Prvo da se opravičim za različne pisave!! Ne vem kaj blogu ni jasno!!!
Da na kratko strnem kako sem pristala na Kosovu... Na fb strani zavoda Voluntariat opazim, da iščejo volonterja, ki bi odšel na Kosovo od 26.11 do 5.12.2016 na delavnice na temo varovanja narave, ki ga organizira Gaia Kosovo. Ker mi je ta tema izredno blizu, se odločim za prijavo in ker sem imela izredno dober filing, sem seveda tudi bila izbrana! Presrečna!!! In to je šele začetek takšnih potovanj in izkušenj...
Ker na začetku s Petro (moja "sotrpinka" za Kosovo) nisva našle nobene povezave za Zagreb - Priština, sva se odločili, da greva do Beograda s prevozi in nato z busom do Prištine. Dva dni pred odhodom pa naletim na avtobuse iz Ljubljane za Prištino. Karti rezervirani in počakajmo petek! Še dobro, da ima Michelle med učenci albance, ki so ji povedali, da gre bus na Kosovo iz Celja vsak petek. Ponovno kličem šoferja in mi sporoči, da najprej pobira v Ljubljani in nato v Celju! Ja še to bi mi bilo treba, da bi se vozila nazaj v Celje! Poln kombi me pobere malo pred 17 uro v Celju in odidemo proti dolenjski in v Krškem na avtocesto za Hrvaško, Srbijo in Kosovo.
1. dan (26.11.2016)
Po 12 urah vožnje, je šofer predlagal, da odideva raje zraven njih v Prizren, saj ob petih zjutraj ni najboljše, da sva sami na avtobusni postaji v Prištini. Ko prispemo v Prizren, spijemo čaj s šoferjem, ki je počakal zraven naju in odideva na avtobus za Pejo okoli 7 zjutraj. Cena vozovnice 4€, za 100 km vožnje. Med potjo, so še vsakega potnika razveselili s čoko banano...lepa gesta!
Ko prispeva v Pejo, naju šofer preusmeri za avtobus, ki vozi v Bajna e Pejes. Cena vozovnice 0,50€. Po 15 minutah vožnje odideva iz avtobusa in tudi tam spoznava najino bodočo cimro Raluco iz Romunije.
Po parih metrih pešačenja nam ustavi gospod in nas vpraša, če nas zapelje do hotela. Odgovorile smo, da ne potrebujemo in nato reče, da je šef hotela...no potem pa nas lahko zapeljete :) ...
Nastanili smo se v hotelu Kosova Park. Po hitrem check innu, odidemo do naše sobe.
Seveda sva s Petro takoj odšle na raziskovanje mesta, Raluca se je pa odločila za kratek spanec.
Kasneje smo odšli na lahko kosilo, počitek in na en medržavni čvek pred večerjo...
2. dan (27.11.2016)
Jutro začnemo ob 9 uri z zajtrkom.
Po predstavitvi treh držav o njihovih volonterskih dejavnostih in pozitivnih ter negativnih primerih, je bil ponovno čas za hrano…19:00 večerja.
Ob 21 uri smo se ponovno srečali, da si ogledamo
film na temo o ohranitvi narave in prakse po svetu…
3. dan (28.11.2016)
Ob 21 uri smo se ponovno zbrali, kjer je vsak prinesel produkte iz svoje države. Zadnji dan je mami spekla gibanico, limonin in brinov liker mi je podaril Matjaž Založnik, cviček sem dobila dolenjskem, ter med iz kmetije Vizjak, ki sem ga dobila po pošti kot nagrado in s kom bi ga bilo boljše deliti kot s predstavniki iz 17 držav!
Malo čez polnoč se končno uležem… Lahko noč!
4. dan (29.11.2016)
5. dan (30.11.2016)
Po zajtrku se odpravimo v nacionalni park Dukagjini and Rugova, kateri ni daleč oddaljen od našega hotela.
Po približno 10 minutah hoje zagledamo prvo znamenitost slap Drini i Bardhë.
Pot nadaljujemo proti jami Shpella e Radacit...
Sledila je kavica in nazaj v hotel na kosilo.
Po kosilu smo odšli v Pejo.
Prvi postanek je bil v samostanu Peja, kjer smo dobili audio vodiče. Slikanje znotraj samostana je žal prepovedano.
Po ogledu smo se odpravili peš v center Peje, nekateri so se še odločili za britje za celih 1,50€...
Ker so v mošeji ravno imeli mašo, smo ogled preskočili in se odpravili kar na tradicionalno kosovsko večerjo v Kulla e Zenel Beut, seveda vegi varianta.
Po večerji je sledil kino večer na temo varovanja narave.
Dvorano smo imeli celo zase, z dodatkom dveh platojev piva...
Po kinu smo se vrnili v hotel, kjer je sledil še zadnji večerni čvek pred spanjem...
6. dan (01.12.2016)
Po zajtrku je sledila prezentacija nacionalnega parka KEERC.
Kasneje smo se razdelili v skupine, kjer je debata tekla o Bjeshket e Nemuna in katere so možne grožnje, vloga managementa, skupnosti in ekonomija..
Po kavici je sledila prezentacija organizacij Born in Era, ter njihovega dela.
