nedelja, 1. februar 2015

Izlet na južno Češko in cenovni nateg!!! / Trip to South Czech and a money fraud!!!

Potovanje z turistično agencijo ima svoje prednosti in slabosti....prednost je sigurno ta, da ti ni treba skrbeti za vožnjo, bencin, parkirišče, omejitve hitrosti, iskanja krajev (predvsem po kakšni Madžarski in njihovim tablam)...slabosti so omejenost na čas in preveč preveč zgodovine! Nemogoče si je vse zapomniti! Aja in najpomembnejše...vstopnice za kakšne gradove, muzeje, pivovarne se krepko razlikujejo od agencije do agencije! Zato tiste kuponko variante ugodni ali znižani izleti je živi nateg! Mogoče boste plačali 30, 40€ manj, boste pa zato več dali za vstopnice, ki jih vi ne dobite, ker je samo ena skupinska karta...

Iz Celja odidemo okoli 5 ure zjutraj. Peljemo se mimo Graza, Linza in prestopimo mejo na mejnem prehodu Dolnje Dvorište. Vmes imamo postanke, kjer se vedno najdejo eni in isti, ki vedno zamujajo in veš, da se bo to na dvodnevnem izletu konstantno se tudi v potjo vodič razlaga "malo" zgodovine in že se ustavimo na prvem postajališču...grad Rožemberk. Tu smo se ustavili samo za par minutk, samo da ga vidimo, paziš še, da te kakšen avto ne zbije, ker smo slikali pač z glavne ceste in skakali sem in tja...ja smo imeli pločnik...ampak dobra novica je ta, da ti ni več treba stati vodiču za ritjo, da bi kaj slišal in tudi njemu ni potrebno vpiti, saj imajo sedaj slušalke za vsakogar...gremo naprej....

Grad / Castle Rožemberk

Naslednje postajališče Češki Krumlov....Krumlov je pod Unescovo zaščito. Vodič nam še razkaže znamenitosti in pove malo zgodovine, nato smo imeli malo več kot 2 uri prosto... Kakšno luštno malo mestece!! Pravljično!! Tukaj izdelujejo tiste tribarvne vem kako se jim reče, vem samo, da imajo pošteno ceno. V cerkvi v mestu je prepovedano slikanje, no če vas ne vidijo je druga stvar...Prav tako je raj za zbiratelje starin, saj so starinarnice na vsakem koraku...trgovinica ob trgovinici z usnjem, nakitom, lesenimi figuricami, spominki, čokoladicami, rožami...lačni tudi sigurno ne boste saj je veliko restavracij, najlepše so tiste s pogledom na reko Vltavo....obvezno pa poskusim sladico "trdlo"...ja no, pač testo s cimetom in sladkorjem...povzpnem se še na grad, ki je renesančno obarvan in s katerega je čudovit razgled na mesto....samo povzpnem, za ogled bi potrebovala verjetno še 2 uri... Seveda tudi za muzeje zmanjka časa...2 uri ni veliko! Kasneje si na netu preberem, da so bili razočarani nad muzejem, v katerem predstavljajo mučenje ljudi....dobro..Aja!! Tukaj lahko menjate denar...prej ga tako ne boste potrebovali (če ste z agencijo seveda).

Češki Krumlov

Center s staro govorilnico / Center with old telephone

1. pogled na grad, 2. glavni trg, 3. ena izmed starinarnic
1. view on the castle, 2. main square, 3. one of the antiques

Slikovite fasade v centru mesta
Colofrul fasades in the center

Na gradu
On the castle

Vabljive trgovinice
appealing shops

1. prepovedano fotografiranje v cerkvi :P, 2. del gradu, 3. ena izmed restavracij, 4. nakit brez cen
1. prohibited photos in the curch, 2. part of the castle, 3. one of the restaurants, 4. jewelry without prices

1. spomini na otroštvo, 2. umetnine iz kamnov, 3. sladica trdlo, 4. drži drži!!
1. childhood memories, 2. stone art, 3. dessert "trdlo", 4. true true!!

