torek, 3. marec 2015

Znam za jedan grad....zove se Beograd / I know for one's called Beograd

Monika je imela lani 30-ko in je imela prav posebno željo....obisk Beograda z babnicam...hja kaj č gremo no...če je Michelle odpovedala poroko (pa ne svoje), bom pa tudi jaz vzela dopust, čeprav so mi 5 dni pred dopustom rekli, da ne gre...sorry it's booked everything..

Odšle smo z vlakom...povratna karta je stala okoli 60€. Če vam kdor koli reče za rezervacijo, ki stane 7€ na osebo NE SPREJMITE!! Noben od 5-tih sedežev ni bil rezerviran...
Vožnja je potekala zeloooo dolgo....12 ur namreč. Ravno tisti čas so bile poplave in smo ubrali drugo pot...šli smo mimo Vinkovcev, Sremsko Mitrovico, Rumo in Staro Pazovo.

Poplavljena območja / Flooded places

Čeprav je bila vožnja dolga, nam je minilo nenormalno hitro in namesto 5-ih ljudi, nas je v družbi že bilo tako so potekali kolački, domače klobase, jegri in borovničke gor in dol...
Ker smo gospo iz Novega Sada tako navdušile, nas še vabi k sebi, kasneje smo ji poslale tudi par slik iz našega vikend odklopa..
Tudi Dejan nas je vabil v Zrenjanin, kjer bo Monika sigurno dobila bodočega moža...
Predvsem je pa imel eno zanimivo vprašanje:"Šta to znači madonca?"

Počasi prispemo v Beograd. Prvi občutki...Šok!! Ste že kdaj bili v Kairu?? Potem veste o čem govorim...stare temne blokovske fasade in milijardo satelitskih anten in klim...

Prvi pogled na Beograd / First look on Belgrade

V Celju je bilo tisto jutro precej hladno, zato so punce po večini imele vse na sebi jakne, razen mene...imela sem tudi edina natikače...ko stopimo iz vlaka pa drugi šok! Sparina!!!! Vročeeee!! Punce so se začele slačit kot v striptiz baru!! Kakšna razlika! Pri nas dež, hladno in dolgi rokavi, v Beogradu čisto nasprotje! No meni je bilo prav fino v natikačih...

In gremo v lov za našim apartmanom....končno pridemo v ulico in ženske gledajo začudeno oz prej š ne izgleda privlačna ulica...ampak če rezerviram jaz, potem more biti lepo in moderno...Po vstopu v apartma pa je že bila druga pesem...plačale smo 45€ za 3 noči na osebo, kar pomeni 15€ na noč še parkirišče v garaži....good price...
Da ne omenjam, da je Michelle hotela v isto ali dražjo ceno...s skupno kopalnico...nope not for me...

Ulica do našega apartmana / Street to our apartment

Apartments Belgrade

Hop pod tuš in gremo na raziskovanje mesta in večerjo...gremo mimo znamenitega hotela Moskva in do Ulice Knez Mihajlova...Tina se nikakor ni spomnala kje je tista ulica, kjer imajo same gostilne, zato se je Michelle odločila, da bo kar skočila pred enega človeka in ga vprašala kje je Eskadrilija...ja nič mu ni bilo jasno, kot tudi nam gospodič nam je vendarle povedal kje je Skadarlija...

Ulica Knez Mihajlova / Knez Mihailova Street

Ja takole izgledajo večeri malo pred zaprtjem, drugače se je tukaj trlo ljudi in če je za nekatere balkanska kuhinja raj, je zame nočna mora...pleskavice, čevapčiči, ražnjiči, kotleti ni šans!!! Zato sem prvi dan imela sir na žaru..dober ampak slan nenormalno...Vseeno sem probala meso in je imelo vse okus oz. vonj po dimu...a to je ok?? V glavnem drugačen okus kot pri nas ampak vseeno big no no.

Tradicionalna kuhinja / Tradicional cuisine

Naslednji dan smo odšle na ogled Beograda z avtobusom za 4€..ogled je trajal 70 min in te popelje skozi vse znamenitosti avtobusu še dobite slušalke, na izbiro imate srbski, angleški in mislim, da nemški jezik...ali italijanski?? Ne vem več.

Bus sightseeing

Prispemo nazaj, Monika časti kosilo za rojstni dan in gremo nazaj na Skadarlijo....losos je bil dober, zelenjava žal ni bila sveža...glede na to, da se pri njih žar venomer uporablja, bi lahko kakšno bučko na žar vrgel!!!