Sledilo je kosilo. Po kosilu sem žal obležala, tako da sploh ne vem kaj se je kasneje dogajalo. Pridružila sem se jim šele pri večerji in glede na to, da nisem hotela sladice sem resnično zbolela :( ....
7. dan (02.12.2016)
Po zajtrku so naši "sotrpini" predstavili svoje organizacije za katere delajo - Aspea, Quinta Ecológica da Moita, nacionalni park Brezovica in Kuterevo utočište.
Po kosilu pa končno malo miganja na kratkem sprehodu v italijanski, francoski, hrvaški in romunski družbi..
Predzadnji del dneva je bil namenjen programu Erasmus +, kako se pišejo projekti in kje lahko zasledimo volonterske in mladinske izmenjave.
Kasneje smo se razdelili v skupine, kjer smo dobili dodatne informacije o EVS, Youth exchange, training in seminarjih...
Čas za odlično večerjo in za zaključek večera je sledil film na temo katastrofalnih posledic človeškega posega v naravo.
8. dan (03.12.2016)
Po zajtrku so sledili še zadnji napotki o pripravi projekta.
Razdelili smo se v skupine in ker je bil lep sončen dan, je naša skupina imela sestanek kar zunaj.
Čas za kosilo in po kosilu je sledil intenziven za projekt za sodelovanje med sedmimi državami.
Po večerji smo imeli čas zase, tako da je večina preživela čas ob igrah ali na sprehodu.
9. dan (04.12.2016)
Po zajtrku se naša skupina ponovno posveti skupnemu projektu, ki bo vključeval najmanj 6 različnih držav in tega projekta se izredno veselim…
Še zadnje druženje pred odhodom...
10. dan (05.12.2016)
Zadnji dan in zadnji zajtrk...
Kmalu po zajtrku in objemanju vsak odide svojo pot.
Petra, Raluca, David, Fatima in moja malenkost se odpravimo kar s taksijem do Prištine (1,20 h / 45€) in na avtobusni postaji se poslovimo od Portugalskih predstavnikov, ki bosta še ostala v mestu.
Prvotni plan je bil, da odidemo ob 12:30 z busom za Beograd. Na naše presenečenje, nam na postaji sporočijo, da odide šele ob 10 uri zvečer! Panika! Medtem s Petro izveva, da imava kar direktni bus za Slovenijo ob 18 uri in sploh nisva tega vedele, saj so povezave izredno slabe! Kasneje najdemo tudi za Raluco povezavo in sicer preko Niša v Beograd ob 14 uri, tako, da smo se cimre poslovile na avtobusni postaji.
Ker sva imeli s Petro še dovolj časa, odideva peš do centra Prištine... Ufff paše hoja po 10 dneh sedenja!
Ker sva že postali lačni, se nama ni dalo iskati restavracij in sva se odločili, da odideva na kosilo kar v strogi center promenade, kjer so cene višje...
Počasi odideva nazaj do avtobusne postaje, mimo milijon trgovin z oblačili s smešno nizkimi cenami in milijon kavarnic in restavracij s hitro prehrano. Ob 17:30 počasi odidemo za Slovenijo, karta do Celja je znašala 40€, do Ljubljane pa 50€...
Končno cela zlomljena pridem v Celje okoli 6 ure zjutraj, kjer še vidim samo posteljo. Zbudim se ob 16 uri in kot pričakovano, ne vem kateri dan je, kje sem, nič...
Dragi moji novi prijatelji Helena Hobbit, Helena Hibernation, Mira, Granit, Meggy, Lirak, Yekta, Liridon, Inga, Petra Pine, Petra Pepper, Aleksandra, David, Marija, Kristina, Anika, Maja, Raluca, Matteo, Azra, Louis, Eleonore, Jean, Carine, Ismail, Maher, Sabail, Fatima, Bardh bilo mi je v veliko veselje vas spoznati in dlati z vami!
Če kdaj koga pot zanese v Slovenijo imate vedno prenočišče pri meni!
In hvala Maja P., ker si me izbrala za ta projekt!
English version:
First of all let me say sorry for the different texts, I have no idea what is wrong! And yes I tried to fix it several times!
This shortly summarize how I ended up in Kosovo ... I noticed on the FB page from Institute Voluntariat that they are looking for volonteer who would like to go to Kosovo from 26.11. to 5.12. 2016 to the PBA and the theme was protection of nature, organized by Gaia Kosovo. Because I love this kind of topics I decided to apply and I was selected! Sooo happy !!! And this is only the beginning of such travel and experience ...
At the beginning we didn't find with Petra any links to Zagreb - Pristina, we decided to go to Belgrade and then by bus to Pristina. Two days before leaving I came across buses from Ljubljana to Pristina. The tickets were booked now let's wait for Friday! It's good that Michelle is teaching students from Albania, who told her that the bus leaves every Friday from Celje to Kosovo. Full van picked me up shortly before 17 pm in Celje and we went thru dolenjska region and then we went in Krsko on the highway to Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo.
