nedelja, 13. september 2015

Grad Veliki tabor in Kumrovec.../ Castle Big tabor and Kumrovec...

Spet obujam spomine in delim ideje za izlete.
Grad Veliki tabor in Kumrovec sta bila dva različna izleta. Glede na medsebojno oddaljenost si lahko seveda ogledate v enem dnevu.

Grad Veliki tabor se nahaja v kraju Desinič, takoj za slovensko mejo. Odšli smo čez mejni prehod Imeno in za grad so povsod usmerjevalne table. Vstopnina znaša 20 kun (2,60€), za otroke enkrat manj.
Grad je odlično obnovljen, saj je bil v izredno slabem stanju, žal pa takrat še v celoti ni bil odprt. Razstavni eksponati so moderno in lično urejeni, je pa res, da jih je bolj malo.
Na gradu boste veliko brali tudi o Celjskih grofih, saj je bil ta dvorec v njihovi lasti in o znameniti Veroniki Deseniški, tako, da sem še tukaj imela celjsko zgodovino. In najpomembnejše, fotografiranje ni prepovedano!
Ravno v tistem času je bila tudi možnost, da se preizkusiš v streljanju z lokom in seveda tega ne smem izpustiti!
Še hiter ogled okolice in ravno ko sem se vračala v avto, sta se pripeljala dva avtobusa celjanov. Odličen izogib gužve!

Če ste že ravno v Desiniču, vam priporočam, da se malo naprej zapeljete do Grešne gorice! Tukaj slovi kmečki turizem, ki ga žal nismo obiskali, zgrešiti ga pa ne morete, saj imate takoj za glavno cesto tablo in urejeno mini palčkovo deželo in mini replike znamenitosti iz okoliških krajev.
In še nasvet! Ne trudite se obiskati dvorca Miljana, ker je v privatni lasti!

Sinful Hills

Mansion Miljana is in private property

 xxl in the back

Everyone wants to return to nature but no one wants to walk.

In že se preusmerimo proti Kumrovcu. Takrat smo šli čez mejni prehod Hum na Sutli in prav tako ste tam kmalu za mejo.
Cena za muzej Staro selo je 3 €, za otroke 1,50€. Glede na velikost in odlično urejene notranjosti in zunanjosti hiš je cena vstopnice smešno nizka! Stare obrti in običaji so res odlično prikazani in okolica urejena do potankosti.
Brez ene pripombe!
Izredno poučen in zgodovinsko obarvan izlet!
P.S. Hvala Tina, ker si veliko fotografirala...


Once again I am sharing memories and ideas for roadtrip.The castle Veliki Tabor and Kumrovec were two different trips. Depending on their distance you can see everything in one day.The castle Veliki Tabor is located in Desinić right after the Slovenian border. We went through the border crossing Imeno and there are everywhere routing table for the Castle. The entrance fee is 20 kun (€ 2.60) for children falf the price.The castle is beautifully restored as it was in extremely bad condition, unfortunately, at that time was  not the whole Castle open for visitors. Exhibits are modern and nicely decorated.At the castle you will read a lot of the Counts of Celje, as this mansion was also their property and you will read about the famous Veronika. It was nice to read all the history in Croatia about my home town in Slovenia (Celje). And most importantly, taking photos is not forbidden!  
Just at that time there was also the possibility to try archery and of course I had to try it and I loved it! 
A quick tour of the surroundings and just when I returned to the car two buses came from Celje. We just avoided the crowd! Excellen!

If you are already in Desenič, I recommend that you drive a little further to the Sinful Hills! Here is famous Farmhouse turism, which unfortunately we have not visited and you cannot miss it because you can immediately see by the main road sign and tidy mini elf land and mini replicas of sights from the surrounding towns. 
And another tip! Do not bother to visit the castle Miljana because it is private property now!

And already we are headed towards Kumrovec. we cross the border at Hum na Sutli and Kumrovec is not far away. 
Price for a museum Staro Selo is € 3 for children € 1.50. Depending on the size and beautifully decorated interior and exterior of houses, and the birthplace of one of the most important people, the ticket price is ridiculously low! Old crafts and traditions are really great shown and surroundings is decorated to perfection. 
Without a single negative comment! 
Super instructive trip!

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