Naslednja postaja...Hiša cvetja. Do tja se odpeljemo z avtobusom, koliko smo plačale se žal ne spomnim...Vstopnina za hišo cvetja pa je znašala 1,30€ takšne cene bi se z lahkoto navadila...
V hiši cvetja si lahko ogledate Titov in Jovankin grob, njegove uniforme, osebne slike in štafete.
Zraven hiše cvetja je muzej poln darilc iz vsega sveta...

 Hiša cvetja / House of flowers

Darila za Tita / Gifts for Tito

Ker je bila že pozna ura, nas je na avtobusni postaji gruča ljudi ugotovila, da avtobus ne pelje več nazaj do mesta...super! Odidemo iz Hiše cvetja peš do Sv. Save...same sredi tujega mesta, v temi...

By night

Končno pred ciljem...

Sv. Sava

In smo že pri zadnjem dnevu...z Moniko sva odšle sami v muzej Nikola Tesle. Vstopnina je znašala 5€...Med potjo še naletimo na turistično agencijo, kjer ugotovimo, da potujejo po svetu za polovično ceno ali celo več od nas...tako, da letos mogoče odhod preko Beograda :D...ja vem...nižji standard..

Muzej Nikola Tesle / Museum of Nikola Tesla

V muzeju imajo voden ogled, ogledate si lahko njegove osebne predmete, posmrtni pepel (čeprav dvomim da original), njegova dela in poskusi...

1. osebne stvari, 2. brezžični prenos energije (model), 3. posmrtni ostanki, 4. transformator
1. personal belongings 2. wireless energy transfer 3. mortal remains 4. transformer

Odidemo na avtobus, kjer nas čaka še zadnji postanek...Kalemegdan...
Huh noro velika posest. Na Kalemegdanu najdete vojni muzej, lepo je vidno stičišče Donave in Save in očitno je tudi zaželjeno med mladoporočenci, mislim, da smo videli 4 kako lepo urejeni svatje!! Uauuu!! Od hoje se nam že res počasi blede...3 dni Beograda je skrajno premalo!


Počasi se vrnemo v center mesta, nekaj pojemo in še zadnja pijačka pred spanjem in jutranjim odhodom proti domu...

Hrana za par centov/evrov / Food for a few cents/€

Zjutraj se zgodaj vstanemo, da še odidemo na tržnico po par zadnjih nakupov za domov...
Ne sme manjkati tobak, sirni burek in tablete...Tablete so po smešno nizkih cenah..aspirin po 1,30€ in še nekatere njihove, ki so baje celo vrečo tablet sem dala okoli 10€. Cene tobaka žal ne vem, to bo vedela Tina...burek je bil okoli 0,80€....aja tablet nisem kupila na tržnici ampak v lekarni :P ...


In se poslovimo od tukaj se začnejo težave.. prestopanje!!! Neurejena povezava zaradi poplav in del na tirnicah...5x smo prestopali iz vlaka na vlak in na avtobus itd...katastrofa! A pred odhodom smo se pozanimali če vlaki vozijo brez problemov in so nam zatrdili, da je vse brez problemov. Ker smo se kasneje pritožili, so našo pritožbo reševali cele 4 mesece...ja nimaš kaj, hitri so...

Vseeno je bil lep izlet. Turistične agencije ponujajo ogled Beograda za 2 dni...kako jim to uspe mi ni jasno... poleg tega nismo niti šopingirale!! Bile smo samo v eni trgovini...tako je! V eni! Čisto zares! Ni bilo časa za druga...
Drugače sem nad Beogradom pozitivno presenečena...mi jim ne sežemo do pa opazi neverjetna razlika v eni strani mogočne hiše in stavbe, na drugi strani pa žalostne zgodbe..hiše skupaj zbite iz železnih plošč..revščina... Sama pa namreč vidim velik potencial za biznis...pustimo se presenetiti...

Zadnji pogled na Beograd / The last look on Beograd


Monika was 30 last year and had a special desire .... visit Belgrade with the girls ... Well what are we suposed to do ... let's go of course ... if Michelle canceled the wedding (not her wedding), then why shouldn't I have a few days off and a couple days before our journey they told me that I can't go... sorry it's booked everything .. 
We went by train ... return ticket costs about € 60. If anyone says to you it's good to have seats reservated which costs € 7 per person do not accept !! It wasn't reserved!! And we paid 35€ for 5 people!! 
The ride was soooo long .... 12 hours, that is. Just at that time we went, there were floods and we had to go a different path ... we went past Vinkovci, Sremska Mitrovica, Ruma and Stara Pazova.

Although it was a long ride, it went abnormally fast, and instead of the 5 people, we were in the company already 8 ... and so muffins, homemade sausages, jagermaister and blueberries went fom here to there and everywhere.... 
Since the lady from Novi Sad was so excited about us, she even invited us to her place and we sent her a couple of pritures from our vacation in Belgrade also...
Even Dejan invited us to his town in Zrenjanin, where Monika will definitely get future husband ... 

