sobota, 14. marec 2015

Cvetlični sejem Pordenone Italija.../ Flower fair Pordenone Italy...

Danes je bil dan rezerviran za Italijo. Odšli smo z turistično agencijo Palma, na osebo znaša izlet 38€+7,50€ na prijavo. Iz Celja odidemo ob 5.15 in prispemo v Pordenone malo čez 9.00 zjutraj s postanki. Sejem se odpre ob 9.30, zato je bila jutranja gneča nepopisljiva, ampak imajo super in hiter sistem, da vstopnice samo skenirajo in že si notri. Cena vstopnice za individualne obiskovalce je 8€, za skupine 6€. Vstopnica je že bila všteta v aranžma. Parkirišče je za avtomobile in avtobuse brezplačno. Če nakupujete večje izdelke in bi jih radi odnesli v avto, ter bi se radi vrnili nazaj na sejem, dobite zapestnico, brez nje namreč nimate ponovnega vstopa.
Na sejmu imajo 9 razstavnih hal in poleg cvetja, lahko kupite od A do Ž za poljedeljstvo in vrtičkanje, ideje za okusno postavitev cvetja in grmovnic, tipične italijanske specialitete, vrtne garniture, drevje, kaktuse, semena, zelišča, v glavnem vse, kar se dogaja okoli hiše...
Opazim tudi ogromno nakita, domačih mil, esenc, šalov, torbic, čajev, okrasnih izdelkov itd...

Sejem / fair Pordenone

9:30 otvoritev sejma / fair opening

Sama sem se predvsem veselila hrane in peperoncinov s tuno!! Cena žal astronomska in sicer 7€...sem pa zato kupila Pomitrito-pikantna domača omaka za špagete...cena 9,50€
Poskusim tudi sir zorjen na slami San Toscano...mislim, da še boljšega sira nisem nikoli jedla!! Neverjetni okus!! Kilogram 29€...
In če smo v Sloveniji navajeni, da se vse stvari kupujejo brez pokušine, so ti tukaj dobesedno z vseh strani ponujali krožnike s svojimi izdelki! Čokolade, siri, klobase, olive, sušeni paradižniki, keksi, domače omake, canolli, kruh, ni da ni....Prvič poskusim tiste ogromne olive in so odlične! Sem mislila, da so slane vendar niso!
Sem pa bila pozitivno presenečena, da so tudi psi dobrodošli. Super!
Aha kupila sem seme bombaža in seme kave...upam, da uspe..Drugače so pa na veliko kupovali limonovce za 25€...
Brez veze, da nakladam, gremo na fotografije...

Cheese San Toscano

Dogs allowed / in and out bracelet

Vodnička nas je zjutraj na avtobusu vprašala, če ima kdo željo, lahko gremo zraven nje še obiskati center mesta Pordenone. Ja seveda!!!! Mene ni treba 2x vprašat!! Še eno super presenečenje in to ni bilo vključeno v program! Pa še spraševala sem na agenciji, če je center daleč, da bi si ga rada šla ogledati...
Veliko nisem pričakovala od mesta, niti si nisem prej ogledala na netu kako zgleda sam center mesta.
Kakšna škoda bi bila, da ne bi šli! Center je dolga ozka ulica in vsakih par metrov druga barva in oblika fasade ter veliko lepih fresk, kjer se čuti vpliv benečije!! Polno je rož na okenskih policah! In mestna hiša!! Stupenda!!
Še gelatto! Fragola e caffee per me! Mmmm buono!! Kepica 1,20€, dve kepici 2,20€....Hmmm lahko bi se naši kaj naučili! Ob mostu Romea in Julije raste lovorjev list, še hop ena vejica in gremo počasi proti avtobusu...

Most / bridge Romeo & Juliet

Cerkev / Church San Marco

Mestna hiša /City hall



Lovorjevi listi ob poti /  Fresh bay leaves

Naslednja postojanka je mesto Palmanova. Tudi tega nisem vedela, da gremo obiskati, vedela sem samo za outlet center...Tukaj se zadržimo samo pol urce na Piazzi Grande in gremo v outlet center.
Še zadnji nakupi v Kiku za Moniko in Vasko in ob 7 zvečer se vračamo domov...Ker sem sama kraljevala na zadnjih petih sedežih, je bil spanec odličen...

Ponovno je bil en super izlet, pod okriljem odlične agencije Palma in mislim, da bom sedaj počasi poznala vse vaše vodiče, ker druge agencije ne pridejo v poštev!


Today was the day reserved for Italy. We went with the travel agency Palma, the trip was per person  € 38 + € 7.50 to login. From Celje we left at 5:15 and arrived to Pordenone after 9.00 am with stops. The fair opens at 9:30 am, so it was crowded in the morning, but they have a great and fast system that they just scan tickets and you get inside. Ticket for individual visitors costs € 8, € 6 for groups. The ticket has already been included in the package. Parking for cars and buses is free of charge. If you shop more products and would like to take the items into the car, and would like to go back to the fair, you need a bracelet or you can't get back inside. At the fair are 9 exhibition halls and in addition to flowers, you can also buy from A to Z in agriculture and gardening, there are ideas for a delicious combination of flowers and shrubs, typical Italian specialties, garden furniture, trees, cacti, seeds, herbs, mostly everything that you are doing around the house...Also I noticed a lot of jewelry, domestic soaps, essences, scarves, handbags, teas, decorative items, etc ...

I was particularly looking forward to the food and peperoncini with tuna !! Price was astronomical namely € 7 for a little glass... I bought Pomitrito-spicy sauce for spaghetti made at home ... Price € 9.50 
I tryed the cheese San Toscano who is ripened on straw  ... I think that was the best cheese I've never eaten !! Incredible taste !! One kilo € 29 ...

And if we in Slovenia are used to buying all things without trying it first, they are here literally
offering you plates with their products from all sides! Chocolates, cheeses, sausages, olives, dried tomatoes, biscuits, homemade sauces, canolli, bread, everything you want .... I tryed for the first time  those huge olives and are excellent! I thought they were salty but they are not! 
I was positively surprised that even dogs are welcome. Super! 
Let's get to the photos ...

Our tour guide asked us on the bus in the morning if anyone has the desire, you can go with to her to visit the center of the city of Pordenone. Yes, of course !!!! You don't have to tell me twice !! Another great surprise and it wasn't included in the program! And I wondered at the agency, if the center is far away because I wanted to see it...
What a pity it would be if we wouldn't go! Center is a long narrow street, and every few meters is new color and design of the facade, and many beautiful frescoes, where you can feel the influence of the Veneto !! It is full of flowers on the windows! And town hall !! Stupenda !!

Even gelatto! Fragola e caffee per me! Mmmm buono !! One scoop € 1.20, € 2.20 for two scoops .... Hmmm they could be our teachers! At the bridge of Romeo and Juliet grows bay leaf, no one is watching, let's take a few leaves with us and then we went towards to the bus ...

Next stop is the city of Palmanova. i also didn't know that we are going to visit the city, I only knew for outlet center ... we were there only half an hour in the Piazza Grande and then we went to the outlet center. 
The last shopping at the Kiko for Monika and Vaska and at 7 pm we went back home... Because I was alone in the back , it was a great sleep on five chairs ..

Once again it was a great trip with turist agency Palma and soon I will know every tour guide they have, because other agencies do not come near their level...


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