četrtek, 26. marec 2015

Krnsko jezero in problemi s kravo.../ Lake Krn and problems with a cow...

Lani sem zanemarjala hribe...da dobiš koga v hribe je že čudež! Ne, ne da se mi sami peljat 3 ure in potem še gor 3 ure, gorih 1 uro, nazaj dol 2 uri in še vožnja 3 ure...
Mogoče se pa vpišem v planinsko društvo in hodim na organizirane izlete in ne bom imela takšnih problemov.
Mislim, da že 3 leta jamram, da bi šla za par dni na gorenjsko...potem pa vedno pride vmes kakšna druga država in raziskovanje mest...in pa seveda vreme!! Tisti dan, je bil končno napovedan lep dan in seveda gremo na Krnsko jezero...

Lake Krn (1391 m)

Iz Celja odideva okoli 7 zjutraj..ja vem, kar pozno. Vreme v Celju ni obetalo nič kaj lepega, na Vršiču se je pa pokazal sonček...

Sun on Vršič

Po krajšem postanku odideva naprej proti Bovcu in pri vasi Soča se preusmerimo za Lepeno. Kako lepi konci!! Med potjo opazim polno lepo urejenih prostorov za kampiranje. In polno naravnih znamenitosti, za katere žal tokrat ni časa...Prispem do doma v Lepeni, ki je današnja izhodna točka, parkirišče komaj najdem, saj je polno avtomobilov...

Dom v Lepeni /House in Lepena

S fotrom hodiva pol ure...kaj pride nasproti...polno krav!! Po ozki poti...Groza!!!! V prvem postu sem omenila, da imam rada živali...ja najraje imam tiste, ki so manjše od mene, tiste, ki so pa večje in težje...ammm ja...no tistim se ne približujem...ne da se mi ravno bežati pred njimi!! Kaj pa veš kdaj se kateri utrga...

In seveda fotr kot fotr more vsako žival pobožat: "Kje si buša?" Hmm buša ja...v tistem ko jo poboža, ga krava pogleda in rukne z rogovi...itak se fotr razkuri na kravo...saj ti je prav! Gremo malo naprej in me fotr sprašuje, če je sploh prišel z uro ali mu jo je krava z rogovi dol vrgla. Super, kličem mami če je doma ura in je ni bilo....dobro, da kar naprej fotografiram in poglej ga zlomka! Fotografija z osumljeno in nesramno mukico ter fotr z uro!! Očitno mu jo je z rogovi odprla ali utrgala pašček.
Gremo nazaj iskat uro...ure nikjer!!! Hodiva gor in dol, ure ne najdeva!

Zadnja fotografija z uro / The last photo with dads watch

Ja nič gremo naprej. Pot poteka cik cak in je prav luštno za hodit, prav tako je pot redko kje zelo strma.

Path to Lake Krn

Prideva do žičnice in potem je pot po večini ravna...zanimiv je pogled na izmerjene količine snega, zraven stojiš kot palček...največja izmerjena količina je bila aprila 2009 in sicer 340 cm...

Measuring the amount of snow ( the highest 340 cm in April 2009)

Prispeva do planinskega doma pri Krnskih jezerih (ne vem zakaj množina)...Luštna hišica, sem se takoj spomnila na pravljico o Janku in Metki....

Mountain lodge at Lake Krn, looks like house from tale Hansel and Gretel (for me)

Čas za toplo malico...fotr klasika- pečenica z zeljem, jaz pa odličen jabolčni štrudl in kuskus s koruzo in tuno (nisem ravno klasičen planinec s sendvičem)....
Ne vem zakaj se še fotr vedno ni navadil, da slikam hrano in se še vedno dere če še pri jestvini nima mira...hmmm čudno...

Lodge food (except couscous)

Med malico uživam v super razgledu...

Nice view from the lodge

Po zasluženi malici naju čaka samo še malo hoje...

Just a little bit more...

Po parih minutah prispeva do jezera....evo martinčkarji...veliko planincev!! Odideva na drugo stran jezera, kjer praktično ni bilo skoraj nobenega....

