četrtek, 26. februar 2015

Hey Petovio....socialno ogrožene osebe!!! / Socially vulnerable people!!!

Ustanovitveni akt...statut...klasifikacija...zakoni o društvih...zakoni o zavodih...
zakoni za s.p....zakoni za d.o.o...cnvos...podjetniški inkubator... projekti.. seminarji... delavnice... zaposlovanje... ustanovitelji... socialno podjetništvo...avtorska pogodba...podjemna pogodba...poslovodna pogodba... računovodstvo...razpisi...Maribor...Ptuj...Ljudska univerza...Obrtna zbornica...
in še ni konec...šele začetek...to in še milijon drugih stvari je podjetništvo...

Počutim se kot Tomaž Šalamun ampak brez gobic... "Fiuuuu še ena delavnica. Težko je težko podjetništvo. Težko v božjo mater."

Tudi danes je bilo tako...danes smo bile samo 3 ženske.com...ostali 2 sta imeli obveznosti.
Seminar: socialno podjetništvo...Lokacija: Ptuj...Ura: 9:00...
Iz Celja odidemo okoli 7.30. Ker Monika in Tina poznata Ptuj, ni bil problem najti lokacije.
Seminar je bil uspešen...ugotovili smo namreč, da je socialno podjetništvo en velik kakec zavit v darilni papir z veliko rdečo pentljo...predvsem za ustanovitelje...katastrofalni pogoji!!!

Seminar: socialno podjetništvo / social business

In kot se sprašuje Tina, kdo je bolj socialno ogrožena oseba? Tisti, ki so visoko izobraženi z izkušnjami, ki so 20 let hodili v šolo in imeli odlične ocene in na podlagi tega ne dobijo zaposlitve ter brez kakšnih koli ugodnosti, ali so bolj ogrožene osebe invalidi, kateri imajo brezplačne športne dejavnosti, dobijo povrnjen denar za vinjeto (mislim da za polovico), hodijo kolesariti (kolo prirejeno za invalide) z društvom za 14 dni na tropske otoke in seveda fešte, fešte, fešte...

20. years...Job? First graduate / 25.years...Job? You don't have experiences / 40.years...Job? you are too old / 65.years...Retire? You never worked!

Ne rečem, invalidi so prikrajšani za marsikatero stvar, ki je nam tako samoumevna...ne moremo razumeti tega...in ne sponašam jim...podana je bila samo primerjava, saj izobražena nezaposlena oseba NE spada med težko zaposljive osebe..
Gre se namreč predvsem zato, ker ljudi z visoko izobrazbo smatrajo, saj je zdrav se bo že znašel in da se molze denar študentom..ste opazili koliko je visoko izobraženih ljudi brezposelnih?? Država spodbuja izobraževanje in da imamo visoko usposobljen kader, ampak po končanem študiju, se postaviš na realna tla, snameš rožnata očala in vidiš, da služb ni!!!
Saj poznate tisti stavek vaših staršev: "Uči se, da ti ne bo treba delati tako veliko kot meni!"
Heh tega danes ni več...in še vedno si upam trditi, da je šola iluzija in živi nateg!! Priznam, da sem ponosna na diplomo in tudi razmišljam o magisteriju sociologije...ampak ni to to!! To ni realno življenje!!
Pomembno je, da se znajdeš v življenju!! In delaš tisto kar te veseli! Kaj ti pomagajo tiste petke iz zgodovine in desetka iz gospodarskega kriminala!!
Če si pa želiš odpreti kakšno dejavnost pa potrebuješ kup denarja...in zakoni!!! In omejitve!!! Banke so pa neusmiljene do novo ustanovljenih podjetij in lahko sanjaš o kreditu...niti tvoji zastavljeni notranji organi niso dovolj...
Zato se 5 žensk.com ne vda in se bo postavilo zase!! Za svojo prihodnost!! Malo pozno, ampak še vedno korak bližje kot lani...