Day 1 (26.11.2016)
After 12 hours of driving, the driver suggested that we should rather be beside them in Prizren, because at five o'clock in the morning is not the best idea to be alone at the bus station in Pristina. When you arrived in Prizren, we drank tea with the driver, who was waiting beside us, and went on a bus to Peja around 7 in the morning. The ticket price was € 4, 100 kilometers. During the journey, they gave each passenger choco banana ... what a nice gesture!When we arrived to Peja, the bus driver showed us our next bus to Banja e Pejes. The ticket price was € 0.50. After 15 minutes of driving we left the bus and right there we got to know our future roommate Raluca from Romania.After a few meters of walking we were stoped by a man and he asked us if we are need a ride to the hotel. We replied that we don't need a ride and then he said that he is the boss of the hotel ... well now we can go with you mister :) ...We settled in at Kosovo's Park. After a quick check INN, we went to our rooms.
Of course I immediately went with Petra to explore the city, Raluca has decided to get some sleep.Later we went for a light lunch, a rest and a intercultural chat with new friends before dinner...
Day 2 (27.11.2016)
Morning begins at 9 am with breakfast.
At 10 pm we gathered and our first task was to memorize the names of all participants and the initial of his name needs to be associated with the nature, so that my name was Adrijana Anaconda ... no you don't need to remember this :D ...
Later we divided into groups of 5 people to describe how you became interested in nature and what kind of experience do you have. Coffee break ...
The next task was to write our values, experiences, and expectations of the program and of course you needed to present infront of the others. Because I don't like to speak in front of a large group of people this was a nightmare for me!! But I survived :D ...
At 14 pm we went on deserved lunch ... Oops, I forgot to mention that the food was vegetarian / vegan choices every day! Yummmyyy !!
After the lunch, we had time to prepare a negative and positive examples from the nature of our countries, and what forms of volunteering do we have.
Once again we were divided into groups, where we had to describe what all the words actually mean like ecology, climate change, environment, nature, wild, sustainable lifestyle, etc ... Coffee Break ...
After the presentation of the three countries and their voluntary activities and also the positive and negative cases was time to eat again... 19: 00 dinner.
At 21 pm we met again to look at the film on the theme of nature conservation and practices around the world ...
Shortly before the film endd, I quickly went into the room, because it is a big problem with three women and one bathroom... Goodnight!
Day 3 (28.11.2016)
After a morning walk we went for a breakfast.
Today's the day we spent in the company of Sonja Bađura from WWF. The theme of the day was the protection of nature, history and the present, the concept of Stakeholders and their role in the protection of nature.
Time for lunch and after lunch we went for a short walk.
At 16 pm we were already waiting for the practical part of the presentation of the problem and the role of skateholders.After a long debate we went to dinner at 19 pm!
At 21 pm we gathered again, where each of us brought products from your country. On the last day my mom baked layer cake (prekmurska gibanica), lemon and juniper liqueur was a donation from Matjaz Založnik, I got the wine (cviček) from my relatives from dolenjska, and honey from the farm Vizjak which I received in the mail as a reward and with who would be better to share it than with representatives from 17 countries!A little bit after midnight to finally lie down ... Goodnight!
Day 4 (29.11.2016)
Since I had today a presentation day with Petra, I wanted to write a presentation before the breakfast and I got such a great surprise!! No electricity! Damn!Today we had once again a workshop with Sonja Banđura with the theme of what we have from nature, or which are natural resources and saw the report "Living Planet Report 2016" (Sir David Attenborough, Proffesor Johan Rockstorm).
Later, they gave the word to two representatives from WWF and Toka about the national park and children's clubs, which are held in a national park in Kosovo.After the lunch we had a presentation of the remaining 14 countries, which were not presented on Sunday, including the two of us with a quick presentation.After the dinner we had a free night, where some of participants spent playing cards and I was on the blog.
Day 5 (30.11.2016)
After breakfast we head to the National Park Dukagjini and Rugova, which is not far away from our hotel.
After about 10 minutes of walking we saw the first attraction waterfall Drini i Bardhë.
We continued towards the cave Shpella e Radacit ...
After that we went for a coffee and then back to the hotel for the lunch.
After the lunch we went to Peja.The first stop was the monastery of Peja, where we got the audio guides. Taking photos inside of the monastery is unfortunately not allowed.
After the visit we went by foot to the center of Peja and some participants decided to shave for € 1.50 ...
Since the mosque was occupied we skipped the sightseeing and went straight for a traditional dinner to restaurant Kulla e Zenel Beutel and of course, vegetarian variant.
After dinner, we went to see a movie on the theme of nature protection.We had the hall just for ourselves with the company of two plates of beer ...
After the cinema we returned to the hotel where we had an evening chat before bedtime ...
Day 6 (01.12.2016)
After the breakfast, Liridon had a presentation of the national park KEERC.
Later we were divided into groups, where the debate was about Bjeshket e Nemuna and what are the possible threats, the role of management, community and economy ..
After the coffee break we had a presentation of organizations Born and Era and their work.
After lunch, I had to lay down so I don't know what happened later. I joined them at the dinner and the fact that I didn't want to eat the dessert, I guess really got sick :( ....
Day 7 (02.12.2016)
After the breakfast, our friends presented their organizations for which they work - Aspe, Quinta Ecológica to Moita, National Park Brezovica and Kuterevo utošišče.
After the lunch, we went on a short walk in Italian, French, Croatian and Romanian company ..
The penultimate part of the day was devoted to Erasmus + how to write projects and where they can voluntary and youth exchanges be found.