Behind the corner...

Po počitku se počasi vrneva po isti poti nazaj. Ponovno iskanje ure in ponovno brez uspeha...

Autumn sun...

Pred vstopom v Lepeno pri mostu se je zjutraj zadrževalo veliko ljudi, zato sva se tudi midva ustavila...ahhh najlepša slovenska reka...delček korit naše Soče...

Our beautiful river Soča

In se vrneva proti Celju. Ker mi je bilo ponovno slabo čez prelaz Vršič, sem predlagala vožnjo skozi Italijo. Prvo čez mejni prehod Predel in nato nazaj čez Rateče...fotr ni bil preveč navdušen, je pa zato moj želodec bil toliko bolj...
Lepi konci, najbolj si bo pa izlet zapomnil fotr...Je pa za božička dobil novo uro in naslednjič bo pa sigurno doma počakala!


Last year, I neglected our mountains ... I can't get no one to go with me to the mountains and it's already a miracle if someone wants to go! No, I don't enjoy to drive alone for 3 hours and then walk for 3 hours, reasting for 1 hour, 2 hours to get back down and to drove back for 3 hours ...

Maybe I could enter in the alpine club and I am going to attend organized trip and I won't have such problems.

I think I'm already whining for 3 years to go for a couple of days to Gorenjska ... then always comes in between some other country and other cities ... and of course the weather !! That day was finally a nice day, and of course we went to Lake Krn .

From Celje we left around 7 am..yes I know that was late. Weather in Celje was everything but nice but soon as we arrived to Vršič the sun came out ...

After a short stop we headed to Bovec and in Soca village you have to turn for Lepena. How beautiful place !! Along the way I see a lot of places for camping. And full of natural attractions, which unfortunately we didn't have time ... we arrived to home in Lepena, I barely find parking space because it is full of cars ...

We were walking with dad for half an hour and what comes across ... full of cows !! On the narrow path ... The horror !!!! In the first post, I mentioned that I love animals ... yeah I prefer those who are smaller than me, not those who are bigger and heavier ... those I don't approach ... I just don't want to run away from them !! What do you know if they lose their minds.

And of course, dad as dad he always wants to touch animals: "Where are you cow?" When dad touches the cow, the cow looked at him and bumpshim with the horns on the hand ... and dad got mad on a cow. We went a little further and dad was wondering if he even came here with a clock or a cow throw it down with horns. Super, I called my mom if the watch was at home and it wasn't .... Luckily I always take photos and what do I see! Photo of the suspect and rude cow and dad with his watch on the whrist!! 
We went back to find his watch and we couldn't find it anywhere!!! We searched everywhere but didn't have any luck. 
There's nothing we can do so let's go forward. The trail runs zigzag and is great to walk.

We Ccame to the cable car and from there on the path is mostly flat ... interesting view on the measured amount of snow, you stand there as a dwarf ... the largest quantity of the snow was on April 2009, at 340 cm ...

Finally we saw mountain home at Lake Krn... cute house, I immediately remembered the tale of Hansel and Gretel ....

Time for a warm meal ... dad classic- sausage with cabbage, and for me a great apple strudel and couscous with corn and tuna (I'm not really a classic mountaineer with sandwich) ....

I don't know why dad is still not used to the fact that I always take pictures of food and is always yelling if he can't eat in peace ... hmmm that's strange...

 Just a few steps away from mountain lodge is beautiful Lake Krn...

After resting we slowly went back the same way. We searched again for dads watch but without luck.

Before entering the Lepena this morning were a lot of people at the bridge and we also stopped ... ahhh ... the most beautiful Slovenian river Soča and its gorges ...

 And we went back to Celje. Since my stomach wasn't happy over the curves over the Vršič, I seggested a journey through Italy. The first border crossing was at Predel and then back across Ratece ... dad wasn't too impressed, but my stomach was so much more ...

Great trip, especially for dad ... But for Santa he got a new watch and the next time he will leave at home!

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