nedelja, 12. februar 2017

Izredno kremne kakav / vanilija rezine (brez peke)... / Very creamy cocoa / vanilla cake (without baking)..

English version at the bottom!

Ja ja, saj sem vmes pekla od moje zadnje objave, ampak če pecivo ne uspe po mojem okusu (beri preveč biskvita), pač tega ne objavim...Pa pri rezancih mi tudi ni bil všeč recept...hmm.. mah bom že..

Ta recept je pa komaj drugič v uporabi, prvotni je bil objavljen na Youtubu, a ker mi določene stvari niso najbolj dišale (kot da mi kdaj :P), sem recept seveda priredila po svojih željah...Nič biskvita, samo krema! Ja prosim!

Tea, book and cake o'clock...

Za puding:

- 1 liter mleka
- 2 žlici kakava
- 100 g gustina
- 150 g sladkorja
- 1 vanilijev sladkor
- 50 g margarine


- 250 ml mleka
- 2 kremi za torte
- vanilijev ekstrakt


- 100 g kokosa v prahu

0,8 l mleka pristavimo na ogenj.

0,2 l mleka in preostale sestavine za puding zmešamo skupaj, razen margarine.

Ko mleko zavre, vlijemo maso.

Ko se masa zgosti dodamo margarino.

Po pekaču (36 x 40 cm) razporedimo kokosovo moko.

Po kokosu polijemo puding.

Puding razporedimo in postavimo v hladilnik za 30 minut.

Pripravimo sestavine za kremo.

Vse sestavine zmešamo skupaj.

Počakamo, da mine tistih 30 minut za puding in kremo razporedimo po masi.

V zadnjem momentu sem se odločila, da dodam še čokolado v prahu, ni pa nujno...

Razrežemo na čim bolj enake kose, ki morajo biti v paru...

Z lopatko prevrnemo en kos peciva na drugega.

Saj bi rekla pustimo čez noč, pa ni potrebno, lahko kar navalite! ;) :D
Prijetno sladkanje!

Tea and cake o'clock...

English version!

Yes yes just because I didn't send any new recipes on my blog, it doesn't mean that I didn't bake anything! I didn't like the result (read: too much biscuit) so I am not going to publish it... And also I didn't like the noodles recipe ... hmm ..Oh well...

This recipe was used only for the second time, the original was posted on YouTube, but because I didn't like some ingredients (like always: P) I made the cake just the way I wanted ... No biscuit, just cream! Yes please!

For the pudding:

- 1 liter of milk
- 2 tablespoons cocoa
- 100 g of corn stach
- 150 g of sugar
- 1 vanilla sugar
- 50 g of margarine


- 250 ml of milk
- 2 vanilla cream for cakes
-Vanilla extract

Under the pudding:

- 100 g coconut powder

Put 0.8 liters of milk into the pan on low / medium heat.
The rest of 0.2 liters of milk mix with the rest of ingredients for the pudding, skip only the margarine.
When the milk boils, pour the pudding mixture.
When the mixture gets more thick add the margarine.
Prepare the baking sheet and put coconut into the sheet .
Pour the pudding onto coconut.
Place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Prepare the ingredients for the cream.
Mix all ingredients together.
Wait for those 30 minutes for pudding to cool down and spread the cream on the top of pudding.

I decided in the last minute that I am going to use chocolate powder on the top, but it's not necessary.
Place in the fridge so the cream can harden just a little bit. 

Cut into equal pieces as much as possible ...
With a spatula flip over one piece of pastry to another.
We could say let it rest overnight but it is not necessary, you can eat it right away! ;): D


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