Vrnimo se na današnji dan...lep sončen dan na Ptuju...zaključili smo malo čez 12 in ker smo že ravno tukaj, gremo še obiskati grad...še plačilo parkirnine...6€...pri Šparu...drugič se bo očitno treba pozanimati o brezplačnih parkiriščih ali saj o tistih, kjer lahko parkiraš dlje od 2 ur...


Na gradu smo že bili z osnovno šolo..ne vem kateri razred, kot tudi se ne spominjam ničesar iz notranjosti...
Ogledamo si samo od zunaj, naredimo par fotk in po planu naj bi šle še v center mesta in na kosilo k Ribiču...Monika dobi klic, brez nje ne morejo živeti v službi in gremo proti Celju brez hrane in brez ogleda centra mesta...grrrr....očitno moram reči...Ptuj se ponovno vidimo, ko bo Monika imela prosti dan...

Martinčkarji / Chasing the sun..

Grad / The castle

Spominki / Souvenirs


The founding charter of the statutes .. Classification Societies Act ... Institutions Act ...laws for sp ... laws for doo..cnvos... business incubator projects ...seminars workshops ... ... ... Employment founders ... Social Entrepreneurship ... copyright agreement ... Jobbing managerial contract ... contract ... Accounting ... Maribor...Ptuj ... People's University Chamber of Trade ...and is not the end ... this is just the beginning ... and a million other things, business...I feel like Tomaz Salamun but without mushrooms ... "Fiuuuu another workshop. It is difficult this business. It's hard as hell."Today we were only 3 women.com ... 2 others had obligations.Seminar: Social Business ... Location: Ptuj ... Time: 9:00 ...From Celje we left around 7:30. As Monika and Tina know Ptuj, it was not a problem to find a location.The seminar was a success ... we found out that social business is one big poop wrapped in gift paper with a big red bow ... especially for founders ... catastrophic conditions !!!

 Tina is asking herself, who is more socially endangered person? Those who are highly educated with experience who went to school for 20 years and had excellent reviews and based on that they don't get a job and without any benefits or are more vulnerable persons with disabilities, which they have free sports activities, get money refunded for vignette (I think half), go cycling (bike adapted for the disabled) with the Society for 14 days in the Canary Islands and of course paty, party, party, ...

People with disabilities are deprived of a number of things that we take for granted ... so we can't understand this ... and I'm not mad that they have all this ... it was given only a comparison, because educated unemployed person is not among the people who are hard-to-employ... It is in fact mainly because people with higher education are considered that they are healthy population and that they can take care of themselves and they take money from students ..did you noticed how many highly educated people are unemployed ?? The state promotes education and that we have highly qualified staff, but after graduating, you are put to earth, take off pink glasses and see that there are no jobs for you !!!

You know the phrase your parents: "Learn that you will not have to work as much as me!"Heh this is no longer the truth ... and still I dare to say that the school is an illusion and a fraud !! I admit that I am proud of my diploma and also think about the masters degree in sociology ... but thats not the real thing!This is not real life !!It is important to find yourself in life !! And doing what makes you happy!
And if you want to open any business you need a bunch of money ... and laws !!! And restrictions !!! Banks are relentless to start-ups and you can only dream of the credit ... Therefore, 5women.com will not give up and stand for ourselves!! For our future !! A little late, but still a step closer than last year ...
 Let's get back on this day ... a beautiful sunny day in Ptuj ... We finished around 12 p.m. and since we were in Ptuj, we have to visit the castle ... we paind parking space ... € 6 ... at Spar .. .next time we  will obviously need to find out about free parking or parking space where you can leave you car longer than 2 hours .

At the castle we were in middle school..don't know in which class, as well I don't remember anything from the inside ...

We looked only from the outside, took a couple of photos and the plan was to go to the city center and go to lunch at place called Fisherman ... Monika gets a call and without her they are lost and we had to go back to Celje without food and without seeing the city center. ..grrrr .... apparently I have to say ... Ptuj see you again when Monika has a free day ...

nedelja, 22. februar 2015

Hier kommt die Sonne venček..../ Here comes the sun arrangement

Hier kommt die Sonne...sie ist der hellste Stern von allen (Rammstein)...tako je, prejšnji teden nas je razveselil težko pričakovani sonček in vedno si zapojem to pesem, predvsem v zimskih mesecih, ko vidim sonce samo na obali, do Celja ne pride...

