nedelja, 14. februar 2016

Darilo iz Fiese ... / Present from Fiesa ...


No to darilo ni prišlo danes na valentinovo, ampak že decembra.
Monikin ata se je namreč potikal po Fiesi in zagledal razpadajoče stojalo za časopis in ker ve, da dajem starim stvarem novo življenje, mi ga je prinesel v Celje. Hvala lepa Žare :) ...
In hvala tudi tebi za darilo dragi primorec, ga saj zakuril nisi :) ...

Before / After

Dno stojala ni bilo mogoče rešiti. Sem pa zato dala fotru nalogo, da mi naredi novo dno...

The botttom was in bad condition

Ker sem se odločila, da bo stojalo spremenilo svojo namembnost v stojalo za copate, nisem hotela drastično spreminjati barv, saj se svetli odtenki odlično prilagajajo k barvi hodnika.

Brušenje in barvanje / Grinding and painting

Ker nisem velik ljubitelj srčkov, ga tudi poudarjala nisem, kvečjemu sem ga hotela zakriti...
In seveda obrabljen videz! Obožujem ga!
Odločila sem se za motiv venca, ki predstavlja zmago in motiv čebelice, saj predstavlja delo, disciplino in je konec koncev tudi naš slovenski simbol...Lojze Slak je že vedel ;) ...

Distressing the piece
S stojalom nisem imela veliko dela, z rezultatom sem zadovoljna, hodnik pa lepo popestri še en rešen kos lesa z dušo :) ...

From newspaper stand....

To stand for guest slippers...


Well, this gift is not from today on Valentine's Day, but is from December.

Monikas dad was walking around Fiesa and found a stand for newspaper in bad condition and because he knows that I give old things new life, he brought it to Celje. Thank you Žare :) ... 

And thanks to you too who ever left it there for the precious gift, at least you didn't burn the piece ... :)
The bottom was in bad condition so my dad made a new bottom.

Since I decided that the stand is going to change his function to stand for guest slippers, I did not want to drastically change the colors as the bright shades perfectly fit to the color of the hallway.

And of course the worn / old look! I adore it!
I decided for wreath motive, which represents victory and motive bees, because it represents the work, discipline, and ultimately it's our Slovenian symbol ...

I am satisfied with the final look and another piece with soul is saved :) ...

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