Zapustimo mesto....15 minut kasneje, ker imamo stare zamudnike..Naslednje postajališče so Češke Budejovice...nastanitev v odličnem in obnovljenem hotelu Clarion Congres z slikami, ki niti slučajno ne pašejo v hotel...nekateri so odšli v pivovarno, kar pomeni, da imam čas za trgovine...kasneje se skupaj odpravimo v center mesta na trg Otokarja Premysla II s Samsonovo fontano, vodič pove par zanimivosti o samem centru mesta in največji znamenitosti- mestni hiši, nato pa vsi odidemo svojo pot. Center mesta ni velik, zato se ni možno izgubiti...najdemo restavracijo s preglasnimi gosti, ampak je bila lakota prehuda....pojem juho, lososa, vodo za 7€...juha drek iz vrečke, losos je bil pa dober...dovolj pohajkovanja, gremo spat...


Vabilo k hujšanju, francoski policaj iz ne vem katere nanizanke...ah nostalgija..
Invitation for weight loss, french policeman, I forgot in which series he was...ah nostalgia..

Fejst jezne poslovne skulpture, Trg Otokarja II s fontano
Really angry business sculptures, Main square Otokar II with fontana

Po zajtrku se še hitro odpravim po nove fotografije mesta..želela sem se povzpeti na črni stolp za lepši razgled, a hudiča odprejo ob 10 zjutraj!! Ja nič potem pa slikanje z moje višine...grem nazaj v hotel, check-out...sedimo na avtobusu, čakamo kakšnih 20 minut tisto osebo kot vedno, pride, se opraviči in reče prebavne motnje pa to....ja tudi jaz bi jih imela če bi celo pot pila sparjen Donat!!! Hjooo dedi!!

Trg in mestna hiša, levja podoba iz črnega stolpa (slika 3-črni stolp)
Main square with city hall, lion image on the black tower (third picture-black tower)

Po nekaj minutni vožnji prispemo do parkirišča, nakar odidemo protu gradu Hluboka...15 minut časa za slikanje....vodiču pri vodenju ni treba spregovoriti niti besede, saj gradski vodič hodi od sobane do sobane z radiem v roki, na katerem je slovensko vodenje...super! Ponovno prepovedano za mene ne. Slikam kot nekakšen vohun, ženska zraven mene pa veselo s flešem! Ne, sploh nisi opazna!

Kakšne rezbarije!! In lestenci!! Vauuu!! Res lepo opremljene sobane, se vidi, da je ženska imela glavno besedo pri opremljanju. Ogledali smo si prostore princese Leonore, zavidanja vredno knjižnico in orožarno.Za javnost je odprtih samo okoli 20 sob,  drugače jih ima dvorec 140, tako da smo hitro zaključili z ogledom (cca 40 min). Vprašam vodiča, če še lahko gremo okoli gradu pogledat in seveda ni časa!! Grrrr....

Hluboka nad Vltavu


Windsor inspiracija
Windsor inspiration

Že hitimo proti avtobusu in hej!! Zamudnik je bil pred mano! Opala ne! Nazaj dol z avtobusa in iskati koš za smeti, da lahko odvrže olupek banane...glede na to, da ni odšel na ogled gradu, prej ni imel časa očitno....Naša zadnja postaja...Telč. Ponovno luštno malo mestece, ali prej uličica...izbira za spominke bolj slaba, je pa zato veliko kitajcev in kitajske robe!! To bi takoj ven nagnala! Telč je pod unescovo zaščito, ti pa meni tu prodajaš plastične rože pa drugo kitajsko robo! Poleg kitajcev je v Telču par trgovinic z njihovimi znamenitimi lesenimi igračkami, par kafičev in par restavracij.....tu pa tam je še bil kakšen turist in domačin in to je to...ampak je lepo...po vidni utrujenosti, sem si želela še samo ležanja in spanec. Zadnja malica in gremo proti domu.