Še moj sončkast komad za tiste, ki ga ne poznate in potem na bistvo...

V teh turobnih mesecih mi primanjkuje življenja...v zunanji dekoraciji namreč. Ne maram valentinovih srčkov...tako ceneno mi deluje...očitno nisem srčkast človek...zato pri meni ne pridejo v poštev...
In ker so naša vhodna vrata zgledala zelo žalostno, sem se odločila, da jih popestrim...odprem omaro, izvlečem 3 velike škatle reciklirane dekoracije in gremo na delo...

Predpomladni venček / Pre-spring arrangement

Venec oz krog je bil narejen že nekaj časa nazaj in nikakor nisem imela ideje in inspiracije za nadaljevanje...

Nastajanje kroga / Circle formation

Tokrat je moj delovni prostor bil balkon...lepo na soncu...
Izberem rumeno / oranžno in zeleno kombinacijo....sončne, pomladne barve....

Izbor dekoracije / Deco selection

Odločila sem se samo za polovično okrasitev venca...všeč mi je tako...

Nekako nisem prepričana za velike rože....nekako starinsko mi delujejo...ali pač ne??? No če najdem kakšne lepše jih bom sigurno zamenjala...
Ampak vrata pa popestrijo...glede na to, da se bližajo velikonočni prazniki, ne mislim še jajca dodajati! Bodo kar lepo zunanjo laterno polepšala...hmm še za jajca moram iznajdit kakšno super idejo...
Strošek izdelave...ponovno 0€, ker sem reciklator....heh in ne želite si videti moje delovne sobe :P ....

Končni izdelek / Final look


Hier kommt die Sonne ... sie ist der Hellsten Stern von allen (Rammstein)* ... last week we finally got thrilled to see sunshine and I always sing this song, especially during the winter months, when I see the sun only on the coast, Celje is far away from the coast ... 
In these sad months I miss life ... the lack of external decoration I mean. I don't like Valentine's hearts ... it looks so cheap  ... clearly I'm not hearty person... so for me is not an option ... 
Our front door looked very sad, so I decided to spice it up ... I opened the closet, pull out 3 large boxes of recycled decorations and let's go to work ...

A wreath was made some time ago and I just had no idea and inspiration for decoration ...

This time my work area was a nice balcony ... in the sun ... 
I choose yellow / orange and green combination .... sunny, spring colors ...
I decided to do only half of circle with deco ... I like it this way... 

Somehow I'm not sure of the large flowers .... It looks old fashioned... or doesn't ??? Well if I find any better flowers I will certainly change them ... 
But the door is brighten up ... Easter holidays are coming and I don't want to add eggs! They will brighten our outdoor lantern ... hmm I need to find some great ideas for eggs... 
The cost of producing ... € 0 again because I recycle...and you don't want you to see my work room: P ....

*Here comes the sun...she is the brightest star of them all (German metal group Rammstein, song called Sun) 

sobota, 14. februar 2015

Leteti kot orel.../ Fly like an Eagle....

Fly like an Eagle..ne ne...nima veze z Michaelom Jordanom, Bugs Bunny-jem in filmom Space Jam iz leta 1996 in seveda legendarno pesem v izvedbi Seala...heh takrat sem bila fenica Chicago Bullsov...jeeej Rodman!!!! U madona 53 je že star...ampak gremo na temo današnjega zapisa...

Nad Mariborom / Maribor from above

Par let nazaj sem bila oseba, katera se je bala višine..in potem kar naenkrat konec...želim pilotirati, želim poleteti z balonom, želim na zip line, želim prosti pad, na soteskanje, na hydrospeed, itd itd...ne vem kako to..kar naenkrat me ni bilo več strah...razen bungee jumping...uuu želodec moj...no way..

