sobota, 11. april 2015

16 litrov domačega tekočega pralnega praška za 3,50€!!! / 4 Gallons of homemade laundry detergent for 3,70 $!!!

Mami mi je slučajno omenila, da njena sodelavka Marjeta že 4 leta dela svoj tekoči pralni prašek in tako sem kontaktirala Marjeto za par napotkov.

Homemade laundry detergent

Za pralni prašek potrebujemo:
  •  230 g boraksa
  •  230g pralne sode
  • organsko milo
  • eterično olje (po želji)

Ingredients for homemade laundry detergent

Domači prašek v nastajanju:

Making laundry soap step by step

Naslednji dan nas pričaka takšen prizor:

Jello consistancy (next day)
Zmes zmešaj z 16 litrov vode.
Danes sem prvič prala perilo s tem praškom in mojim mehčalcem, ki sem ga naredila zadnjič. Navdušena totalno! Kako lepo diši po sivki! In skrbim za okolje, za moje zdravje in še prišparam veliiikooo!!!!
Tekoči pralni prašek ni namenjen za odstranjevanje trdovratnih madežev, če imate kaj takšnega, mi je Marjeta priporočala, da vseeno zraven dodate svojemu prašku malo tistega trgovinskega dragega praška ali kakšno drugo alternativo...
Cena je okvirna in sem jo izračunala na podlagi uporabljenih sestavin.

Time to say goodbye to unhealthy ingredients and crazy prices (3,9 L and 1,2 L)!!!


I just completed another DIY from Youtube and this time made laundry detergent.
Mom mentioned that her friend Marjeta is making her own liquid detergent for the past 4 years and  I contacted her for a couple of guidance and above all, where can I even buy things for detergent.

Through Marjeta I discovered the factory Organika, which provide all the ingredients for the production of domestic products! Super! All in one place! In a few days I was delighted with the visit of the postman and now I'm able to start making my environmentally friendly detergent.

For detergent you'll need:

  •  1 cup of borax
  •  1 cup of washing soda
  •  organic soap
  •  essential oil (Optional)
Mix with 4 gallons of water.
Today I washed my laundry with this detergent and my softener. Totally impressed! How nice it smells of lavender! And I take care of the environment, for my health and I save a lot of money !!!!

Liquid detergent is not designed to remove stubborn stains, if you have something like that, Marjeta recommended to add to your detergent a little of that expensive detergent that you buy in the store or use some other alternative ...

The price is calculated on the amount of the ingredients I used.

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