Zadnjič oz. lani, sem se začela spraševati, zakaj hudiča nismo nikoli hodili v Italijo na morje. Vedno je bila Slovenija ali Hrvaška....druga opcija sploh obstajala ni.Vedno smo hodili na ko si po parih metrih v vodi v Simonovem zalivu naletel na mivko, si se počutil kot največji frajer sredi Španije...mivka med prsti!! Uuuuuuu!!!
Vsi hočemo mivko in mislimo kako daaaaleč so tiste lepe plaže, kjer bi se lahko valjali po mivki kot Blink 182 v videu All the small things... No, takšne plaže imamo zelo blizu!
V Italiji je mivka na plaži normalen to ugotovim šele lani...heh sem en velik kekec!
English: Last year, I started to wonder why the hell we never went to Italy to the sea. We were always in Slovenia or Croatia .... there were no other options.We only have rocks ... after a few meters in the water in the San Simon you stumble upon the sand and you fell like the biggest stud in the middle of Spain ... sand between the toes !! Uuuuuuu !!!
We all want sand and we think how far far away are those beautiful beaches, where you can roll in the sand like Blink 182 in video All the small things ... Well, these beaches are very close!
In Italy, the sand on the beach is normal ... and I found out just last year ... heh I'm a big idiot!
Sandy beaches in Grado....peščene plaže v Gradežu |
Začnimo od začetka...naša prva postojanka dvorec Zemono. Saj menda niste mislili, da gremo naravnost v Italijo! Hehe malo tu malo tam! Ženske za volanom! Lep drevored nas pripelje do dvorca. Zemono je najbolj znan, kot odlična lokacija za intimne poroke.
Tukaj se ustavimo na hitro, malo pofotkamo in gremo dalje!
English: Let's start from the beginning ... our first stop Zemono mansion. You apparently didn't thought we would go straight to Italy! Hehe little here a little there! Women at the wheel! A beautiful promenade leads to the castle. Zemono is best known as the perfect location for an intimate wedding. Here we stop briefly, take some pictures and off we go!
On our way to the poti do dvorca |
Perfect location for intimate wedding....odlična lokacija za poroko |
Wineyards around mansion...vinogradi okoli dvorca |
Naslednja postojanka je bil dolgo pričakovani Štanjel in njegov Ferarrijev vrt. Mesto je preplet kamenja, lesa in zelenja...moja najljubša kombinacija! Za drobnogled mesta ni bilo dovolj časa, saj tudi ta postojanka ni bila na prvotnem seznamu, ponuja pa mesto drugače veliko lepih znamenitosti in razgledov.
English: The following stop has been long awaited Štanjel and his Ferarri garden. The city is a mix of stone, wood and greenery ... my favorite combination! To scrutinize the city we didn't have enough time, because the city wasn't on our list, but it offers other attractions and many beautiful scenic views.
Štanjel and our tour guide (down right)....naš vodič spodaj desno |
Self service....vzemi in plačaj sam |
Ferarri garden....Ferarrijev vrt |
Sedaj pa čisto zares Italija. Ker smo imeli pozni check in smo se odločili, da se še ustavimo v Palmanovi. Vreme je bilo pričakovano. Dež. Ah ni važno, samo, da smo odšli. V Palmanovi je nastajala čedalje večja gneča. Ne ni zabavno hoditi v trgovine med prazniki. Očitno so/smo vsi tam.
English: Now off to Italy. Since we had a late check in we decided to have a stop in Palmanova. The weather was expected. Rain. Ah it doesn't matter, just that we went. In Palmanova was more and more crowded. It is not fun to walk to the shops during the holidays. Apparently, they / we are all there.
Končno se preusmerimo za naš prvotni cilj in sicer Grado. Ker smo prej šli v Palmanovo, smo tako do Gradeža šli okoli riti v žep. Bližje je mimo mesta Monfalcone. Peljemo se mimo mesta Aquileia (Oglej), kjer smo že videli jutrišnjo postojanko! Ampak cesta do Gradeža! Kot do Benetk!
English: Finally, we went to our original goal, namely Grado. As we have previously went to Palmanova, we went to Grado around the butt in his pocket (we say like this :P). Closer to the city is past Monfalcone. We drive past the town of Aquileia, where we already see tomorrow's sightseeing! But the road to Grado! Just like to Venice!
Road to Grado.....cesta do Gradeža |
3 km iz Gradeža, takoj za glavno cesto smo imeli rezervacijo v Villaggio Ca' Laguna. Apartma smo dobili večjega kot smo pričakovali. Naselje je neverjetno lepo urejeno, imajo polno zelenja in rož. Na recepciji so izredno prijazni, za kakršna koli vprašanja in pomoč so ti vedno na voljo, tako da Ana grazie per tutto! Naselje si lahko ogledate na tej
3 km from Grado, just behind the main road, we had a reservation at Villaggio Ca 'Laguna. The apartment we got was larger than expected. The village is incredibly nice, with full of greenery and flowers. At the reception they are extremely friendly, they answer to any questions and help you if they can, so Ana grazie per tutto! Settlement can be viewed at this link.
Recepcion |
Walk / bike zone to Grado ......Peš/ kolesarska steza do Gradeža |
Neat bungalovs....Urejeni bungalovi |
Flowers everywhere.....rože vsepovsod |
Zvečer se kljub dežju odločimo za ogled Gradeža. Plačilo parkirnine do 20 ure zvečer....