Ker sem naročena na Kahani, dobivam vedno njihove ugodnosti...enkrat sem opazila, oz sem kar nekaj časa hodila preverjat če še imajo bone za letenje iz pilotskega sedeža...in tako sem kupila 2 bona, enega za fotra za rojstni dan in enega zase...cena 50€...redna cena mislim, da je 1x več, letite pa 15 min in imate panoramski ogled Maribora in okolice. Fotru sploh nismo nič omenili, smo ga samo popakali v avto in via Maribor....povedali smo mu malo pred letenjem zakaj smo sploh tukaj...
Če slučajno mislite, da je za letalski center ista cesta oz isti dostop kot do letališča ste se zmotili...še naprej, smer Rogoza. Med potjo imate table tako, da ni problema....ko se pripeljete do kraja Skoke in do travnika s koruzo/ pšenico ste še vedno na pravi poti..ravno pred ciljem.

Letalski center Maribor / Flying center Maribor

Par mesecev kasneje sem letela jaz...Malo slabše vreme, ampak vseeno super doživetje..pilot mi malo razloži upravljanje letala in letalske instrumente...in poletimo...aja letela sem z Diamond Eclipse...madona postane vroče na višini!!! Kako je šele poleti!! Letela sem namreč jeseni...na nenadne zelo ostre zavoje moj želodček ni bil preveč vesel....tudi željo po zraku sem imela...drugače pa priporočam vsakomur, ki si želijo tovrstne izkušnje...

Diamond Eclipse



Tisti, ki imate željo postati pilot je to drag šport...mislim, da je ena ura okoli 150€ in da jih potrebuješ najmanj 45 ur...in še za teoretični del je tudi posebej cena...ampak kapo dol za pilote...diploma ni nič proti takšnemu znanju...
Sama bi rada še poizkusila let z gyrocopterjem...tistega brez strehe tudi...pa imela bi ga tudi rada doma...mislim, da ga imajo tukaj v Levcu...

Yes please!! Vir: tripadvisor

In že smo pri drugem letenju...tudi tandemski polet z jadralnim padalom mi je dišal....cena preko Kahanija 72€, redna cena 1x več...kličem v Bovec in imam rezerviran termin....iz Celja se odpravim zgodaj...do Bovca grem skozi mejni prehod Rateče in nazaj v Slovenijo čez prehod Predel...ne vem kaj je z mojim želodcem, pri 30-ih mu še očitno ovinki ne dišijo, čeprav sem bila šofer...gyrocopter bi prav prišel :P...

Tandemski polet / tandem flight

Dobimo se v centru Bovca pri Alpe šport Vančar...spoznam par iz Madžarske, ki je dolgo čakal na primerno vreme za polet, mislim da sta čakala okoli 5 ali 6 dni...naši piloti še preverijo kako se obnaša veter in odločitev pade za Stol...do Stola se vozimo kakšne pol ure po strmi gozdni poti...še napotki za vzlet in spust, ter kako narediti najlepše fotografije...oblečem kombinezon, počakam na znak in gremo!!!!


Priprave / Preparation

Fly like an Eagle

Kakšen užitek!!! Sploh nisem imela občutka, da letim ampak kot, da se peljem z žičnico...no tokrat je pa bilo zgoraj mrzlo...slikam levo in desno...in potem se spet oglasi moj želodec...hjooo kako mi je bilo slabo...bemo pa želodec...konec slikanja, sedaj gledat samo naravnost...pristanem malo pred Kobaridom...v dolini pa vročeee!! Malo se še spočijem in že pride avto po nas...no če je bilo v zraku levo in desno, je bilo v avtu gor in dol...želodec konec!!! Prispemo v Bovec, se poslovim in zahvalim vsem za enkratno izkušnjo...odpravim se na kosilo...cela bleda...hrana mi ni dišala in tega ne doživiš pri meni...odpravim se proti avtu, da se malo uležem...zbudi me Monika in mi reče, da sem spala eno uro...kaj si nor, sem mislila, da ležim samo 15 minut...apetit se mi povrne, pojem vse kar mi pride pod roke.

