četrtek, 5. marec 2015

Benetke.../ Venice...

Ta izlet je pa malo starejši, ampak ga bom vseeno opisala, ker čez par let bom sigurno vse pozabila...
Vedno sem si želela videti Benetke in pravkar razmišljam zakaj nisem šla preko turistične agencije..verjetno mi je bilo predrago. En dan s turistično agencijo znaša 55€, če imate pa bolj luksuzne želje, lahko avto pustite v Piranu in se odpeljete s katamaranom za 65€ na osebo!! Nas je izlet prišel okoli 35€ če se ne motim. Če bi nas šlo še več bi še bilo ceneje.

Spomnim se, da je bilo poletje...Barbari sem težila, da bi nekam rada šla na izlet in nisem imela ideje...nakar Barbara reče gremo v Benetke! Jaaaaa!! Gremo!! Pokličemo še Tejo, kaj dela čez vikend in če bi rada šla zraven v Benetke. Itak Teja cela vesela in ni mogla verjeti, da gre v Benetke...pride vikend, odidem prvo po Tejo, nato še po Barbaro in via Italija!!
Peljemo se mimo Palmanove in seveda ni šlo samo mimo...tam smo se zadržale eno uro..


Ponovno odidemo proti Benetkam. Vožnja traja približno 4 ure (s postanki)...brez lovljenja seveda ni šlo, iskale smo letališče Marco Polo..vprašamo in nas preusmerijo na pravo pot...
Parkirale smo na letališču iz čisto preprostega razloga...celodnevno parkiranje je 10€, medtem ko v Benetkah ne pričakujte parkirnine izpod 25€...in to je minimalno!! Cene se izjemno razlikujejo, imate tudi za 6€ na uro!!

Letališče Marco Polo / Airport Marco Polo

Stojimo pred avtobusom na letališču in opazimo, da imajo vsi vozovnice...le kje hudiča so jih dobili? Hodimo okoli in opazimo avtomat za vozovnice...še zajebavanje s to mašino in po 5-10 minutah nam končno izpljune karte...povratna karta do Benetk je 9€, mislim, da vozi vsake pol ure ali vsako polno uro. Vožnja do Benetk traja samo kakšnih 15-20 minut...
Buongiorno Venezia!!!

Dva izmed 409 mostov / Two of the 409 bridges

Hodimo in hodimo, a nam je bilo čudno zakaj ni nič ljudi okoli. Kasneje ugotovimo, da obstaja samo ena (turistična) pot do vseh znamenitosti in tudi na fasadah so oznake za pravo pot, katere smo opazile kasneje...tudi dobro, smo pač videle tudi mirni del Benetk...

Mirni del Benetk / Peaceful part of Venice

 Ni trajalo dolgo, da smo prišle na turistični del, kjer beseda mirno ne obstaja...hodili smo eden za drugim v koloni med ozkimi uličicami z mamljivimi izložbami...

Pridemo do mosta Rialto. Nenormalna gužva!! Pa kaj hudiča se dogaja? Še sama preverim in potem mi je vse jasno...bello!!! Canal Grande...

Razgled z mostu Rialto / The view from the bridge Rialto

Preverim še drugo stran mostu na katero se komaj prerinem...tudi bello!!!

In še spodaj...

Most / Bridge Rialto

Nadaljujemo pot...na vsakem koraku opazim sveže narezano sadje...kako paše v tej vročini!! Nisem prepričana, ali sem to opazila v Ljubljani enkrat ali ne, v vsakem primeru bi bila pozitivna dobrodošlica v vsakem mestu...med vikendi na Šmartinskem jezeru, za Savinjo, na Celjski koči...vse se da!! Samo realizirati je treba idejo! In imeti urejene papirje zaradi naših množičnih inšpektorjev! In seveda po normalni ceni!! V Benetkah smo plačale 2€ na lonček...pri nas bi verjetno bilo najmanj 3€...

Turistična in neturistična pot, osvežitev za 2€

Končno prispemo do trga Sv. Marka...Veličastno!!!

Bazilika sv. Marka

Ravno takrat so potekala obnovitvena dela in mislim, da ni bilo mogoče vstopiti na balkon za lepši razgled...In tukaj tudi pazite na ptice seralice! Drugače znane kot golobi...veliko ljudi se je namreč sprehajalo po trgu z dežnikom...zaradi vročine sigurno ne..

