torek, 31. marec 2015

Oblečeni okvirji..../ Dressed frames...

Ponovno sem oblačila stvari v nove oblekce, tokrat okvirje. Eden z riževim papirjem, eden s servietno tehniko. Pa še zadnjič sem jamrala čez serviete, ampak jih moram porabiti...
Okvirji so za našo bodočo začasno pisarno. Čeprav bo začasna, mora vseeno imeti ženske dodatke...
No slika z dedkom in babico je samo improvizacija in ne gre v pisarno, za njiju imam drugačne okvirje...

Before / after

Okvirje sem kupila v Velenju v Momaxu, manjši 3,50€, večji 5€. Najraje imam njihove okvirje, predvsem tiste večje, debelo ogrodje in najpomembnejše, da niso železni, srebrni, stekleni in načičkani s srčki, mavricami, delfinčki in vrtnicami...razen če jih narediš sam..potem trud.

Decoupage- napkin (my way) and rice paper

Z okvirji ni bilo veliko dela, razen manjši mi je povzročal malo težav z obrezovanjem, pri velikemu ni bilo težav.
Upam, da bo ženskam všeč...

Who wants to achieve distant goal, needs to take a lot of small steps...


Once again, I put the dress on the new things and this time were frames. One was made with rice paper and other with napkin technique. And the last time I was whining over napkins, but I have many of them left ... 
Frames are for our temporary office. Even if it is temporary office it needs women accessories ... 
Picture with grandpa and grandma is just improvisation and it is not for the office, for them I have a different frames ...

I bought frames in Velenje in Momax;the smallest was € 3.50 and the bigger one was € 5. I love their frames, especially the larger ones, thick frame and most importantly, they are not iron, silver, glass and with hearts, rainbows, dolphins and flowers ... unless they are diy...then I tolerate ... for the effort.

 The frames were not a lot of work, except for the smaller one, it caused me a few problems with trimming and with the larger frame there were no problems. 
I hope that women like it ...

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