Chuck se je odločil za rafting / Chuck decides for rafting

Gremo nazaj po isti poti...med potjo se še ustavim pri trdnjavi Kluže in trdnjavi Predel...
Za boljši ogled znamenitosti žal ni dovolj časa...

1, 2 trdnjava Kluže, 3, 4 trdnajava Predel / 1,2 Fortress Kluže, 3,4 Fortress Predel

Pridem do Italije, seveda še postanek pri Rabeljskem jezeru...tišina...nobenega slovenca...polno klopc za počitek...še lahko kaj boljšega??

Rabeljsko jezero / Lake Rabelj

Rabeljsko jezero / Lake Rabelj

Par fotografij še v Gozdu Martuljek in vrnitev domov...
Lani sem imela leto višine...letos mogoče leto globine...še moram tam preveriti kaj bo moj želodec rekel...tudi razni lunaparki niso zame...Gardaland?? Kaj ste nori!! Ti pojdi v Gardaland, jaz te pa počakam pri Lago di Garda...tam sem varna...prav tako ste varni tudi vi pred mano...heh...


Fly like an Eagle..no no ... it has nothing to do with Michael Jordan, Bugs Bunny and the movie Space Jam from 1996 and of course the legendary song performed by Seale ... heh when I was that age I was Chicago Bulls fan... jeeej Rodman !!!! Uuuu he is already 53 ... but let's return to todays theme...
 Couple of years ago I was afraid of hights..and then that fear ended ... I want to fly, fly in a balloon, I want to go zip lining, I'd like a free fall, canyoning, hydrospeed, etc, etc ... I do not know did this happen... suddenly I was no longer afraid ... except for bungee jumping ... uuu my stomach ... no way .. 
Since I am subscribed to Kahani, I always get their benefits ... once I noticed that they have a coupon for flying from the pilot's seat ... and so I bought 2 coupons, one for dad's birthday and one for myself ... price € 50... regular price is 1x higher, you fly 15 minutes and you have a panoramic view of Maribor and its surroundings. We didn't mention anything to dad, we just took him to Maribor .... we told him shortly before flying why are we here ...

If you think that the aviation center is in the same location and the same access to the airport you are wrong ... you have to continue Rogoza direction. During the journey you have tables so you can't get lost .... when you come to the place called Skoke and a meadow with corn / wheat you are still on the right way...just before the finish.

 Couple of months later it was my turn to fly... I got a little worse weather, but still super experience...pilot explained a little about operation of the aircraft and flight instruments ... and then let's fly!!! ... Oh and I flew with Diamond Eclipse ... It got hot up there !!! How is then in the summer !! I have flown in autumn ... then suddenly were very sharp turns and my stomach was not too happy .... also wish I had the air ... otherwise I recommend it to anyone who want this kind of experience ...

 Those who have a desire to become a pilot it's very expensive sport ... I think that is one hour costs around € 150, and you need a minimum of 45 hours ... and the theoretical part is also another price ... but hats off for pilots. ..diploma is nothing against such knowledge ...

I would like to fly with gyrocopter ... and the one without a roof ... but I would also like to have it at home ...

 And we are already at the second flight ... a tandem paraglider flight .... Kahani price was € 72, regular price 1x more ... I called Bovec and reserved the term .... I went from Celje early ... to Bovec I went  to the border crossing Rateče and back to Slovenia in the border crossing Predel ... I do not know what's wrong with my stomach, at the age 30 he obviously doesn't like curves, even though I was driving ... gyrocopter would come in hand : P ...

 We meet in the center of Bovec in the Alps sport Vančar ... I also met a couple from Hungary who waited for a perfect weather to fly for a couple of days, I think 5 or 6 days....our pilots  have to verify how the wind behaves and the decision falls to Stol ... to Stol we ride about half an hour after in forest path ... I got some  instructions for takeoff and descent and how to make beautiful pictures ... I wore suit especially for this kind of sport, waited for a sign and off we go!!!!