Slikovito pročelje
Colorful frontage

Švejk in odhod
Švejk and departure

Priznam, skoraj nič si nisem zapomnila, čeprav sem bila tam skoraj 3 mesece nazaj..vem pa, da me je zanimalo koliko stanejo nepremič tega ni vedel..sem pa kasneje našla oglase, kjer so začuda stanovanja imela takšno ceno kot pri nas...zanimalo me je tudi, koliko ljudi je brezposelnih na Češkem ampak nisem vprašala...prebrskam po spletu: 10,6 milj ljudi, leta 2011 je bilo brezposelnih 450 tisoč ljudi...hmmm smo kar na istem..novejših informacij ne najdem..Češka je raj za pivce...v barih je 0,5 l piva 1€, medtem ko je capuccino 1,5€!! Dobila sem občutek, da so ljudje mračni, nezaupljivi...Če jih pa drugače pogledaš po videzu, ne ločiš čeha od slovenca. Isti obrazi, ista oblačila, ista mimika, vse isto...
Drugače pa kar se tiče cen preko turistične agencije, ki je tako vedno ena in ista, ki ponuja znižane storitve....
  • Ogled pivovarne 9€  (4,5€ cena vstopnice v pivovarni, preko druge agencije 4,5€)
  • Večerja (juha, glavna, sladica, 2 pijači) 19€ (moja večerja brez sladice in še ene pijače 7€, pri drugi agenciji je večerja že vključena v ceno)
  • Grad Hluboka 15€ ( 8€ na gradu, druga turistična agencija 12€ in če še razmislimo o številu udeležencev, je ta cena še manjša)
  • Prijavnina 10€ na osebo!!!!! (7,5€ na prijavo! ne na osebo preko druge agencije!)

In na čem smo??? Na istem!!! Bom vam jst dala huda cena ja!!! Pa prijetno potovanje!!! Z vami nikoli več!!


 Journey with the travel Agency has its own advantages and disadvantages .... advantage is certainly that you don't have to worry about driving, fueling, parking, speed limits, search for places (especially in Hungary and their signs) ... weaknesses are limited times and too much history! It is impossible to remember everything! Oh, and most importantly ... tickets for any castles, museums, breweries are different from agency to agency! That means, those coupon variants for  discounted tours is a living fraud! Maybe you will pay 30 € 40 less, but you will give more for tickets that you do not get, because there is only one community card ...

We left from Celje around 5 o'clock in the morning. We drove past Graz, Linz and cross the border at the border crossing Lower Courtyard. In the meantime, we have stops where there are always one and the same people, always late, and you know that this is going to be constant in a two-day trip... and it was ... well .... mainly during the journey guide explains "a little "history and already we stoped at the first stop ... Castle Rožemberk. Here we stopped for only a few minutes to just to see it, watch that you don't get hit by a car, because we taking photos just off the main road and we were jumping back and forth ... yes we had a sidewalk ... but the good news is is that you no longer need to stand your guide behind his ass to hear something and he doesn't need to shout, because they have now a headset for everyone ... lets go forward ....

 Next stop .... Krumlov Český.  Krumlov is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The guide took us to the main sights and tells a bit of history, then we had a little more than 2 hours time for sightseeing ... What a cute little town !! Fabulous !! Here is a production of  those tri-colored crayons ... I do not know their name, I only know that they have high prices. Inside the church in the city is forbidden to take pictures, but if they don't see you than I don't see any problem :P... It is also a paradise for collectors of antiques, since antique shop is on every step ... store by store ... certainly you will not be hungry because many restaurants, the best are the ones overlooking the Vltava River .... i had to try dessert  called "trdlo" ... yeah well, some kind of  thin bread with cinnamon and sugar ... I climbed on the castle, Renaissance stained and with beautiful view on the city .... I said just climbed, you would probably need another 2 hours to go inside ... of course also for museums I ran out of time ... 2 hours is not a lot! Later I read on the net that they were disappointed with the museum, which constitute torture people ...Oh yes !! Here you can change money ...