Later we were divided into groups, where we got additional information about the EVS, Youth exchange, training and seminars ...
Time for a great dinner and in end of the evening was followed by a film on the topic of the catastrophic consequences of human intervention in nature.
Day 8 (03.12.2016)
After breakfast we got the last informations on the preparation of the project.
We split up into groups and because it was a beautiful sunny day, our group had a meeting outside.
Time for lunch and after the lunch, we had an intensive work on the project for cooperation between seven countries.
After dinner, we had time for ourselves, so everybody were playing games or on a walk.
Day 9 (04.12.2016)
After breakfast, our group had a meeting about the project, which will include at least six different countries and to this project I am extremely looking forward to ...
After lunch we had a meeting for our project once again.
Later, we were all gathered together at the presentation of Turkish organization and for the final presentation of our five projects.
In the end we took our trees which were drawn at the beginning of the week and to check if we reached stated goals or expectations ...
Later we went for a dinner and we got a sweet surprise!!
The last gathering before leaving tommorow ...
Day 10 (05.12.2016)
The last day and the last breakfast ...
Shortly after breakfast and hugging each went their own way.Petra, Raluca, David, Fatima and I went with the taxi to Pristina (1.20 h / € 45) and at the bus ststion we said goodbye to representatives from Portugal, which are going remain in Prishtina.
The original plan was to leave at 12:30 by bus to Belgrade. To our surprise, they told us at the bus station that the bus is leaving at 10 o'clock in the evening! Panic!
We found out that we had a direct bus to Slovenia at 18 pm and we didn't know this, because the connections are extremely terrible! Later we found for Raluca connection via the Niš to Belgrade at 14 pm, so the roommates said goodbye at the bus station.
Since Petra and I had enough time, we went on walk to the center of Pristina ... How good is to walk after 10 days of seating!
Since we were hungry, we didn't want to search for restaurants and we decided to go to lunch in the strict center of the promenade, where prices are higher ...
Slowly we left back to the bus station, past the million stores with clothing with ridiculous low prices and a million cafes and fast food restaurants.
At 17:30 we left the station, the ticket to Celje was € 40 and Petra paid € 50 to Ljubljana...Finally, I get the whole broken in Celje around 6 o'clock in the morning, where I only saw my bed. I woke up at 16 pm and as expected, I didn't know what day it is, where I am, nothing ...
My new dear friends Helena Hobbit, Helena Hibernation, Mira, Granit, Meggy, Lirak, Yekta, Liridon, Inga, Petra Pine, Petra Pepper, Aleksandra, David, Meggy, Kristina, Anika, Maja, Raluca, Matteo, Azra, Louis, Eléonore, Jean, Carine, Ismail, Maher, Sabail, Fatima, Bardh... It was my great pleasure to meet you and to work with you! If you ever want to visit Slovenia you will always have a place to stay in my house!
And thank you Maja P., because you chose me for this project!
Prvo da se opravičim za različne pisave!! Ne vem kaj blogu ni jasno!!!
Da na kratko strnem kako sem pristala na Kosovu... Na fb strani zavoda Voluntariat opazim, da iščejo volonterja, ki bi odšel na Kosovo od 26.11 do 5.12.2016 na delavnice na temo varovanja narave, ki ga organizira Gaia Kosovo. Ker mi je ta tema izredno blizu, se odločim za prijavo in ker sem imela izredno dober filing, sem seveda tudi bila izbrana! Presrečna!!! In to je šele začetek takšnih potovanj in izkušenj...
Ker na začetku s Petro (moja "sotrpinka" za Kosovo) nisva našle nobene povezave za Zagreb - Priština, sva se odločili, da greva do Beograda s prevozi in nato z busom do Prištine. Dva dni pred odhodom pa naletim na avtobuse iz Ljubljane za Prištino. Karti rezervirani in počakajmo petek! Še dobro, da ima Michelle med učenci albance, ki so ji povedali, da gre bus na Kosovo iz Celja vsak petek. Ponovno kličem šoferja in mi sporoči, da najprej pobira v Ljubljani in nato v Celju! Ja še to bi mi bilo treba, da bi se vozila nazaj v Celje! Poln kombi me pobere malo pred 17 uro v Celju in odidemo proti dolenjski in v Krškem na avtocesto za Hrvaško, Srbijo in Kosovo.
1. dan (26.11.2016)
Po 12 urah vožnje, je šofer predlagal, da odideva raje zraven njih v Prizren, saj ob petih zjutraj ni najboljše, da sva sami na avtobusni postaji v Prištini. Ko prispemo v Prizren, spijemo čaj s šoferjem, ki je počakal zraven naju in odideva na avtobus za Pejo okoli 7 zjutraj. Cena vozovnice 4€, za 100 km vožnje. Med potjo, so še vsakega potnika razveselili s čoko banano...lepa gesta!
Sweet surprise for everyone on the bus to Peja |
Ko prispeva v Pejo, naju šofer preusmeri za avtobus, ki vozi v Bajna e Pejes. Cena vozovnice 0,50€. Po 15 minutah vožnje odideva iz avtobusa in tudi tam spoznava najino bodočo cimro Raluco iz Romunije.
