...jebiga! Končno se me fotr usmili in mi zbrusi del pruč prvič v življenju sem ugotovila, da tiste luknje v mizarski delovni mizi imajo dejansko svoj namen in niso samo za okras...

Začetne težave / Troubles at the begining

Brušenje /Grinding

prava barva / prvi nanos / zadnji nanos / Right color /first  and final layer

Barva se je zelo hitro sušila in gremo na moj najljubši del!

Decoupage...napkin technique

Opazila sem, da ponekod nisem odstranila vseh slojev serviet...kar pomeni, da so se mi narcise ponekod odlepile...še zajebancija s tem! Že tako je bilo polno dela z obrezovanjem!

Nanšanje seviete / napkin application

Verjetno bom še nanesla lak, ampak tega naj gre kar fotr kupit! vprašanje kaj bi jaz prinesla domov..
In končno zaključek!! Sama sem pristaš riževega papirja! Nikoli nisem imela problema z njim! Tako, da sevietna tehnika mi ne diši najbolj, čeprav imam doma še nekaj serviet..očitno ni bilo zadnjič...

From old to new

 In še šopek za posebne ljudi, tokrat za Monikino in Vaskino babico...


This week IS obviously Flower Week for me... new footstool with daffodils, the new bouquet for special people, tomorrow flower fair in Italy and on Sunday Fair flower and marriage in Celje..huh I don't get bored...

The project footstool lasted for quite some time ... I bought paint, later Marjan tells me that this is not the right color.... yes awesome !! Then dad refused to buy sandpaper and after a few days later I went myself ... if a man gets crazy in a clothing store, then I get crazy in Baumax and similar stores in the Department of techniques and tools ... nope it's not for me ...

My first experiment with grinding tape machine .... machine hits the wall !! I didn't know that it is on! Finally my dad grinds some parts on footstool... and for the first time in my life I have found that those holes in the carpenter's workbench actually have their purpose and are not just for decoration ...

The color was dry very quick and off to my favorite part!

I noticed that I didn't remove all layers of napkins ... which means that some parts peeled off ...let's go one more time!

 I'll probably apply lacquer, but this time should my dad go to the store! Who knows what would I have brought ...

And finally, the conclusion !! I am a fan of rice paper! I have never had a problem with it! So that napkin technique is not my favorite thing, even though I have at home a few napkins left..I guess it was not the last time... 

And a bouquet for a special people, this time for Monika's and Vaska's grandmother ...

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