Trg sv. Marka / St. Mark's Square

Trg in most vzdihljajev / Square and Bridge of Sighs

Most vzdihljajev naj bi veljal za enega najbolj romantičnih mest oz mostov...tukaj so jetniki zadnjič videli lepoto Benetk in jih odpeljali v dosmrtno ječo...kaj je tukaj romantičnega tudi ne vem..razen če si Homer in Morticia Adams, potem ti je ta kraj oz. zgodba romantična!

Na trgu sv. Marka lahko posedate v kavarni Valena...kavica z razgledom na trg naj bi presegala 10€, če zaslišite še orkester, potem še računajte na dodatne stroške... natakarji so pa izredno lepo oblečeni...no glede cen, si lahko mislite, da je v kavarni nepopisna gneča..

Caffe Valena

Še fotografija z enim mladeničem, ki je hotel skupno fotografijo in nam počasi zmanjkuje časa in niti nismo videle vsega, je pa res, da smo pozno odšle iz Celja. Zadnji avtobus do letališča pelje ob 19 ali ob 20 uri...

Še za informacijo, najdražje spominke najdete v okolici sv. Marka, samo par metrov stran najdete vse za polovično ceno ali še nižje! No tiste lepe maske, ki so pa mi bile všeč, so pa presegale ceno krepko čez 100€! Razlog mislim, da je bil pravo zlato..

Zanimivi balkon / Interesting balcony

Pridemo do letališča in počasi za Slovenijo. Zgrešim odcep za avtocesto in se peljem po stari. Predvidevala sem, da bo spet kmalu kakšna oznaka za avtocesto...uf kako sem se zmotila!! Cela živčna sem upala, da bomo kmalu kje videli bencinsko, ker sem že imela skoraj čisto prazen rezervoar. Po parih kilometrih končno bencinska!!!
Huh kaj je sedaj to? Kako naj tankam? Vse piše v italijanščini...ravno takrat pripelje en italijan in smo vse 3 babnice opazovale kako ta stvar poteka, on se nam je pa simpatično nasmejal. Heh sem tudi idiot, lahko bi njemu rekla naj mi ga natanka! Ampak se bomo že znašle! Par mesecev kasneje spet bila v Italiji in imela isti problem, katerega sem sedaj znala rešiti...Prvo ustaviš denar, seveda točen znesek, ker denarja ne vrača, pritisneš tipko za številko kjer tankaš in potem še tipko kaj bi tankal (95, dizel)...čakaj ali je obratno??? Prvo številka in potem denar??? Ehhh ko bom spet pri tem bom že znala...

Drugače nisem oseba, ki se vrača na isto mesto, tokrat bi pa naredila izjemo. Razen v času karnevala me tam ne vidite...to šele more biti norišnica...
Premalo časa sem imela za ogled, drugič bi šla za kakšna dva dneva...in še brez načrta sem bila..sem kar šla...je pa naporno...320 km v eno stran, cel dan hoja in še vožnja nazaj...še pred mejo nisem več bila zmožna peljati in do doma sem spala kot bebica...
Na koncu mi še Barbara reče: "Jaz sem se samo zafrkavala, da gremo v Benetke, ti si pa kar zagrabla!" Eeeeee jebiga...


This trip is a little bit older, but I'll still describe it because in a couple of years I will surely forget everything ...

I've always wanted to see Venice and I don't know why I didn't go with travel agency..I guess it was too expensive. One day trip with ageny costs € 55, but if you desire more luxury, you can leave the car in Piran and go to Venice with catamaran for € 65 per person !! Our trip has costs around € 35 if I'm not mistaken. If I travelled with more people it would be even cheaper...

I remember that it was summer ... I said to Barbara, that I would like to go somewhere on a trip and I had no idea where should I go ... then Barbara said let's go to Venice! Yessss!! Let's go !! Icalled Teja what is she doing over the weekend and if she would like to go to Venice with us. Teja was happy and couldn't believe that she is going to Venice ...The weekend came and I picked up Teja, then Barbara and via Italy !! 

We drove past the Palmanova and of course it was not just passing ... we were there for an hour...