What a pleasure !!! I never had the feeling that I'm flying but like to ride the cable car ... well this time it was cold up there ... I was taking pictures left and right ... and then again ... my stomach...how I felt bad ... I landed shortly before Kobarid ...and in the valley was hot !! I took a little rest and then the car came for us ... well if in the air was left and right, was in the car up and down ... the stomach was at the end !!! We arrived to Bovec, said goodbye and thank everyone for the unique experience ... off to lunch ... I couldn't eat ... I went to the car to reast a little. .. Monika wakes me and tells me that I slept for an hour ... I thought that I was lying just 15 minutes ....I got my appetite back and ate everything I could get my hands on. 
Let's go back in the same way we came ...I stopped at the Fortress Kluže and Fortress Predel...

 I get to Italy, of course, I stoped at the Rabelj lake ... silence ... no Slovenes .. Benches to rest ... what can be better then this??

 A took pair of photos in the woods Martuljek and return home ...

Last year I had the height ... this year maybe it would be the year of depth ... let's see what is my stomach going to say about this... the Adventureland is not for me ... Gardaland ?? What are you crazy !! You can go to Gardaland, but I am going to wait at the Lago di Garda ... there is safe for me ... and also better and safe for you too... heh ...

ponedeljek, 9. februar 2015

Prešernov dan in diskriminacija žensk.../ Prešeren day and discrimination of the women...

Prešernov dan...za nekatere praznik pijancev...zame dan brezplačnih vstopov v muzeje in galerije..wohoo!!! Letos smo se odločili za Fužinski grad in Polhorgajsko graščino....lani sem bila v centru mesta, kjer je bilo polno obiskovalcev, predvsem v mestnem in naravoslovnem muzeju (priporočam ogled).
Zjutraj smo odšli kar pozno iz Celja....pridemo v Ljubljano, seveda Monika ne more brez Marks & Spencerja, tako da smo se še ustavili v BTC-ju...ampak sem tudi jaz dobila stvari za moj naslednji projekt v Artu...yes yes!!! Super prijazna prodajalka...smoothie, coffee, banane in gremo proti Fužinskemu gradu.
Preden najdeš grad....adijo pamet!! Ena tabla in potem konec...Tam kjer potrebuješ table jih ni, tam ko jih ne potrebuješ jih imaš pa koliko hočeš (primer gradovi iz prejšnje objave)...nekako pozabimo na navigacijo, smo še old school varianta ...prispemo na cilj...

Grad/ Castle Fužine

V Muzeju za arhitekturo in oblikovanje smo sami...trenutno imajo razstavo Marka Turka- Homo Faber...ali drugače mikrofone in magnetofone. Priznam, to je meni neznanka....vsaka stvar, ki ima kable ni zame...in očitno je veliko takšnih stvari...takšne stvari prepuščam strokovnjakom.
Mikrofoni Marka Turka spadajo med največje ikone slovenskega oblikovanja...ste že kdaj slišali za to?? Tudi jaz ne...od leta 1963 je redno prejemal nagrade za oblikovanje po celem svetu...leta 1965 celo Prešernovo nagrado. Imamo lepo število slovencev, ki se lahko pohvalijo za viden uspeh zunaj meja, a mi sploh ne vemo zanje...