Po parih metrih pešačenja nam ustavi gospod in nas vpraša, če nas zapelje do hotela. Odgovorile smo, da ne potrebujemo in nato reče, da je šef hotela...no potem pa nas lahko zapeljete :) ...
Nastanili smo se v hotelu Kosova Park. Po hitrem check innu, odidemo do naše sobe.
Our room |
Seveda sva s Petro takoj odšle na raziskovanje mesta, Raluca se je pa odločila za kratek spanec.
Exploring Banja e Pejes |
Kasneje smo odšli na lahko kosilo, počitek in na en medržavni čvek pred večerjo...
Meeting new friends |
2. dan (27.11.2016)
Jutro začnemo ob 9 uri z zajtrkom.
Breakfast time |
Ob 10 uri smo se zbrali in naša prva naloga je bila,
da si zapomnemo imena vseh udeležencev s tem, da poleg imena uporabimo še
začetnico svojega imena z eno stvarjo, ki je povezana z naravo, tako da moje
ime je bilo Adrijana Anakonda…no tega si ni treba zapomniti :D...
17 different nationalities |
Kasneje se razdelimo v skupine po 5 oseb, da opišemo
kako si se začel zanimati za naravo in kakšne so izkušnje. Coffee break…
Nato je vsak imel čas, da napiše svoje vrednote,
izkušnje, ter pričakovanja od tega programa in seveda te stvari predstaviti
pred drugimi. Ker ne maram govoriti pred veliko skupino ljudi, je seveda to
bila zame nočna mora!! Ampak sem preživela :D…
Ob 14 uri je sledilo zasluženo kosilo…Ups sem pozabila omeniti, da je hrana bila vegetarijanska / veganska izbira vse dni! Njammmm!!
Po kosilu smo imeli čas, da pripravimo negativne in
pozitivne primere iz narave iz svoje države in kakšne oblike volonterstva imamo.
Ponovno smo se razdelili v skupine, kjer smo morali opisati kaj sploh pomenijo besede ekologija, klimatske spremembe, okolje, narava, divjina, trajnostni življenjski stil, itd… Coffee break…
Croatian presentation |
Ponovno smo se razdelili v skupine, kjer smo morali opisati kaj sploh pomenijo besede ekologija, klimatske spremembe, okolje, narava, divjina, trajnostni življenjski stil, itd… Coffee break…
Po predstavitvi treh držav o njihovih volonterskih dejavnostih in pozitivnih ter negativnih primerih, je bil ponovno čas za hrano…19:00 večerja.
Malo pred koncem filma sem hitro ušla v sobo, saj je
kar velik problem, da si tri ženske delimo kopalnico…Lahko noč!
3. dan (28.11.2016)
Po jutranjem sprehodu
je sledil zajtrk.
Današnji dan smo
preživeli v družbi Sonje Bađura iz organizacije WWF. Tema dneva je bila zaščita narave, sedanjost in zgodovina, pojem
stakeholdersi in njihova vloga v zaščiti narave.
Čas za kosilo in po
kosilu smo odšli na kratek sprehod.
Ob 16 uri nas že čaka praktični del predstavitve problema, in vloge stakeholdersev.
Po dolgi debati je sledila večerja ob 19 uri!
Liridon, our personal tour guide |
Ob 16 uri nas že čaka praktični del predstavitve problema, in vloge stakeholdersev.
Po dolgi debati je sledila večerja ob 19 uri!
Ob 21 uri smo se ponovno zbrali, kjer je vsak prinesel produkte iz svoje države. Zadnji dan je mami spekla gibanico, limonin in brinov liker mi je podaril Matjaž Založnik, cviček sem dobila dolenjskem, ter med iz kmetije Vizjak, ki sem ga dobila po pošti kot nagrado in s kom bi ga bilo boljše deliti kot s predstavniki iz 17 držav!
Malo čez polnoč se končno uležem… Lahko noč!
4. dan (29.11.2016)
Ker sva s Petro danes
imeli predstavitveni dan, sem zjutraj pred zajtrkom hotela napisati
predstavitev in poiskati slike in evo presenečenje!! Ni elektrike! Bemo!
Danes smo ponovno imeli
delavnico s Sonjo Banđura s temo kaj imamo od narave, oz. kateri so naravni
viri in si ogledali reportažo z naslovom Living planet report 2016 ( Sir David
Attenborough, Proffesor Johan Rockstorm).
Kasneje so besedo
prepustili dvema predstavnikoma iz organizacije WWF in Toka na temo
nacionalnega parka in otroških krožkov, ki se odvijajo v nacionalnem parku na
Po kosilu je sledila
prezentacija preostalih 14 držav, ki se niso predstavila v nedeljo, med njimi
tudi midve s hitro predstavitvijo.
Mahers presentation |
Po večerji smo imeli
prosti večer, ki ga je večina preživela ob igranju kart in jaz na blogu.
Playing Warewolf |
Po zajtrku se odpravimo v nacionalni park Dukagjini and Rugova, kateri ni daleč oddaljen od našega hotela.
Po približno 10 minutah hoje zagledamo prvo znamenitost slap Drini i Bardhë.
Pot nadaljujemo proti jami Shpella e Radacit...
Drini i Bardhë waterfall |
Shpella e Radacit - cave |
Sledila je kavica in nazaj v hotel na kosilo.
Po kosilu smo odšli v Pejo.