 Left the city .... 15 minutes later, because we had once again the same people who are always late....Next stop Ceske Budejovice ... accommodation in an excellent and renovated Clarion Hotel Congres with photographs, which doesn't look good in a hotel ... some people went to a brewery which means that I have time to shop ... then  we went together to the center of the city on the main square Přemysl Otakar II with the Samson fountain, our guide tells the attractions of the city center, then we went separate ways. The city center is not big, so it is not possible to get lost ... we found a restaurant with very loud guests, but the hunger was bigger... I had soup, salmon, water for € 7 ... soup was out of the bag, but the salmon was good ... enough of hiking, let's go to sleep ...

 After breakfast I quickly went to the center for new photos of the city..I wanted to climb into the black tower for a better view and they open at 10 am !! S...! I'm going back to the hotel, check-out ... sitting on the bus, we waited about 20 minutes for the one person like always, comes to apologize and said, indigestion and other things .... yeah I would have had it too If I would drink warm Donat* all day long!!! Men !!
*Donat (gass drink that helps you with your digestion)

After a few minutes of driving we arrive at the parking lot, and then we went to the castle Hluboka ... we had 15 minutes for photos.... Our guide doesn't need to speak a word because castle guide walks from the halls to the halls with radio in his hand and with Slovenian translation ... great! In castle is not allowed to take any pictures... well for me not. I took pictures like a spy and a woman next to me was taking photos with a flash! No, you are not noticeable woman!

What carvings !! And chandeliers !! Wow !! Really nicely furnished chambers, you can see that the woman had a major saying in equipping. We visited the premises of Princess Leonore, enviable library and a gun room. For public is open only about 20 rooms, otherwise it has140 rooms, so we ended quickly with our tour (approx 40 min). I asked the guide if we can go around the castle and of course there is no time !! Grrrr ....

 We rushed to the bus and hey !! That guy who is always late was here before me! Ups not! Lets go  off the bus and lets find the trash for banana peel ...and he didn't even go on the castle, I guess he didn't have time before .... Our last stop ... Telč. Cute little town, or rather alley ... choice for souvenirs is poor, but it has a lot of Chinese people and Chinese stores !! I would immediately throw them out! Telč is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and they are here selling plastic flowers and other Chinese stuffIn  Telč you can also find a couple of shops with their famous wooden toys, a couple caffe shops and a couple of restaurants ....ther were not a lot of people, some turists, some locals, not like in Krumlov.... but it is very nice place ... Iwas very tired and all I wanted was just to lay down and go to sleep. Last lunch and off we go.

I admit I didn't remember a lot of things, even though I was there almost 3 months ago..but I know that I was interested in costs of real estate ... he didn't know. later I found ads and prices are as high as in Slovenia... I was wondering how many people are unemployed in the Czech Republic but I didn't ask ... searching in the web: 10.6 million peopleand in  2011 were 450 thousand unemployed people ... hmmm we are in the same s.... .I couldn't find any information how it is today..Czech Republic is a paradise for drinkers! In bars costs 0.5 liters of beer € 1, while the cappuccino € 1.5 !! I got the feeling that the people are gloomy, distrustful ... If you could look different in appearance, you wouldn't separate  Czechs from the Slovene. The same faces, same clothes, same expressions, all the same ...

Otherwise, the prices of this travel agency, which is always one and the same, which offers discounted services ....

  • Brewery € 9 (€ 4.5 price tickets at the brewery, other agencies € 4.5)
  • Dinner (soup, main, dessert, drink 2) € 19 (my dinner without dessert and a drink € 7,other agancies included dinner)
  • Castle Hluboka € 15 (€ 8 at the castle, another travel agency € 12 and if you think about the number of participants, the price is even lower)
  •  Entry fee € 10 per person !!!!! (€ 7.5 per login! Not per a person in other agencies!)
And we end up with what ??? At the same !!! I'll give you good price yeah !!! However, a pleasant journey !!! With you ever again !!

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