Pa sem zaključila še z enim lesenim projektom.
Mizo sem kupila predvsem zato, ker ni škatlaste oblike in ker je pravi hrastov les.
Ker se že nekaj časa navdušena nad kombinacijo francoskih besed in obrabljenega videza, sem se odločila, da tudi sama poizkusim to tehniko.
Najprej smo jo razstavili, odstranili nekatere zarjavele vijake in jih zamenjali z novimi. Sledilo je razredčilo in brušenje. Mizo sem čistila 4 ure....
Nanesla sem 2 sloja hitro sušeče barve. Se vidi, da je pravi les, ker se je barva nanašala odlično!
In sedaj francoski del...
Čas barvanja: 3 ure!
Ker mi to ni bilo dovolj, sem se odločila, da še uporabim črno pisalo, da malo obrobim črke.
Za obrabljen videz sem nato uporabila brusni papir in na določenih mestih zbrusila barvo.
Imeli smo malce težav pri sestavljanju, saj vijaki prvič niso bili naravnost priviti, prav tako smo za par milimetrov odrezali noge, ker miza ni bila stabilna. In ja, poskušali smo vse ampak ni in ni hotela biti sedaj je :) .
Na koncu smo nanesli lak.
Tako in sem zaključila z mizo...
Sedaj me pa na hodniku že čaka novo delo...
I ended with another wooden project.
I bought the table mainly because there is no box-shape and because it is a real oak wood.
Since I'm impressed by the combination of the French words and worn appearance, I decided to try this technique myself.
First of all, we have dismantled, removed some rusty screws and replace them with new ones. Then we applied thinner and then we sand the table. I was cleaning a table for 4 hours.
And now the French part ... Painting time: 3 hours.
That wasn't enough for me, I decided that I will use black ink, so the letters would pop out.
For the worn look, I used sandpaper and in certain places sanded paint.
We had a little trouble with the assembly, because the screws have been tightened straight when we removed the legs, also we cut off the legs for a couple of millimeters because a table was not stable.
And that's my French countryside table....
Mizo sem kupila predvsem zato, ker ni škatlaste oblike in ker je pravi hrastov les.
Ker se že nekaj časa navdušena nad kombinacijo francoskih besed in obrabljenega videza, sem se odločila, da tudi sama poizkusim to tehniko.
Francoska inspiracija / French inspiration |
Najprej smo jo razstavili, odstranili nekatere zarjavele vijake in jih zamenjali z novimi. Sledilo je razredčilo in brušenje. Mizo sem čistila 4 ure....
Delo v teku / Work in progress |
Nanesla sem 2 sloja hitro sušeče barve. Se vidi, da je pravi les, ker se je barva nanašala odlično!
2 sloja barve / 2 coats of paint |
In sedaj francoski del...
Čas barvanja: 3 ure!
Ročno delo / Handwritten |
Ker mi to ni bilo dovolj, sem se odločila, da še uporabim črno pisalo, da malo obrobim črke.
Z črno obrobo / With black lines |
Za obrabljen videz sem nato uporabila brusni papir in na določenih mestih zbrusila barvo.
Imeli smo malce težav pri sestavljanju, saj vijaki prvič niso bili naravnost priviti, prav tako smo za par milimetrov odrezali noge, ker miza ni bila stabilna. In ja, poskušali smo vse ampak ni in ni hotela biti sedaj je :) .
Na koncu smo nanesli lak.
Tako in sem zaključila z mizo...
Sedaj me pa na hodniku že čaka novo delo...
I ended with another wooden project.
I bought the table mainly because there is no box-shape and because it is a real oak wood.
Since I'm impressed by the combination of the French words and worn appearance, I decided to try this technique myself.
First of all, we have dismantled, removed some rusty screws and replace them with new ones. Then we applied thinner and then we sand the table. I was cleaning a table for 4 hours.
And now the French part ... Painting time: 3 hours.
That wasn't enough for me, I decided that I will use black ink, so the letters would pop out.
For the worn look, I used sandpaper and in certain places sanded paint.
We had a little trouble with the assembly, because the screws have been tightened straight when we removed the legs, also we cut off the legs for a couple of millimeters because a table was not stable.
And that's my French countryside table....
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