However, he had another interesting question: "What does it mean madonca?"*
*some kind of mild swearing

Slowly we arrived to Belgrade. The first feelings ... Shock !! Have you ever been in Cairo ?? Then you know what I mean ... the old facade and dark bloc billion satellite dishes and air conditioner ...

And off we go to hunt for our apartman .... finally we come to the street and women just watched and were amaze or rather shocked ... no it doesn't look attractive street ... but if I book anything, it must be nice and modern ... After entering the apartment it was everything different from outside... we paid € 45 for 3 nights per person, which means € 15 per night ... and parking in the garage .... good price ... 
Not to mention that Michelle wanted to book in the hostel ... for the same price or more expensive ... with a shared bathroom ... nope not for me ...

Hop in the shower and off we go to explore the city and then dinner ... we went past the famous Hotel Moskva and Knez Mihailova street ... Tina couldn't remember where is that street, where they have only Serbian tipical food, so Michelle decided and jumped in front of one man and asked him where is Eskadrilija ... yeah he didn't understand and we didn't neither ... however, he told us where is Skadarlija ..

Yes, this is how evenings looks like before closing, otherwise only hour ago it was plenty of people here, you can barely find a seat... for some people is Balkan cuisine paradise and it's a nightmare for me ... čevapčiči, meat rolls, kebabs, cutlets no way !!! Therefore, the first day I had cheese on the was good but abnormally salty ... I tasted their meat and all the flavor and the smell was  smoked ... is this ok?? Mainly different taste than in our country but still a big no no.

The next day we went on a tour of Belgrade by bus for € 4 ..sightseeing lasted 70 minutes and takes you through all the attractions of Belgrade ... on the bus you get a headphones and you can choose between Serbian, English, and I think the German language ... or Italian ?? I don't remember anymore.

 We arrived back, Monika wanted to take us for dinner for her birthday and so we went back to Skadarlija .... salmon was good ...

Next stop ... The House of flowers. We went to the House by bus, how much we paid, unfortunately I don't remember ... Entrance to the House of flowers was € 1.30 ..on such prices I could easily get used to ...
In the House of flowers you can see Tito's and Jovanka's grave, his uniforms, personal belongings and relays. 
Next to the House of flowers is a museum full of gifts from around the world ...

Since it was already late, we found out that the bus isn't going back to the town ... great! From the Houses of flowers we walked to Sv. Sava ... alone in the middle of a foreign city in the dark ...

And here we are, the last day ... Monika and I went alone to the museum of Nikola Tesla. Entrance fee was € 5 ... Along the way we found a travel agency, where we found out that they are traveling around the world for half the price or even less than we do ... so this year we could go on the vacation from Belgrade: D ...

In the museum is a guided tour, you can see his personal belongings, ashes ( I doubt that it's  original), his work and some thing you can try on your own.

We went back with the bus and we still have the last stop ... Kalemegdan ...

Huh insanely large estate. At Kalemegdan you can find War Museum, both rivers Donava and Sava and apparently it's also desirable among newlyweds, I think we saw 4 weddings ... and how beautiful were wedding guests!! Uauuu!! We were really tired from walking ... 3 days for Belgrade is absolutley not enough!

The next morning we got up early and went to the market to buy some things for our trip back home ...

Can't go without tobacco, cheese burek and tablets ... tablets are ridiculously cheap..aspirin for € 1.30 and some other pills, which are supposedly fenomenal..for a bag
of pills I paid about € 10. Prices for tobacco unfortunately I don't know, Tina would know that... burek was around € 0.80 .... oh and I bought pills at the pharmacy not at the market :P ...

It was time to say goodbye to Belgrade ... and here the problems started .. crossing trains and buses !!! Disordered connection because of flooded places and work on the rails ... 5x we crossed from the train on the train and to the bus, etc ... disaster! And we aked at  pre-departure, if there are any problems and they said that is everything ok, without problems. We later complained that the complaint was resolved in 4 months ... yes they are prety fast..

However, it was a nice trip. Travel agencies offer a tour of Belgrade for 2 days ... how is this posible in 2 days is a mistery to me... And we !! We were only in one store ... didn't evern go shopping! We were only in one store! Really! There wasn't any time ...

Otherwise, I'm over Belgrade positively surprised ... We don't reach them ... I noticed an incredible difference in the population ... on the one hand there are mighty homes and buildings, on the other hand, the sad story..houses compacted together from iron plates ..poverty ... and  I see great potential for business ... let's stay surprised ...

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