sreda, 30. september 2015

Domači jesenski venček.../ Homemade Fall wreath...

Poleg pomladi je jesen ena izmed mojih najljubših letnih časov. Ni vroče, ni hladno, idealni čas za obisk gora, odlični pridelki, preplet toplih barv in brezplačne dekoracije, ki nam jih nameni narava....jap jesen je radodarna...

Venec je iz vej breze. Žal nimam slike, kako sem ga naredila, saj sem ga naredila par mesecev nazaj kar tako "sproti". Pri sosedih sem dobila koruzo, rože so iz starih aranžmajev, v gozdu sem dobila listje, kostanj, storže itd... Kar se tiče netu sem našla juto 130 cm za 10 €!!! Resno?! Od kdaj je juta tako draga??? Dobro, da tečnarim doma, naj vprašajo svoje prijatelje če še ima kdo to doma, saj sem res dobila vrečo jute! Yes!!
Še novi dodatki za laterno, krogla iz češnje (pokažem drugič), vresje in naš vhod je jesensko obarvan!


Beside the spring time autumn is one of my favorite seasons. It's not hot, not cold, it's the perfect time to visit the mountains, excellent products, a combination of warm colors and free decorations that is given to us by nature .... yes autumn generous ...

The wreath is made of birch branches. Unfortunately I have no pictures of how I made it, I made it a few months ago just so "promptly". I got corn from neighbors, flowers were from old and dusty arangement, in the woods I got leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, etc. ... As for burlap... on the net I found burlap 130 cm for € 10 !!! Seriously ?! Since when is burlap so expensive ??? Well thank god that I was making a scene at home and arange my parents to ask his friends if anyone has this at home and I really got a burlap bag! Yes !! 
I put new acessories to the lantern, a ball is made of  cherry wood, flowers and our entrance is autumn prepared!

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