Prvi postanek je bil v samostanu Peja, kjer smo dobili audio vodiče. Slikanje znotraj samostana je žal prepovedano.
Monastery Peja |
Po ogledu smo se odpravili peš v center Peje, nekateri so se še odločili za britje za celih 1,50€...
Shaving for 1,50€ |
Ker so v mošeji ravno imeli mašo, smo ogled preskočili in se odpravili kar na tradicionalno kosovsko večerjo v Kulla e Zenel Beut, seveda vegi varianta.
Waiting for traditional food |
Po večerji je sledil kino večer na temo varovanja narave.
Dvorano smo imeli celo zase, z dodatkom dveh platojev piva...
Movie night |
Po kinu smo se vrnili v hotel, kjer je sledil še zadnji večerni čvek pred spanjem...
6. dan (01.12.2016)
Po zajtrku je sledila prezentacija nacionalnega parka KEERC.
Kasneje smo se razdelili v skupine, kjer je debata tekla o Bjeshket e Nemuna in katere so možne grožnje, vloga managementa, skupnosti in ekonomija..
Po kavici je sledila prezentacija organizacij Born in Era, ter njihovega dela.
Sledilo je kosilo. Po kosilu sem žal obležala, tako da sploh ne vem kaj se je kasneje dogajalo. Pridružila sem se jim šele pri večerji in glede na to, da nisem hotela sladice sem resnično zbolela :( ....
7. dan (02.12.2016)
Po zajtrku so naši "sotrpini" predstavili svoje organizacije za katere delajo - Aspea, Quinta Ecológica da Moita, nacionalni park Brezovica in Kuterevo utočište.
Fatima presenting Aspea |
David presenting Quinta Ecológica da Moita |
Mira presenting Sharr national park Brezovica |
Maja presenting Kuterevo bear sanctuary |
Po kosilu pa končno malo miganja na kratkem sprehodu v italijanski, francoski, hrvaški in romunski družbi..
Cursed mountains |
Banja e Pejes |
Predzadnji del dneva je bil namenjen programu Erasmus +, kako se pišejo projekti in kje lahko zasledimo volonterske in mladinske izmenjave.
Kasneje smo se razdelili v skupine, kjer smo dobili dodatne informacije o EVS, Youth exchange, training in seminarjih...
Čas za odlično večerjo in za zaključek večera je sledil film na temo katastrofalnih posledic človeškega posega v naravo.
Dinner time |
8. dan (03.12.2016)
Po zajtrku so sledili še zadnji napotki o pripravi projekta.
Razdelili smo se v skupine in ker je bil lep sončen dan, je naša skupina imela sestanek kar zunaj.
Čas za kosilo in po kosilu je sledil intenziven za projekt za sodelovanje med sedmimi državami.
Po večerji smo imeli čas zase, tako da je večina preživela čas ob igrah ali na sprehodu.
9. dan (04.12.2016)
Po zajtrku se naša skupina ponovno posveti skupnemu projektu, ki bo vključeval najmanj 6 različnih držav in tega projekta se izredno veselim…
Po kosilu smo ponovno
skupaj tiščali glave za naš projekt. Kasneje smo se ponovno vsi zbrali skupaj na predstavitvi turške organizacije in
za zadnjo predstavitev naših petih projektov.
Na koncu je ponovno vsak vzel svoje drevo, ki smo ga narisali v začetku tedna in preverili ali je vsak dosegel svoj zastavljeni cilj oziroma pričakovanja...
Na koncu je ponovno vsak vzel svoje drevo, ki smo ga narisali v začetku tedna in preverili ali je vsak dosegel svoj zastavljeni cilj oziroma pričakovanja...
Ismail presenting Turkish organization |
Praying for Standing rock |
Sledila je večerja in
sladko presenečenje!!
Apology accepted |
The last gathering |
10. dan (05.12.2016)
Zadnji dan in zadnji zajtrk...
Kmalu po zajtrku in objemanju vsak odide svojo pot.
Our last breakfast |
Petra, Raluca, David, Fatima in moja malenkost se odpravimo kar s taksijem do Prištine (1,20 h / 45€) in na avtobusni postaji se poslovimo od Portugalskih predstavnikov, ki bosta še ostala v mestu.
On our way to the bus station |
Prvotni plan je bil, da odidemo ob 12:30 z busom za Beograd. Na naše presenečenje, nam na postaji sporočijo, da odide šele ob 10 uri zvečer! Panika! Medtem s Petro izveva, da imava kar direktni bus za Slovenijo ob 18 uri in sploh nisva tega vedele, saj so povezave izredno slabe! Kasneje najdemo tudi za Raluco povezavo in sicer preko Niša v Beograd ob 14 uri, tako, da smo se cimre poslovile na avtobusni postaji.
Ker sva imeli s Petro še dovolj časa, odideva peš do centra Prištine... Ufff paše hoja po 10 dneh sedenja!
Library |
Ker sva že postali lačni, se nama ni dalo iskati restavracij in sva se odločili, da odideva na kosilo kar v strogi center promenade, kjer so cene višje...
Mery's.... highly recommended! |
Prices in the center of Prishtina |
Počasi odideva nazaj do avtobusne postaje, mimo milijon trgovin z oblačili s smešno nizkimi cenami in milijon kavarnic in restavracij s hitro prehrano. Ob 17:30 počasi odidemo za Slovenijo, karta do Celja je znašala 40€, do Ljubljane pa 50€...