Moja navada je, da vedno pred odhodom pregledam kakšna je destinacija kamor se podajam. Za mesto Grado pa ni bilo veliko obetajočih člankov in slik. Ali pa jih jaz očitno nisem našla. Pač plaža, čolni, marina, cerkev in to je to. Pa gremo vseeno sem no, sem si rekla. Gradež je neverjetno lepo mesto!!! Ozke uličice te pripeljejo do skritih kotičkov in restavracij, povsod po mestu zaslediš zgodovino in beneški vpliv, fontane, rože, drevje, vsepovsod zeleno! Mesto, kjer za dekoracijo ob cesti rastejo grmički zelišč! In vonj po italijanski kuhinji! Mmmmmm...
Počasi se vrnemo v bungalov in naslednje jutro ponovno obisk mesta.
English: In the evening, despite the rain we choose to see Grado. Payment of parking up to 20 pm.
My habit is to always check what the destination has to offer. For the city of Grado, there was a lot of promising articles and images. At least I didn't find them. You can only read about beach, boats, marina, church, and that's it. Grado is an incredibly beautiful place !!! The narrow streets that lead to hidden corners and restaurants throughout the city and traces of the history and Venetian influence, fountains, flowers, trees, green everywhere! The place where the decoration are herbs on the roadside. And the smell of Italian cuisine! Mmmmmm ...
Slowly we return to the bungalow and the next morning we visited the city again.
Venice influence...beneški vpliv |
Small mosaic pieces on fontana...droben mozaik |
Preserved mosaic in city center....ohranjen mozaik v centru |
Hotel |
School...šola |
Farytale...pravljica |
The oldest church...najstarejša cerkev Santa Maria delle Grazie |
Basilica di Sant'Eufemia |
Inside of the oldest church...v notranjosti najstarejše cerkve |
Mosaic |
Can you spot seashells?.....Vidite školjke? |
Villa Reale |
Detail on the hotel...detalj na hotelu |
Odidemo na pot proti mestu Aquileia (Oglej). Včeraj smo samo videli forum in par izkopnin, a nismo videli glavne znamenitosti. Slučajno zavijemo na eno parkirišče, kjer se še samo sliši vaaavvvv!!! Pripeljali smo se namreč točno pred baziliko Santa Maria Assunta.
Parkirnina 1 ura / 1€.
English: Here we are on the road towards the town of Aquileia . Yesterday, we saw only a forum and a pair of dredging, but we didn't see the main sights. Incidentally, we turn to one car park, where you could only hear Woooowww !!! We parked the car right in front of the Basilica of Santa Maria Assunta. Parking 1 hour / € 1.
Basilica Santa Maria Assunta |
Objekt je pod unescovo zaščito in začetki segajo v leto 314. Notranjost bazilike je zelo obetavna! Droben mozaik! Prav zanima me, kako dolgo so ga polagali v tistem času.
V 6. stoletju so baziliko uporabljali za kult, v 18. stoletju
pa so iluminističnimi ideali prepričali avstrijske cesarje naj korenito spremenijo svoje ravnanje proti cerkvi in tako so samostani bili razpuščeni, verski redovi zmanjšani in tako so bile ustvarjene škofije.
Za cerkvijo najdemo tudi njihov simbol.
V baziliki imajo tudi ogled ostalih sob, katere je potrebno doplačati. Na zvonik se lahko povzpnete za 2€.
English: The facility is under the protection of UNESCO and date is back to the year 314. The interior of the basilica is very promising! Fine mosaic! I wonder how long did they lay it at that time.
In the 6th century basilica was used for cult and in the 18th century are illuminist ideals convince the Austrian emperors to radically change their behavior towards the church and also monasteries were dissolved, religious orders decreased and thus were created diocese.
Behind the church are also their symbol.
The basilica also have a tour of the other rooms, which you have to pay to get inside. On the bell tower you can climb for € 2.
Santa Maria Assunta inside |
Precise mosaic from 4 century....mozaik iz 4 stoletja |
Ceiling.....strop |
Behind the cerkvijo |
Graveyard behind the church....pokopališče za cerkvijo |
Malo naprej najdemo ostanke hiš premožnih meščanov.
English: A little further you can find the ruins of the houses.
House remains...ostanki hiš |
Par 100 m naprej najdemo rimski nagrobni mavzolej visok 17 m.
English: 100m ahead you can see the roman mausoleum, its hight is 17 meters.
Versace inspiration...Versace inspiracija |
Malo višje je znamenitost, ki smo jo včeraj zagledali prvič in se takoj odločili za današnji postanek - forum.
English: A little higher is a sight that we saw yesterday for the first time and immediately decided to stop today - forum.
Forum remainings...ostanki rimskega foruma |
Original size of forum...Original velikost foruma |
Ker je še bilo nekaj časa, smo hoteli obiskati tudi grad Devin. Glede na velikost gradu in bunkerja smo se odločili, da ga obiščemo drugič. Cena ogleda je drugače 10€, ogled samo starega gradu pa 3€.
Odidemo naprej proti Trstu kar po reginoalni cesti z odličnim razgledom...
English: Since we had some time, we wanted to visit the castle Devin. Depending on the size of the castle and the bunker, we decided to visit it other time. Price visit otherwise is € 10 and if you only want to see the old castle € 3. We went to Trieste on the regional road with stunning views ...
Road to Trieste...pot do Trsta |
Ponovno postanek v Californiji na tržaški promenadi! Seveda ne gre brez paste!
English: Stop at the California reastaurant on the Trieste promenade! Of course, it doesn't go without pasta!
California |
In smo na koncu kratkega pobega, ampak z veliko ogledov, predvsem nenačrtovanih...Ampak to je pri nas čisto navaden pojav.
Bella Italia...Arrivederci...
Ci vediamo!
English: And we end the short escape, but with great views, especially unplanned ... But that's for us just an ordinary occurrence.
Bella Italia ... Arrivederci ... Ci vediamo!
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