And here we are on the road again to Venice. The journey takes approximately 4 hours (with stops) ... we were searching for the airport Marco Polo..we asked and they redirect us to the right path ... 
 We parked at the airport because of a very simple reason ... all-day parking is € 10, while in Venice don't expect parking below the € 25 ... and this is the minimum !! Prices are extremely different, you can also park for € 6 per hour !!

We were standing in front of the bus at the airport and we saw that everyone has tickets ... just where the hell can I buy them? We walked around and saw ticket machine ... we were having troubles with this machine and after 5-10 minutes it finally spits out tickets ... return ticket to Venice is € 9, I think the bus runs every half hour or every hour. The ride to Venice takes only about 15-20 minutes ... 
Buongiorno Venezia !!!

We walked and walked and we were wondering where are all the people. Later, we found out that there is only one (tourist) path to all the attractions and on the facades are marks for the right way, which we noticed later ... also good,we saw also the quiet part of Venice ...

We came to the Rialto Bridge. Abnormal crowd !! What the hell is going on? I went to check it and then everything was clear to me ... bello !!! Canal Grande ...
I checked the other side of the bridge which I hardly came over ... also bello !!!
And from the bottom...(picture)

Let's carry on ... On every step I noticed fresh cut fruit ... it was refreshing in this kind of heat !! I'm not sure whether I saw this in  Ljubljana or not anyway it would be a positive welcome in any place ... during weekends at the lake Šmartinsko for a walk around river Savinja and on Celje hut ... everything is posible !! You only need to realize the idea! And have all the papers in order because of our massive inspectors! And of course the normal price!! In Venice we paid € 2 per pot ... here it would probably be at least € 3 ...

Finally, we arrived to the St. Mark's Square ... Magnificent!!!
Basilica was just under construction and I think that it wasn't possible to enter the balcony for a better view ...and you have to watch out for the pigeons ... a lot of people were walking around the market with an umbrella ... certainly not because of the heat ..

Bridge of Sighs should be considered as one of the most romantic places or bridges ... here could  prisoners see the last time the beauty of Venice and then they took them to prison for a lifetime ... and this is suposed to be romantic?? Unless you are Homer and Morticia Adams, then this is a romantic story or romantic place!

In the St.Mark's Square you can sit in a cafe Valena ...Coffee with a view on th Square will cost you at least € 10 and if you hear the orchestra, the price is going to be even bigger... but the waiters are very nicely dressed ... well in terms of price, you can imagine that this is indescribable crowded cafe ..
Another photo with a young man who wanted a photo with me and we are slowly running out of time and we weren't even able to see everything, but it's true that we went from Celje late. The last bus to the airport leaves at 19 or at 20 p.m. ...

For the information, the most expensive souvenirs can be found in the sorounding of St. Mark, just a few meters away you can find everything for half the price or even lower! Well those beautiful masks that I liked were over € 100! The reason I think it was real gold ..

We came to the airport and returned for Slovenia. I missed the exit for the highway and we went back to Slovenia from the "old" road . I assumed that we will be back soon on the highway ... uf how was I wrong !! Whole nervous I was hoping that we will soon find gas station, because I had almost completely empty tank. After a couple of kilometers finally we saw it !!!
Huh what's this? How do you work with this? All words are in Italian ... then one Italian came by and 3 girls were wathing him how to tank a car and he was just smiling...Heh, I'm also an idiot, I could told him to fuel my car! But we can work this out! Couple months later, I was again in Italy and had the same problem, which I  know how to save the problem ... First you have to insert money, of course, the exact amount because you don't get money back, push the button for the number where you tank the car and then press for fuel (95, diesel ) ... wait or is it backwords??? The first number and then the money ??? Ehhh I'll remember when I'm back in Italy...
Otherwise, I'm not a person who is returning to the same place, but this time I'll make an exception. Except during the Carnival...you will never see me then...It must be thousands of people there... 

It was not enought time to see everything, next time I would like to go for at least two days ... and I was without a plan..I just went ... but it is hard ... 320 km in one direction, the whole day walking and driving back ... just before the border I wasn't able to drive anymore and I slept like a baby all the way back home ... 
In the end,  Barbara said: "I was just joking to go to Venice and you just belived me!" Eeeeee sorry ...

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