Goodbye Prishtina |
Končno cela zlomljena pridem v Celje okoli 6 ure zjutraj, kjer še vidim samo posteljo. Zbudim se ob 16 uri in kot pričakovano, ne vem kateri dan je, kje sem, nič...
Someone is happy to see me |
Dragi moji novi prijatelji Helena Hobbit, Helena Hibernation, Mira, Granit, Meggy, Lirak, Yekta, Liridon, Inga, Petra Pine, Petra Pepper, Aleksandra, David, Marija, Kristina, Anika, Maja, Raluca, Matteo, Azra, Louis, Eleonore, Jean, Carine, Ismail, Maher, Sabail, Fatima, Bardh bilo mi je v veliko veselje vas spoznati in dlati z vami!
Če kdaj koga pot zanese v Slovenijo imate vedno prenočišče pri meni!
In hvala Maja P., ker si me izbrala za ta projekt!
English version:
First of all let me say sorry for the different texts, I have no idea what is wrong! And yes I tried to fix it several times!
This shortly summarize how I ended up in Kosovo ... I noticed on the FB page from Institute Voluntariat that they are looking for volonteer who would like to go to Kosovo from 26.11. to 5.12. 2016 to the PBA and the theme was protection of nature, organized by Gaia Kosovo. Because I love this kind of topics I decided to apply and I was selected! Sooo happy !!! And this is only the beginning of such travel and experience ...
At the beginning we didn't find with Petra any links to Zagreb - Pristina, we decided to go to Belgrade and then by bus to Pristina. Two days before leaving I came across buses from Ljubljana to Pristina. The tickets were booked now let's wait for Friday! It's good that Michelle is teaching students from Albania, who told her that the bus leaves every Friday from Celje to Kosovo. Full van picked me up shortly before 17 pm in Celje and we went thru dolenjska region and then we went in Krsko on the highway to Croatia, Serbia and Kosovo.
Day 1 (26.11.2016)
After 12 hours of driving, the driver suggested that we should rather be beside them in Prizren, because at five o'clock in the morning is not the best idea to be alone at the bus station in Pristina. When you arrived in Prizren, we drank tea with the driver, who was waiting beside us, and went on a bus to Peja around 7 in the morning. The ticket price was € 4, 100 kilometers. During the journey, they gave each passenger choco banana ... what a nice gesture!When we arrived to Peja, the bus driver showed us our next bus to Banja e Pejes. The ticket price was € 0.50. After 15 minutes of driving we left the bus and right there we got to know our future roommate Raluca from Romania.After a few meters of walking we were stoped by a man and he asked us if we are need a ride to the hotel. We replied that we don't need a ride and then he said that he is the boss of the hotel ... well now we can go with you mister :) ...We settled in at Kosovo's Park. After a quick check INN, we went to our rooms.
Of course I immediately went with Petra to explore the city, Raluca has decided to get some sleep.Later we went for a light lunch, a rest and a intercultural chat with new friends before dinner...
Day 2 (27.11.2016)
Morning begins at 9 am with breakfast.
At 10 pm we gathered and our first task was to memorize the names of all participants and the initial of his name needs to be associated with the nature, so that my name was Adrijana Anaconda ... no you don't need to remember this :D ...
Later we divided into groups of 5 people to describe how you became interested in nature and what kind of experience do you have. Coffee break ...
The next task was to write our values, experiences, and expectations of the program and of course you needed to present infront of the others. Because I don't like to speak in front of a large group of people this was a nightmare for me!! But I survived :D ...
At 14 pm we went on deserved lunch ... Oops, I forgot to mention that the food was vegetarian / vegan choices every day! Yummmyyy !!
After the lunch, we had time to prepare a negative and positive examples from the nature of our countries, and what forms of volunteering do we have.
Once again we were divided into groups, where we had to describe what all the words actually mean like ecology, climate change, environment, nature, wild, sustainable lifestyle, etc ... Coffee Break ...
After the presentation of the three countries and their voluntary activities and also the positive and negative cases was time to eat again... 19: 00 dinner.
At 21 pm we met again to look at the film on the theme of nature conservation and practices around the world ...
Shortly before the film endd, I quickly went into the room, because it is a big problem with three women and one bathroom... Goodnight!
Day 3 (28.11.2016)
After a morning walk we went for a breakfast.
Today's the day we spent in the company of Sonja Bađura from WWF. The theme of the day was the protection of nature, history and the present, the concept of Stakeholders and their role in the protection of nature.
Time for lunch and after lunch we went for a short walk.
At 16 pm we were already waiting for the practical part of the presentation of the problem and the role of skateholders.After a long debate we went to dinner at 19 pm!
At 21 pm we gathered again, where each of us brought products from your country. On the last day my mom baked layer cake (prekmurska gibanica), lemon and juniper liqueur was a donation from Matjaz Založnik, I got the wine (cviček) from my relatives from dolenjska, and honey from the farm Vizjak which I received in the mail as a reward and with who would be better to share it than with representatives from 17 countries!A little bit after midnight to finally lie down ... Goodnight!