Ročno izdelani Turkovi mikrofoni /  Handmade Turk's microphones

Ker me je pa predvsem zanimal arhitekturni del, nam je prijazen gospodič poslal go. Katarino Metelko, ki je ravno takrat bila v muzeju...Ga. Katarina je umetnostna zgodovinarska in je prava zakladnica informacij...
Plečnikove razstave na žalost nimajo več od leta 2010. Njegovo delo in predvsem življenje si lahko ogledate v njegovi hiši na Karunovi 4 in 6 v Ljubljani, ampak šele od septembra naprej, hiša je namreč trenutno zaprta za javnost, ker jo renovirajo...očitno sem imela srečo, ker sem jo obiskala samo mesec pred zaprtjem...
Na Fužinskem gradu so še vidne ohranjene freske iz 16. stoletja, postavljen je bil namreč med letom 1528 in 1557 v renesančnem slogu, postavila ga je družina Khisle iz Bavarske.
Družina Khisle je podpirala Primoža Trubarja, prav na Fužinskem gradu, pa je bil napisan prvi uradni slovenski dokument in sicer poročilo o vinski nakladi. Omeni še slamnikarstvo in pobudnika, ki je spromoviral domžalski slamnik -Fidelis Trpinc, ki je kupil grad leta 1825. Okoli Fužin naj bi bila polja mislim da pšenice in je takrat začel izdelovati slamnike...bil je tudi eden izmed največjih podjetnikov tistega časa v Sloveniji.
In ne...teh informacij ne boste našli nikjer na spletu...

Ohranjene freske iz 16 st. / Preserved frescoes from 16. cenutry

Majčke: Zajtrk s Plečnikom- navdih ahitektske risbe za lj tržnico...19€
Shirts: Breakfast with Plečnik- inspired by drawings for the Ljubljana market

Obrambni stolp / Plečnikov most
Tower Defense / Fužine bridge (Plečnik's work)

Ker smo bili ravno v Ljubljani, smo še na Tinino željo odšli k Brendiju...bila je namreč njegova oboževalka od svojega 6 leta, saj kot sama pravi, ji je njegova Mandarina pomagala v težkih časih, ko se je pri teh rosnih letih bojevala z levkemijo...

In že gremo proti Polhovem Gradcu...Monikina navigacija nas pripelje do Kranja...zadeve s kabli ja...not for me...super, gremo nazaj. Pripeljemo se do Medvod in iščemo Soro...nikjer table za Soro...old school varianta...ja vprašaš ne!! Razen če vozijo dedi!
Da se ponovno ne vozimo okoli riti v žep, smo šli kar čez Katarino...višina 728m, pozimi brez verig ne gre...za primer...cesta takšna kot za Celjski grad, samo 1x ožja in rahlo bolj strma...mi smo imeli srečo, saj je bila cesta odlično splužena...

Katarina (728m)

No v Polhovem Gradcu pa so odlične table...prispemo do Polhograjske graščine v kateri je krajevni muzej, ter muzej pošte in telekomunikacij...

Pohlograjska graščina / Mansion of Polhov Gradec

Ah modro nebo...hitro še par fotografij in se odpravimo v muzej ...

Začetki pošte (začetek 19.stoletja) in danes...

Začetki telefonov / Telephone beginings

 Super za videti....ampak za ženske pa ni bilo najboljše obdobje...vse do sredine 19. stoletja je bilo nespremenljivo, da bi ženske opravljale delo in za njega dobile plačilo! Tehnološki napredek je kasneje omogočal več zaposlitev in tako so se vdove in neporočene žene lahko zaposlile. Zaposlovali so jih pa iz ekonomskih razlogov, saj so bile plačane veliko manj od moških na istem delovnem mestu. Poleg tega so bile bolj potrpežljive od moških in se niso spuščale v prepire s šefi...
Hmmm ni se veliko spremenilo...
Sprva so jih sprejemali le začasno, zato so jih lahko kadarkoli odpustili, v času bolezni so ostale brez prihodkov. Šele leta 1898 so dosegle, da so jih sprva zaposlili za 5 let, kasneje pa za nedoločen čas.
Leta 1909 je ženska lahko dobila službo poštne oficiantke samo če je bila vdova, ločena, samska, v nobenem primeru ni smela imeti otrok. Leta 1923 so dokončno ukinili prepoved opravljanja poklica poročenim ženskam...

Začetek / the begining 19. st.

Temelji graščine segajo v 13. stoletje, v okolici gradu je še Neptunova fontana, čudovit grajski park v katerem se odvijajo poroke, nasproti graščine pa stoji hiša, ki je bila namenjena služičadi, sredi parka je pralnica ...žal sem videla samo kup snega...počasi se poslovimo...