Day 4 (29.11.2016)
Since I had today a presentation day with Petra, I wanted to write a presentation before the breakfast and I got such a great surprise!! No electricity! Damn!Today we had once again a workshop with Sonja Banđura with the theme of what we have from nature, or which are natural resources and saw the report "Living Planet Report 2016" (Sir David Attenborough, Proffesor Johan Rockstorm).
Later, they gave the word to two representatives from WWF and Toka about the national park and children's clubs, which are held in a national park in Kosovo.After the lunch we had a presentation of the remaining 14 countries, which were not presented on Sunday, including the two of us with a quick presentation.After the dinner we had a free night, where some of participants spent playing cards and I was on the blog.
Day 5 (30.11.2016)
After breakfast we head to the National Park Dukagjini and Rugova, which is not far away from our hotel.
After about 10 minutes of walking we saw the first attraction waterfall Drini i Bardhë.
We continued towards the cave Shpella e Radacit ...
After that we went for a coffee and then back to the hotel for the lunch.
After the lunch we went to Peja.The first stop was the monastery of Peja, where we got the audio guides. Taking photos inside of the monastery is unfortunately not allowed.
After the visit we went by foot to the center of Peja and some participants decided to shave for € 1.50 ...
Since the mosque was occupied we skipped the sightseeing and went straight for a traditional dinner to restaurant Kulla e Zenel Beutel and of course, vegetarian variant.
After dinner, we went to see a movie on the theme of nature protection.We had the hall just for ourselves with the company of two plates of beer ...
After the cinema we returned to the hotel where we had an evening chat before bedtime ...
Day 6 (01.12.2016)
After the breakfast, Liridon had a presentation of the national park KEERC.
Later we were divided into groups, where the debate was about Bjeshket e Nemuna and what are the possible threats, the role of management, community and economy ..
After the coffee break we had a presentation of organizations Born and Era and their work.
After lunch, I had to lay down so I don't know what happened later. I joined them at the dinner and the fact that I didn't want to eat the dessert, I guess really got sick :( ....
Day 7 (02.12.2016)
After the breakfast, our friends presented their organizations for which they work - Aspe, Quinta Ecológica to Moita, National Park Brezovica and Kuterevo utošišče.
After the lunch, we went on a short walk in Italian, French, Croatian and Romanian company ..
The penultimate part of the day was devoted to Erasmus + how to write projects and where they can voluntary and youth exchanges be found.
Later we were divided into groups, where we got additional information about the EVS, Youth exchange, training and seminars ...
Time for a great dinner and in end of the evening was followed by a film on the topic of the catastrophic consequences of human intervention in nature.
Day 8 (03.12.2016)
After breakfast we got the last informations on the preparation of the project.
We split up into groups and because it was a beautiful sunny day, our group had a meeting outside.
Time for lunch and after the lunch, we had an intensive work on the project for cooperation between seven countries.
After dinner, we had time for ourselves, so everybody were playing games or on a walk.
Day 9 (04.12.2016)
After breakfast, our group had a meeting about the project, which will include at least six different countries and to this project I am extremely looking forward to ...
After lunch we had a meeting for our project once again.
Later, we were all gathered together at the presentation of Turkish organization and for the final presentation of our five projects.
In the end we took our trees which were drawn at the beginning of the week and to check if we reached stated goals or expectations ...
Later we went for a dinner and we got a sweet surprise!!
The last gathering before leaving tommorow ...
Day 10 (05.12.2016)
The last day and the last breakfast ...
Shortly after breakfast and hugging each went their own way.Petra, Raluca, David, Fatima and I went with the taxi to Pristina (1.20 h / € 45) and at the bus ststion we said goodbye to representatives from Portugal, which are going remain in Prishtina.
The original plan was to leave at 12:30 by bus to Belgrade. To our surprise, they told us at the bus station that the bus is leaving at 10 o'clock in the evening! Panic!
We found out that we had a direct bus to Slovenia at 18 pm and we didn't know this, because the connections are extremely terrible! Later we found for Raluca connection via the Niš to Belgrade at 14 pm, so the roommates said goodbye at the bus station.
Since Petra and I had enough time, we went on walk to the center of Pristina ... How good is to walk after 10 days of seating!
Since we were hungry, we didn't want to search for restaurants and we decided to go to lunch in the strict center of the promenade, where prices are higher ...
Slowly we left back to the bus station, past the million stores with clothing with ridiculous low prices and a million cafes and fast food restaurants.
At 17:30 we left the station, the ticket to Celje was € 40 and Petra paid € 50 to Ljubljana...Finally, I get the whole broken in Celje around 6 o'clock in the morning, where I only saw my bed. I woke up at 16 pm and as expected, I didn't know what day it is, where I am, nothing ...
My new dear friends Helena Hobbit, Helena Hibernation, Mira, Granit, Meggy, Lirak, Yekta, Liridon, Inga, Petra Pine, Petra Pepper, Aleksandra, David, Meggy, Kristina, Anika, Maja, Raluca, Matteo, Azra, Louis, Eléonore, Jean, Carine, Ismail, Maher, Sabail, Fatima, Bardh... It was my great pleasure to meet you and to work with you! If you ever want to visit Slovenia you will always have a place to stay in my house!
And thank you Maja P., because you chose me for this project!
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