Lakota huda, zato se ustavimo na poti proti Ljubljani pri Kramarjevem hramu, kateri mi je takoj padel v oči že prvikrat, ko smo se peljali mimo...lep in domač ambient, hitra postrežba in odlična hrana, predvsem pica je bila božanska!! O njej še bom dolgo sanjala. Priporočam...

Kramarjev hram


Prešeren Day ...free entry to museums and galeries..wohoo!!! This year we decided to visit Fužine castle and Mansion Polhov Gradec .... last year I was in the city center, it was full of visitors, especially in urban and science museum (I recommend viewing). 
In the morning we went late from Celje... we come to Ljubljana and of course, Monika can't live without Marks & Spencer, so we stopped at the BTC ... but I also bought some stuff for my next project in Art. ..yes yes !!! Super friendly saleswoman ... smoothie, coffee, bananas and off to Fužine castle. 
Before you can find the castle .... huhhh !! Only board and then it's over ... where you need boards are not there and when you don't need them but how much you want (for example castles from previous posts) ... somehow we forget the navigation, we are old school version ... finally we arrived to the Castle ...

We are alone at the Museum of Architecture and Design ... currently they have an exhibition of Mark Turk- Homo Faber ... or otherwise microphones and tape recorders. I admit, it's a mystery to me .... every thing that has cables is not for me ... and obviously a lot of things are not for me... I leave it to the professionals. 
Microphones Mark Turk are among the greatest icons of Slovenian design ... Have you ever heard of it ?? Me neither ... since 1963 has regularly received design awards worldwide and in 1965 he received Prešeren Award. We have a good number of Slovenes who are very successful outside Slovenia, but we don't know them ...

 Since I was mainly interested in the architectural part, we talked to Catherine Metelko, who had just been in the museum ... Ms. Katarina is an art historians and a mine of information ... 
Plečnik exhibition is unfortunately not available since 2010. His work and especially life can be found in his house on Karunova 4 and 6 in Ljubljana, but only from September onwards, the house is currently closed to the public because it is under construction ... I was lucky because I had visited just a month before ... 
On Fužine castle are still visible preserved frescoes from the 16th century, the Castle was built during the year is 1528 and 1557 in the Renaissance style, set up by the family Khisl from Bavaria. 
Family Khisl supported Trubar's work and on Fužine castle was written first official Slovenian document, namely a report on the wine circulation.

 Since we were in Ljubljana, Tina had a desire to visit Brendi ... she is a fan of him since she was 6 year old and she says his Mandarina album helped her in difficult times, when she was fighting leukemia ...
 And here we on the road to Polhov Gradec ... Monika's navigation brings us to Kranj...oh joy...now we have to turn around... We came back to  Medvode and we are looking for Sora  ... old school version ...you ask people !!
We didn't go around to get to Gradec, we went trough Katarina ... Katarina's height is 728m and in the winter you can't go without chains ... for example ... the road to the Castle Celje, is only 1x slightly narrower and steeper .. .We were lucky, because the road was plowed excellent ...

In Polhov Gradec are excellent tables ... in the mansion is the Local Museum and the Museum of Post and Telecommunications ...
For women, it was not the best period ... until the mid-19th century, it was fixed that women are not allowed to work and get paid for it! Technological advances will enable more jobs and so the widows and unmarried women can work. The women were employed for economic reasons, and they were paid much less than men for the same job. In addition, they were more patient than men and they don't like to fight with bosses ... 
Hmmm not much has changed ... 
They were employed only temporary, so they can be fired at any time and if they were sick, they were left without income. Only in 1898 have women reached that they could work for 5 years and later for an indefinite period. 
In 1909, a woman can get a job in the post mail only if they were a widow, divorced, single, in any case they have to be without children. Married women could get a job in post office in 1923...

When we went back, we were so hungry so we stoped on the way to Ljubljana in Kramar temple... nice and homely atmosphere, quick service and excellent food, especially pizza was divine !! I recommend it ...